v2 Chapter 901: Looking back

After 18 minutes, I finally came to the small county, but here also evacuated people.

Everyone stood outside the cordon and discussed the road, and the road was blocked.

As in the case of Li Guo, Zhou Xiaoming was also stopped.

"The past is not allowed here, please detour."

Zhou Xiaoming took out his mobile phone ID: "I am here to help."

When the brother looked at it, it seemed that I heard someone came to help and quickly contacted the captain.

However, at this time, there was a loud noise, and only a five-story building collapsed directly.

People scared to run straight back.

Zhou Xiaoming frowned slightly: "Du Yue, drive away."

"Well, you are careful." Du Yue said with a deep voice, and then kissed a small week.

Zhou Xiaoming suddenly felt the strength of the upper body and opened the door and ran in.

Du Yue quickly reversing, and now can't trouble Zhou Xiaoming.

"Hey! You haven't got permission yet." The words have not been finished yet. The brother brother saw Zhou Xiaoming leaping high and disappearing into the night.

The brother’s mouth is slightly twitching, and it’s really the one sent by the top...

Du Yue drove the car far away, waiting for the flames, holding the phone tightly in his hand, looking forward to Zhou Xiaoming not to accident.

In fact, the main reason is that I want to accompany Zhou Xiaoming together, otherwise I am worried at home, that feeling is very uncomfortable.

Zhou Xiaoming, who jumped into the main battlefield, saw some soldiers with heavy expressions and their guns aimed at the collapsed building.

However, no one knows that Zhou Xiaoming stood behind him.

"Excuse me, who is the leader here?" Zhou Xiaoming asked softly as he stood behind.

The highly concentrated soldiers suddenly jumped, and the muzzle was directed at Zhou Xiaoming.

Zhou Xiaoming's conditional reflexes raised his hand.

"who are you!"

"I am here to help."

"Put the guns down!" At this time a man came and saw the commander here.

Zhou Xiaoming quickly showed out the mobile version of the certificate, the man looked at it and said: "The target character is very fast, strong, female, called Zhou Xiaohui, the husband is looking for a lover outside, on the spot was killed by Zhou Xiaohui, including this lover, There is also a lover's family, not afraid of bullets."

"Oh, I know." Zhou Xiaoming said quietly.

"This comrade, what can you help?" The man curiously asked, looking at Zhou Xiaoming's handsome looks, there is nothing murderous, just like a creamy little child, how did he send such a person over? What is the role?

Do you want to use a beautiful man?

Zhou Xiaoming did not know what the man thought, and was considering whether or not to change.

In the case of invariance, I have only a little strength, and I want to beat my opponent in the same situation. It is a bit difficult...

"What are you doing, look at these people, don't believe you, don't show our strength!" The voice of Black Iron sounded in Zhou Xiaoming's mind.

"This is not good." Zhou Xiaoming said, after all, the teacher said, to be low-key.

"What's wrong, you have to shock these people now, let them know, you are not irritating! Anyway, you are also seen."

Zhou Xiaoming feels reasonable. Anyway, he will be seen.

Teacher, now I want to keep a low profile, but the strength is not allowed.

Zhou Xiaoming looked at the people around him and smiled slightly: "Don't be nervous."

This is just the sound!

Zhou Xiaoming’s body was filled with black scales, and his body became bigger instantly. The unique head was really cool for the back.

Zhou Xiaoming, who became a "venom", looked at the people around him.

The corner of his mouth reveals a strange smile, and the white teeth seem to tear anything in this world.

The person next to him swallowed.

What kind of monster is this, how is the image so venomous? The mouth of the mouth is like a plastic failure.


Zhou Xiaoming stepped on the concrete floor, and instantly there was a crack like a spider web.

Then the whole body burst out.

"Sir, is this still a person? How do I feel that I have come to the Marvel universe?"

"Don't ask me, maybe this is the DC universe. Now even if there is Superman, I can accept it."

Fortunately, this appearance has not been seen by Du Yue, otherwise it must be scared to the past.

Came to the center of the ruins, Zhou Xiaoming looked around and was looking for a target.


In the darkness, this strange and gloomy laugh suddenly sounded.

Zhou Xiaoming's right hand actually changed a big knife, and his body jumped and smashed into the ruins.


The whole ruin was cut by this knife, which is amazing.

"It’s a few cents stronger than the previous one." Zhou Xiaoming said faintly, turning his head to look at the figure.

I saw a figure on the pillar, not exactly a squat, but like an animal, with both hands on the ground, the hair covered his face, and he could not see it at all.

Wearing a heavy cotton coat, and it was a big red, it looked a bit infiltrating.

It's like a ghost.

But in terms of looks, Zhou Xiao is obviously more horrible!

"桀桀桀···" The woman whispered, and her limbs crawled wildly on the ruins.

This makes Zhou Xiaoming very confused. Is this imitating animals? Just like a spider.

Zhou Xiaoming snorted, even if you are Spider-Man, it is useless!

However, the woman's speed is extremely fast, and she can't even capture the figure.

Zhou Xiaoming can only estimate from the sound source, the big knife in his hand is turned into five fingers, and the woman who is moving at high speed catches!

But this woman is obviously a lot more powerful.

If the previous man had only ten, then this woman might have twenty.

The speed of this ghost is really good.

But it is also the rhythm of playing a big knife in front of Guan Gong.

I saw that Zhou Xiaoming’s arms were infinitely stretched, just like the kind of machine that caught the doll.

And the woman shuttles through the ruins, and the strange laughter from time to time seems to ridicule Zhou Xiaoming.

Zhou Xiaoming snorted, I really thought that I couldn't catch you! Just playing around!

However, at this time, the woman's figure disappeared instantly.

It appeared in front of Zhou Xiaoming, the face to face.

The woman’s slender fingers grow a sharp nail clipper and the fingers are clawed!

Look back!

Zhou Xiaoming stunned, this woman! actually···

I want to break my Zhou family incense!

Estimated woman is also a bit forced ~ www.novelhall.com ~ this time the first 掏 can not break the layer of scales.

Angry Zhou Xiaoming stepped on the woman's back directly!

But the woman's body is very lubricated and seems to be able to slip away from Zhou Xiaoming's feet.

Zhou Xiaoming suddenly gave out four black thorns, pinning the woman's hands and feet, and deeply trapped the ground.

"Ah..." a sigh of sorrow and fear.

People in the small county can hear this horrible scream, which is expected to make people sleep all night.

(End of this chapter)

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