Chapter 13: Always like you

After Shen Youcai's troubles, except for the Lin family, those who owed the rent of the original owner came to the house and counted them.

Shen Yanbei had the final say, a total of fifteen taels and three hundred yuan. Shen Yanbei breathed a sigh of relief. Fifteen taels of silver is not much at all, there are too many things to buy at home, and some of them have to be used for the usual expenses of food and clothing. The wife's injury needs to be repaired, and his weakness also needs to be treated.

A penny stumped the hero. He had already tasted poverty when he was a child, and now he doesn't plan to try it again. Now that he has the start-up capital in his hands, he still has to figure out how to make money and how to implement it.

"I don't hold this money properly, you... better put it away." Gu Changfeng handed over the paper bag Shen Yanbei had just given him.

"What's wrong?" Shen Yanbei frowned.

"I..." Gu Changfeng stopped talking. I just bought Chongxi with your money. Who would give the family money to a bought ugly pair?

"This is household money, you are my daughter-in-law, who won't you give it to?" Shen Yanbei patted his hand, "Okay, you collect this money, usually buy rice and vegetables from it. I'll go first Treat the fish and rabbits. Do you want the rabbits to be braised or stewed?"

Gu Changfeng looked at him in astonishment: "What are you going to do?"

Thinking that the original owner doesn’t know how to cook, even adhering to the creed that "the gentleman is far away from the kitchen", and he refuses to even approach the kitchen, Shen Yanbei put up a finger to "hush" and lowered his voice in his ear. Authentic: "I like to cook. When my parents are here, I will cook secretly."

Uncle Shen and Aunt Shen can't help me! Use your name!

Shen Yanbei apologized in his heart, but still said without embarrassment: "This is a secret, now only you know it."

A talented master actually likes to cook, and he secretly cooks? If this news goes out, it will definitely be laughed at by other scholars!

But Shen Yanbei told him so frankly, even cooking for him! Gu Changfeng was shocked, his heart pounding, and hurriedly said, "I will keep the secret!"

Seeing his serious and serious look, Shen Yanbei felt Coke, "Have a harp," and kissed him on his side: "Although I am cooking, you have to come and help!"

Gu Changfeng's entire face burned, and he nodded hurriedly.

Boiling water to peel the skins of rabbits, killing fish, cutting bamboo shoots and washing vegetables, the two worked in a division of labor, and a meal was quickly prepared.

Putting a piece of braised rabbit meat into Gu Changfeng's bowl, Shen Yanbei said in a good mood: "After dinner, I will go to the tiler to order some tiles. The weather turns warmer and rainy, and the roof tiles have not been renovated for a long time. Now, when it rains for fear of water leakage. Then go to the carpenter’s to make some furniture. Besides a strong and durable bed, what else do you need to make?"

Gu Changfeng, who was eating fish belly, flushed slightly, and shook his head. The furniture at home is a bit old, but still usable. Now they are not wealthy and can save money.

"Don't worry about money, you can earn money after spending it. You just walked in, and I don't want to wrong you." Shen Yanbei took a sip of rabbit meat and frowned. Apart from a little bit of salt at home, there is no other seasoning. No matter how good his craftsmanship is, the taste of the braised rabbit meat is still hard to describe.

Reluctantly swallowing the rabbit meat, Shen Yanbei gave a final word: "That's it. I will go to the county tomorrow morning to see what needs to be added." There is no way to live without seasoning. He has to go to the county to find something. See if there are any spices he is used to in modern times.

"...Okay." Gu Changfeng responded, feeling that the sweet potato rice was sweet to his heart.

After finishing the meal, they packed the dishes and chopsticks, and they took the money to go out.

"Zhou Yu, what are you doing here?" As soon as she left the house, Shen Yanbei saw a young man squatting on the ground with his head hanging on his door.

Zhou Yu raised his head and glanced at Shen Yanbei, his eyes fell on Gu Changfeng, as if he had something to say to him.

Gu Changfeng was a little surprised, as if he didn't expect Zhou Yu to come to him.

Zhou Yu stood up and scratched his head: "Are you going out?"

"We are going to find a carpenter to make some furniture." Shen Yanbei smiled slightly.

Zhou Yu was a little surprised, and said something unclearly: "Shen Xiucai is really special in your family. Other people's homes make furniture before getting married. How can you turn it around? Your daughter-in-law only makes furniture when she enters..."

Yo, that's right, this kid has an opinion on him? Shen Yanbei smiled gently and said, "I was too hasty to get married, and it was too late to order it." What is the situation of the original owner? As a fellow villager, it is impossible for this child to not know. Now that he said this, could it be that he was embarrassing his wife?

At the time of cooking, he asked his wife if she knew Zhou Yu, and she told him that she didn’t know him, but two days ago, when he went up the mountain to chop wood, he met Zhou Yi who was also cutting wood. Zhou Yu stumbled and fell off the cliff. Zhou Yu gave it a hand.

Shen Yanbei raised his eyebrows, is this to repay his life-saving grace? But it doesn't look like it.

After hesitating, Zhou Yucai said, "That Shen Xiucai, can I have a few words with your husband?"

Shen Yanbei glanced at Gu Changfeng, and Gu Changfeng frowned in disapproval: "If you have anything to say, just say it, there is nothing my husband can't listen to."

This made Shen Yanbei feel refreshed.

Zhou Yu stared directly at him, with hope in his eyes: "Can I worship you as a teacher?"

Shen Yanbei was taken aback, while Gu Changfeng was a little dumbfounded.

"Can you?" Zhou Yu pleaded a little bit more in his tone. "You don't need to teach me much advanced things, just teach me some fist skills to go hunting in the mountains."

Shen Yanbei twisted his eyebrows, and the boy in front of him was black and thin, but he did not bend his spine in poverty, and the boy's clear eyes were full of tenacity.

Gu Changfeng turned to look at Shen Yanbei, he didn't know how to answer Zhou Yu. He knows martial arts, but he never thought about accepting disciples, after all, he is a twin.

"We are in a hurry to go to bed now, can we reply to you in two days?" Gu Changfeng didn't want others to know about martial arts, but Zhou Yu couldn't say it like this.

There is hope if the other party does not directly reject him! Zhou Yu's eyes were a little excited: "Then I will come back tomorrow." At the moment Gu Changfeng rescued him, he had the idea of ​​apprenticeship in his heart, but En Gong was actually the wife of the poor talent Shen Yan who bought Chongxi. He rested his mind. But Shen Yanbei's mannerism and attitude in the morning gave him another glimmer of hope.

If Gu Changfeng was willing to accept him as a disciple, he would not starve to death even if he could not become a master.

The thin back of the young man disappeared in front of him, and Shen Yanbei turned around to look at Gu Changfeng and said with a smile: "My wife is really amazing, and someone has come to visit her teacher!"

Gu Changfeng breathed a sigh of relief. Although the other party was still young, he was a man after all. Even if he showed up, he still got so close to other guys... Fortunately, Shen Yanbei was not upset.

At night, the two of them were still lying on the creaking bed. No way, this bed doesn't look like it is in modern times. I just pull it back and put it on when I am fancy. Carpenter Li said that it will take seven or eight days to make it at the earliest.

"Zhou Yu wants to worship you as a teacher, what do you think?" The long night was long and could not do something interesting. Shen Yanbei could only chat with her while feeling bored with her strong muscles.

Gu Changfeng was so hot by him that he couldn't speak easily: "How can can someone else's master..."

"What's wrong with Shuang'er, why can't I do it?" Shen Yanbei turned over and pressed the person under him.

Gu Changfeng's bronze-colored skin was flushed all over, and his face was so hot that he dared not look at Shen Yanbei.

"...I will be ridiculed by others. The twin who is a human master will be scolded by others, and those who worship this twin as a teacher will be looked down upon."

Shuang'er is an embarrassing existence, softer than a woman, and not as strong as a man. Although it is possible to have children, the risk of giving birth is greater than that of women, and the children cannot breastfeed like women.

There was a time when Shuang'er was regarded as an unmale monster and was rejected by the world...

What the hell? Shen Yanbei twisted his eyebrows, but couldn't understand this logic. Just apprentice to learn art, what kind of man and woman are there! He looked at Gu Changfeng and asked seriously: "Don't worry about other people's opinions, what do you think?"

"I...I don't know..." Gu Changfeng was a little dazed. He has never considered such a problem.

"Do you remember who taught you martial arts?"

Gu Changfeng thought for a while and shook his head.

"According to what you said, you are a twin, and there are people who are willing to teach you martial arts. Isn't the person who taught you also laughed at?"

Gu Changfeng was stunned, and Shen Yanbei continued: "But you haven't learned it too? And you've learned well?" His wife is good everywhere, but she is too unconfident.

"So, it has nothing to do with how others look at it. The most important thing is what you want to do." Although he is not apostate, he really doesn't like these conventional prejudices. His daughter-in-law is so unconfident, it is estimated that half of these prejudices are harmed, and he has to help his daughter-in-law to get rid of prejudice and establish a correct outlook on life!

Gu Changfeng was silent and thoughtful.

Shen Yanbei continued to brainwash him: "People in the world don't like too tall and strong twins, but I like them! Others like delicate twins, but I like you!"

Shen Yanbei stretched out his hand to touch the bleak pregnant mole between his eyebrows, his eyes were full of sincerity: "Others think you are ugly, but in my eyes, you look much better than Lin Wanru! I always like you!" His last life must have saved the world, so he picked up a macho as a wife for nothing, and his macho wife is said to be able to have children!

Gu Changfeng's whole body was shocked, and those clear black eyes seemed to be rubbed into the star sand, shining brightly.

"Other people's opinions can't affect me at all. This is because I have a firm heart that likes you." Shen Yanbei stared straight into his eyes and said slowly.

"No matter what others think, as long as you want to do it, I will support you."

Originally, he didn't want Gu Changfeng to accept disciples, but his wife needs to build up self-confidence. This is a good opportunity!