v2 Chapter 263: Two-pronged

"Rui Rui, your brother will not go on a date?" Ping Luoling curiously asked.

Xiao Hanrui said coldly: "Whoever looks at him, that is the eyelid."

Ping Luo Ling was depressed, and he was not jealous.

"Come out! Come out!" Xiao Hanrui shouted at the baby's Mercedes.

"I got off work at five o'clock!!! I also said that in the meeting, this bastard, the old lady wants to kill him!"

Ping Luo Ling is also covered with a layer of frost, is the baby really going to date? A heartache can not help but aching.

"The spirit is keeping up."

"it is good!"

The two women followed the baby behind Don, and then followed a web cafe...

The two women saw Tang baby squatting and getting off, there was a man next to him, and the two men walked back into the Internet cafe.

This situation makes Xiao Hanrui and Luo Lingling angry and funny, even playing games online, but also said that it is a meeting.

Xiao Hanrui couldn't help but think of reading. Tang baby has fallen in love with the legend for a while. When he goes to school, he goes to the Internet cafe, and every time he can find the younger brother who plays the game, then pinches his ears and listens to the voice of his brother begging for mercy. .

Bullying your brother is a daily routine that you must do. It’s uncomfortable not to bully one day.

Xiao Hanrui and Luo Ling are rest assured that this baby is not fooling around, but it is not easy to lie to them!

Now that I know where I am, the two women go to dinner first, and then prepare to catch the baby who wants to play without a girlfriend!

At this moment, Tang Bao and Wang Xinsi sat in the play and eat lunch, next to the ice town, and a pack of Chinese cigarettes.

After eating the meal casually, the lunch box was thrown to the side, and the two began to swallow and scream.

The phone on the table rang, and Tang Baby and Wang Xinsi were entering the finals, so Tang Bao couldn’t take the call.

Even if I knew that my sister was calling, I was smoking and I was excited.

However, behind him, a few meters away, Xiao Hanrui and Luo Ling have seen Tang Bao and Wang Xinsi playing the game.

I didn't even pick up the phone. It almost turned Xiao Hanrui into the sky. This baby is getting bigger and bigger. It seems that he is too good for him, so he is inflated!

The phone on the table was always ringing, and the baby was absent-minded. The result was that the game was lost.

After a sigh of relief, Tang baby finally picked up the phone and adjusted his mentality.

"What are you doing? Why not answer the phone!" The voice of Xiao Hanrui sounded on the phone. Tang baby feels that her sister is a bit angry today, it is estimated that she is coming to aunt, or maybe even menopause.

"Sister, a meeting~" Tang baby whispered.

Xiao Hanrui stood behind and sneered, and Ping Luoling was also on the face.

"Where is the meeting?" Xiao Hanrui suddenly smiled and asked.

This makes Tang baby's scalp a bit numb, this sound is wrong!

"Hey···Having a meeting at the company." Tang baby swallowed.

Wang Xinsi also began to cooperate at this time, shouting: "Tang leader, come in for a meeting!"

However, just after Wang Xinsi shouted, he saw two figures in his eyes and looked up slightly.

I am jealous! ! !

"Sister, I am going to the meeting, don't say it." Tang baby's tone with anxious colors, and Wang Xinsi pulls the clothes of Tang's baby, let's not say, let's finish! ! !

After talking about Tang baby, I hung up the phone and said to Wang Xinsi: "What are you doing! The clothes will be torn by you!"

Wang Xinsi makes a strong look, look behind! The two demons are watching you!

In the face of Wang Xinsi’s eyes, Tang’s baby’s heart was shocked and finished...

Was caught! ! !

How to do!

"Oh, the meeting came to the Internet cafe, it is very powerful." Xiao Hanrui said with a sneer, even so lie to her sister, still lying to the head is still lying!

Tang baby wants to cry without tears, we are all adult, not a child, how to play the game.

But now the most urgent task is to...

"Pharaoh! How can you do this, I said not to come, you have to pull me, forget it, don't play with you in the future." Tang baby righteous words, will give this wine friends out.

Then turned around, the spirit sister actually came! ! ! Scorpio! ! ! God, are you going to kill me?

Immediately with a flattering smile: "I am also a victim, really, don't lie to you."

"Hey!" Xiao Hanrui took Ping Luoling and left.

Tang baby stunned Wang Xinsi, this **** is not too bad!

I rushed to catch up. When I went downstairs, I saw my sisters getting on the bus. The birds didn’t go by themselves!

Tang baby slammed his forehead, no way, only to go to sin, what they should do.

Sitting in the carriage, Tang baby hurried home, waiting for the most severe punishment.

Open the door and watch the shoes of my sisters, then be steady, at least not leaving home.

But looking at the two backs and chills sitting on the sofa, Tang Baby knows that today's things will not be solved as simple.

Put the briefcase down, Don baby squeezes a smile, first go to the kitchen, wash the fruit.

Then I went to the coffee table and sneaked a glance at it. Wow, you look a little scary, death gaze?

In order to calm the anger of my sisters, Tang baby cut the apple, then cut it into pieces and plug it in with a toothpick.

"Sister, Lingjie, are you hungry? Eat some?" Tang baby took it with both hands and apologized.

Xiao Hanrui and Luo Ling did not move. The two watched TV, as if the baby was transparent.

Ok, cold war...

This baby is most afraid of this cold war.

"Sister, Lingjie, I didn't mean to lie to you, the work pressure is great." Tang baby explained again that the status of my sisters is not so good.

Xiao Hanrui and Luo Ling are angry that Tang baby lied to them. If you really want to play the game, you can say it, is it not allowed? I have been cheating for three consecutive days, really making my two sisters very sad.

Because they don't like Tang baby with deception.

So, ah, this little scam is so angry, if you let them know that Tang baby's big scam then it is not going to turn the sky.

Tang baby feels like a blow, but now it is not good, simply go back to sleep!

Xiao Hanrui and Luo Ling saw that the baby had returned to the house. He was not stunned. He was shocked. What is this routine? You are deceiving people!

The two women who are mad are not in the mood to watch TV, and go to bed early.

Tang baby is waiting for this time, sneaking open the door, but this evening the sisters have locked the door!

What can I do? It seems that I can only send WeChat. The first goal is the Lingjie, because the Lingjie is a little better.

It should be a good deceit.

"Sister Ling, still angry?"

"Sister, still angry?"

Tang baby decided to take a two-pronged approach, the problem must be solved together!
