Chapter 1386: Do you want to see

"Ready! Let go!" Not far away, the mortar unit, which had been on standby for a long time, began to attack at this time.

Their shells are special and modified. These shells will not explode, but will spread out in the sky and become falling pieces of paper.

These pieces of paper are printed with words that make the other party surrender immediately. These words are all Chinese characters, and most of them have been proofread by the people of the Heavenly Sword God Sect.

"Look, it's almost done now." Looking at the colorful flyers, dancing with the wind on the opponent's position, and falling to the white-clothed man's position little by little, the leader of the Ailan Hill Empire officer was very satisfied. Nodded.

"Harrod! It's time for you to be on the stage!" The officer looked at the man wearing a strange armor and holding a helmet, pointing to the distance and commanded: "The one with you, cover these Jiuyou Sect disciples, catch Twenty prisoners are back!"

He can't ensure that every prisoner will surrender, so he has to double the number to ensure that he can complete the task.

For the Ailan Hill Empire, how many prisoners to capture, how to capture, in fact, is not a problem. The real question is: what can these prisoners do.