Chapter 521 - 521 Wedding XI

Name:My Evil Genius Wife Author:
521 Wedding XI

After the couple went up to the stage and took their positions while facing each other, the background music changed. From the acoustic guitar to soft and mellow romantic piano music.

“Oh! This music….” Xu Nuan trailed off in a daze and exclaimed in surprise when she recognized this familiar piece. She looked toward the musical band station and smiled radiantly to see Luo Dan sitting behind the piano and playing it.

The music piece that she was playing was one of the pieces that she had created in the past, and always wanted Luo Dan to play it at her wedding when she was planning her future with Qin Ju and was thinking of marrying him.

Her future with Qin Ju might have crumbled into pieces but her love for this music never died. It was one of those favorite pieces of hers that she never played for anyone other than her members or released to the public but always wanted to listen to it once again in her life.

However, after whatever happened and how her relationship ended with Qin Ju, she wasn’t sure if she would play this music again and would like to hear it.

Other than her members, no one knows about this music. It is like a secret that only they know about.

However, rather than feeling bitter about the past memories, she was overjoyed to listen to this music after such a long time and the person playing this piece at her wedding was none other than her darling Luo Dan.

Looks like one by one, all of her dreams are coming true.



While Luo Dan was playing piano and creating a beautiful romantic atmosphere with her music, Feng Sheng continued with his responsibilities as the officiant of the wedding ceremony.

He turned to the couple and asked them to stand while facing each other and hold each other’s hand while reading their vows.

Han Zihao looked at Xu Nuan who was still feeling nervous and was taking deep breaths to calm down her racing heart. He looked at her worriedly and whispered, “Nervous? Should we take a break if you’re not feeling well?” He asked in concern.

Xu Nuan saw the seriousness in his expression and shook her head, “I am feeling fine. I am just nervous that from now on, I have to spend my whole life with a boring man like you. I feel pity for myself.” She sighed and teased him to feel better.

Han Zihao chuckled to see her making fun of him and said, “Well, that’s sad. However, I will suggest you wait until the wedding night.”

“Because the most boring people can be quite fun in bed. You’re already carrying the result of that fun.” He said and winked at her meaningfully while looking at her baby bump.

Xu Nuan widened her eyes in disbelief as she could not believe that he could make such suggestive jokes. He sure has a dirty mind with a handsome and nerdy face.

While the couple was lost in each other’s eyes, Feng Sheng who was standing behind the mic podium cleared his throat and interrupted their moment.


Feng Sheng cleared his throat to interrupt the couple’s sweet moment and make them realize that he was also standing there and listening to their ‘private’ conversation.

He did not take this job to feel more single than he already is.

“If you don’t mind, can we go ahead with the vows and continue with the wedding ceremony? Because the auspicious hour will end soon and according to Madam Han, we won’t be able to complete the ceremony afterward.” He said and interrupted the couple who was too lost to worry about the auspicious hour for the wedding ceremony.

Xu Nuan lowered her head in embarrassment and wanted to dig a hole to hide there for life. How can she forget that they were not alone and Feng Sheng was still standing close to them and could hear their conversation?

Unlike Xu Nuan, Han Zihao wasn’t embarrassed and looked at Feng Sheng and said, “Then what are you waiting for? Start the ceremony already. We cannot miss this auspicious hour.” He said.

He doesn’t believe in such superstitious beliefs, however, Grandmother Han had said that if they get married at the auspicious hour, they will be tied to each other for the next seven lives and will make a happy family together.

To make a happy and healthy family with Xu Nuan, he is ready to believe in any kind of stupid superstitious belief. Because the way he got to meet Jiang Yue again, it was no less than any miracle itself.


Feng Sheng handed the mics to Han Zihao and Xu Nuan and continued with the vows ceremony. While the subtle romantic music was playing in the background, he shifted his focus to Han Zihao and asked, “Mr. Han Zihao, would you take Ms. Gu Nuan as your wife, to live together, to love her, honor her, and to be together in sickness and health and poverty, as long as you both shall live? ”

Han Zihao, who was standing while facing Xu Nuan smiled and said, “Yes, I do. Not only in this life but all the lives where I will be born as a human being, I will spend all those lives with my love-” he looked at Xu Nuan and mouthed, ‘Jiang Yue’ and continued with his vows, “Xu Nuan only. Even death would not be able to do us apart.” He said.

Lin Ran scrunched up her nose when Han Zihao didn’t say Gu Nuan but Xu Nuan. She could see that he was not happy and does not want to use the family name of Gu’s.

Xu Nuan’s eyes were glistening with tears when she saw him mouthing her real name. It was at this moment, she realized that one of their vows already came true. Even death was not able to do them apart and she got a second chance in life and returned to him to become his lawfully wedded wife.

After Han Zihao, Feng Sheng directed his question to Xu Nuan. ” Ms. Gu Nuan, would you accept Mr. Han Zihao as your lawfully wedded husband, ??to live together, to love him, honor him, and to be together in sickness and health and poverty, as long as you both shall live?”

“You can carefully think about it and then answer. I am giving you one last chance to think about your future options.” Feng Sheng warned her for the one last time and earned throaty laughter from the guests for his witty comment.

However, there was one person who did not like his harmless joke. It was Han Zihao, who was glaring at him as if he would shred him into pieces.

Feng Sheng scratched his neck awkwardly and avoided looking at Han Zihao and continued staring at Xu Nuan, waiting for her answer.

Xu Nuan chuckled at Mr. Secretary’s comment and said, “There is no need. Because the answer to this question has been fixed for a long time now.”

“I, Xu Nuan (Jiang Yue)”- she whispered her name while looking at Han Zihao and continued, “take Han Zihao as my beloved husband and vow to be his bride in all the lives where he will be born as a human being or even as an animal.”

Just like Han Zihao, Xu Nuan did not call herself as Gu Nuan either, making Lin Ran even more irritated.

“As long as Han Zihao does not reborn as a gross insect, I will follow his lead and will become his bride. As you know, I detest insects the most.” She said while looking at Han Zihao, causing everyone to burst into laughter. No one was expecting Xu Nuan to make such a comment.

Han Zihao was feeling emotional when she was repeating her vows. However, he lost it the moment when she mentioned her disgust towards the insects.

He wasn’t expecting her to say that and couldn’t control himself and chuckled aloud upon hearing her naive yet humorous comment.

“I, Han Zihao, promise to protect my lawfully wedded wife, Xu Nuan, from the insects all my life and will kill them before they can go near you.” Han Zihao said while looking at Xu Nuan and completed their vows with a perfect ending.

Everyone started laughing and applauded for the witty and unique vows of the couple. This was one of a kind vow session that one could witness in their life.

“Well, that was interesting. One is scared of the insects and the other is ready to kill all the insects for her. How sweet!” Feng Sheng said dramatically while making fun of the couple’s unique way of reading their vows.

Han Zihao looked at Feng Sheng who was making faces and said, “Before the insects, I can kill you as well. Do you want me to prove it to you?”

Feng Sheng raised his hands in the air in his defense and said, “I did not say anything. I am innocent. I was only repeating your vows. I promise.” He explained and tried to save his neck and job while surrendering to his boss.

Xu Nuan chuckled to see their cat-and-mouse relationship and said, “Mr. Secretary, don’t worry. I will protect you. You can hide behind me if you’re scared.” She laughed and assured him of his safety.

Feng Sheng looked at Xu Nuan with respect in his eyes and said, “I knew it. Since the first day, I have already accepted you as our lady boss. Only you can save us from this Devil!”