v2 Chapter 529: court death!

The woman finally laughed, and Tang baby felt very funny, but no one was so sweet, and Si Ru was the feeling of first love.

"Dry me? Don baby, do you dare? You are not afraid of being slaughtered by your three wives?" The woman asked for a cold smile just after the moment.

MD, I know everything about my three wives! Not simple!

Tang baby's face is unchanged, smiled: "No way, people are excellent, and my wife is normal."

"It's right to say that you can also have a student. It's even better."

Upon hearing this sentence, the relaxed smile on Tang’s baby’s face was stiff.

They even know the existence of the palace Shi Shi, have you been investigated for a long time?

"Beauty, talk to the evidence." Tang baby pretend to laugh easily.

"Evidence? Gong Shishi was badly known by you. One day, you returned to the noodle restaurant with wine and Gong Shi Shi, and then it did not appear one day and one night, and then every morning, the palace Shi Shi will come early, presumably under Mr. Tang's It really tastes good."

"Yeah, my taste is really good, can raise the face, do you want to try?" Although Tang baby is laughing, but with a sinister smile, this woman seems to be killing! No matter what identity, she can't make her harm the harmony of her family.

A woman seems to be able to feel: "It's easy to kill me, but it's more troublesome to deal with. After all, I come here, everyone knows, unless you plan to go abroad."

"Beauty, what are you talking about, messy, I know that your background is very deep, but you are so boring."

"The two richest people were missing a few days ago, and Chu Zihan was beaten. Now they are missing. These cases all have one thing in common, that is, they have provoked you as the king of Tang."

Tang baby suddenly laughed: "I said that you have a problem with your brain. If you have evidence, please copy me, don't compare."

It’s true that this is true, but Tang’s baby is still very shocked. Fortunately, the **** is wiped clean, and then it’s not conceivable.

It’s really only time to run.

"Tang judges, Tang Yuwang, Tang boss, five years of life in the Middle East have had a taste of it. Now that the power is soaring, I am wondering why you are coming back. Isn’t it good to be an emperor abroad? I know It must be because they are three, really love..."

"But if they know, you have a new love when you come back, I don't know what it will be."

At this moment, Tang baby can't help it. The most hated thing in this life is that it is threatened, especially by threatening this kind of thing!

and so! Tang baby directly grabbed the woman's neck and pressed it on the wall, gradually lifting it up.

At this time, the baby's gaze became like an abyss devil, without a trace of mercy, just want to kill the woman in front of her eyes.

The woman's hands grabbed the baby's wrist, and a cold, pretty face looked very painful, and her feet were hanging.

"You know too much!" Tang baby said coldly, and now he can't manage so much. When he finds other people to kill, as long as they dare to destroy the family of the baby, it is not with the baby. hatred.

"You kill me... I also ran... I don’t want to hang out..." The woman said this sentence with difficulty and seemed to be reluctant to die.

Tang baby snorted and gave a creepy tone: "You know so much, you should also know my means, others will die!"

Tang's right hand has increased his strength again. The woman's pretty face has been very bright, and the brain has been extremely hypoxic.

This time, Tang baby was not joking. She did intend to kill the woman in front of her. Although she was beautiful, she told her to threaten herself with such a thing.


A person? know? ?

Tang baby is a bit confused, and seems to want to ask clearly, the right hand is loose.

The woman slid down from the wall, sat on the ground and coughed hard, her tears coughed out, and her white neck was red.

Tang baby turned and pulled the shutter down, then found a cigarette to ignite, sat on the stool and looked at the woman in front of him.

"Tonight, if you can go out from here, it depends on your honesty." Tang baby said faintly, blowing out a smog.

The woman touched her jade neck and looked at Tang baby with anger.

"What is your name?" asked Tang Bao.

The woman does not speak.

"It seems that your mouth is still very hard! I have to call a few black people to let you practice opening your mouth!"

"Shangguan Yuxi."

Tang baby eyebrows pick one: "The name is quite good, a bit like the villain in the martial arts novel."

"You are the villain! I am decent!" Shangguan Yuxi shouted.

"Shangguan Yuxi, have you not realized a problem? Now, in this situation, you are better to beg for mercy, otherwise I will let you know how deep the water in the Pacific Ocean is."

When I heard the baby of Tang, Shangguan Yuxi said, "You have thrown people into the Pacific Ocean!"

"Yeah, I tied the iron ball and put on the oxygen mask. They are not drowned, but they are crushed to death by the water pressure." Tang baby chuckled, this method of death is really miserable.

Sitting on the ground, Shangguan Yu’s eyes stunned: "You are a pervert!"

"Haha, since I dare tell you, you should have a way to deal with you later. I know a chief in Africa. The last patriarch helped me a little busy. According to the truth, I have to be personal, I See you are very good, arrange it for you." Tang baby said, he took out the phone and called Aru, and deliberately opened the speaker.

"Dear Tang boss ~ www.novelhall.com~ Is there anything to tell?" The voice of Aru lost in the phone.

"I will give you a person. When you hand over to the chieftain, even though his wife is quite a lot, he really can't stand it. I just have a beautiful one to ensure his satisfaction."

Aru was shocked and whispered: "It will be a great honor for Shafi Chief."

"No! I won't go!" Shangguan Yuxi looked at Tang baby screaming, how could she go to the chieftain of Africa as a little wife?

Aru lost also heard the voice, a little confused.

"You are ready, I will come over when you let me come."


Tang baby hung up the phone and smoked a faint voice: "As long as I say a word, you will be gone in this life, don't believe it, you should check it out."

"I... I am all arrogant, I have no evidence at all, it is your own recognition." Shangguan Yuxi quickly explained that he can die, but absolutely can not stand such insults.