Chapter 1200: More battleships

"It's really funny, shouldn't we let them learn our language? What are we doing? Let's learn their language first?" An engineer looked at the language collection and translation device carried on the spacecraft, and asked with some dissatisfaction standing beside him. Officer.

The culture of the Ailan Hill Empire is strong, but it does not have the implicit attributes of the Chinese civilization. This empire has been on the road of war and conquest since its birth.

You know, it has only been more than a dozen years since its birth. It has been fighting for three-quarters of the time, and its territory has been expanding for the remaining quarter.

In fact, more than half of this empire is currently under construction, as if it were a huge construction site.

On some planets, all kinds of ores are being mined frantically, tall buildings are being built in some places, and mines have been sealed up in other places, and farmland is being returned to forests.

"There is no way, you always have to learn their language, so you can tell them that they must learn our language?" The officer standing next to him was smiling, and the way he spoke was different.

After more than 3 years of peaceful expansion, the Airanhill Empire finally came into contact with other civilizations again, and finally had the opportunity to war again. This is a good thing that the army loves to hear.

As long as it is an imperial soldier, it will be sensitive to realize at this moment that only war is the best means for the opponent to quickly accept all its requirements.

"I think the fastest they learn is the phrase'I surrender, don't shoot'." The officer made a joke, and then realized that they had just completed another space leap.

This technology has now developed to the second generation, and the impact on the human body after the transition has been very small, but it still makes people feel dizzy, just like motion sickness.

In the same way, there is no way. After all, since the establishment of the Ailan Hill Empire, many people have often suffered motion sickness because they rarely touch cars.

After all, with the popularity of puppet technology, productivity is expanding wildly. The Ailan Hill Empire can quickly equip every family with an electric car, but it is not so easy for people's bodies to adapt to the shaking of the car.

"Immediately, we are about to reach the border area." The officer twisted his neck, adjusted to the slight physical discomfort, and then said: "I heard that the fleet has expanded..."

Chris saw the image data uploaded from the exploration spacecraft on the third day after ordering the fleet to go. These valuable image materials explained many problems at once.

For example, the planet that has been named Planet Hope II is not an orphan of China, but a native of different races.

These indigenous people speak different languages, and their civilization is very backward. If the Ailanhill Empire can say that it is a second-level or higher civilization, the natives on Planet Hope II have not even touched the tail of the first-level civilization.

In this way, Chris' only worries were gone. His personal feelings for China Civilization were the only reason to stop Ailan Hill from using force immediately. Now this reason has disappeared, so the war will follow.

His Majesty the Emperor personally issued the order, and the expedition fleet of the Ailan Hill Empire doubled in size.

The original configuration of five second-level destroyers has been increased to a full ten, and the number of troop carriers protected by these huge destroyers has been expanded to nine.

At the same time, more scientific research and expedition spacecraft have joined the fleet. Originally, it was expected that there was only one counterpart, but now there are three more in one breath.

These large-scale scientific research and expedition spacecraft carry a variety of equipment, so many equipment can support the technicians to conduct a comprehensive research and investigation of the entire Hope 2 planet.

In order to support a larger fleet, the entire fleet also carries a comprehensive supply ship dedicated to logistical maintenance and long-range supply, so the fleet can now be described as strong and strong.

These newly deployed warships basically came from the border area, so they arrived on the way, with almost no delay in their journey.

"No way, our side is a research and investigation spacecraft, following the back of the entire fleet, there is no way to see the entire fleet." The technician shrugged his shoulders, indicating that he had no choice.

After all, they are not real military spacecraft. Although they are also involved in military missions, the system is completely different, so they can only follow behind the fleet.

As far as speed is concerned, they are also much slower than real destroyers. This is also impossible.

"It's nice to be able to follow, how dare I pick and choose." The officer skillfully used Huaxia's idiom, and his pronunciation was even more standard than standard.

What he said is correct. This expedition will be a major "upgrade" in terms of resume and personal experience. It is an honor in itself to be able to participate in such a task.

Beyond the walls of the room where they were talking, there was a vast universe. Right in front of the spacecraft, the comprehensive supply ship that was preparing for the next leap was huge, even more than one kilometer in length.

This spaceship is also white all over. In addition to the huge hull number, there is also an emblem of a golden eagle spreading its wings on the side of the warship.

On the edge of the warship's hull, red and green lights flickered from time to time, and some portholes were still lit.

At its tail, the huge propeller is spraying long flames. And in front of this supply spacecraft, some light from the tail thrusters of the spacecraft can be seen.

On the distant Hope 2 planet, the high-levels of the Storm Empire did not know that a huge fleet, which they had never seen before, might not have dreamed of, was marching towards them.

At this moment, in the imperial capital of the Gale Empire, an old man wearing a red robe with a white decoration hung on the front is looking at the corpse in front of him.

This is the remains of a puppet robot, now lying here, fixed on a wooden board, restored to its original appearance like a puzzle.

Although some of the broken places can no longer be completely connected, the corpse or wreckage can still see the shape of a person in its entirety.

"I can't feel the breath of life on it..." The old man pressed his hand on the arm of the puppet robot, closed his eyes and said in a gentle tone: "This is not life..."

Having said that, he opened his eyes and looked at another old man beside him: "If it is not a life, how does it move?"