v2 Chapter 926: Under the banyan tree

Soon after I arrived at the entrance of the kindergarten, Xiao Hanrui stopped the car and smiled slightly: "I will pick up the children, you will continue."

If it is on weekdays, the baby is sitting behind and facing the two little wives, and he must say a few words.

Look at the present, but also have fun with this baby, don't you want to use them to supervise me?

Ha ha···

Is there really no way for the baby to take it? Look at Si Ru, have not found the North, but Shi Shi students are better, it is a trace of sober.

and so···

Tang baby secretly took out his mobile phone and opened the mobile phone from behind the palace Shi Shi, focusing on WeChat.

Aru lost and sent WeChat!

"Tang boss! Situze has already gone out!"

This message was sent an hour ago, when it happened that Lingjie went out.

Hey, private meeting ··· real hammer!

Sure enough, I went to the rendezvous, you are so courageous!

"Tang boss, the goal went to the river view community, it seems like waiting for someone!"

"How did the boss of Don··············

Tang baby quickly put away the phone, okay... this private party! I even ran to the river view community!

A few meanings!

However, this Jiangjing community seems to have heard it. Isn't that the old house before Lingjie?

I am jealous! I am jealous! This baby is my mother!

Lingjie, you went to recall the year!

This Situze, quite a sister, actually started from that year!

Fortunately, the body and mind of Lingjie has been captured by the baby, otherwise it is really worried about the resurgence of the old feelings.

But Lingjie, this time you can't run away!

Carrying this baby and other men out for private meetings, how can you excuse this crime? This baby is very curious.

It is estimated that these two people are still quietly private, and maybe they are still full of memories.

It really swelled into the sky.

Just like what Tang Baby thinks, in the villa area of ​​Jiangjing Community.

A man and a woman walked on the paved road from Qingshi. From time to time, a cold wind blew, blowing the hair of Pingluoling, and suddenly added a sense of femininity.

At least in the eyes of Situze, Pingluo Ling is very beautiful now. It has faded away from the youthfulness of the year. The body is full of mature taste. Compared with the time of reading, Pingluo Ling can no longer be described in words.

From the time the two met, it was only a good question to each other, and then they were very silent.

For so many years, Ping Luoling was the first time to see Situze. At that time, in school, it was a little bully, flying and killing.

At that time, I wanted to let him study hard and go up every day.

It will be helpful for the future, but I will not listen.

But now Situze, the frivolity of the year has disappeared, replaced by a steady and introverted, will give people a sense of security.

I thought about it at that time, maybe it is like this now.

But just, a surnamed Tang deceived himself, deceived his body and mind, and helped him to have children.

Thinking of this, Ping Luoling’s mouth is exposed with a radiance and full of happiness.

But this arc fell in the eyes of Stuart, as if I was very happy with myself.

This is a good start, and I am afraid that there will be a very embarrassing situation.

Tiancheng’s January was still very cold. As a gentleman, Situ Ze chose to take off his coat.

However, today's Pingluo Ling is tightly held, and it is not cold at all.

Seeing Situze’s difficult **** action, Ping Luoling said, “Azer, no, I am not cold.”

"Nothing, you are wearing a warmer one." Situ Ze smiled lightly and looked very happy. He hadn't seen it for more than a decade.

Ping Luoling prevented Situze's action: "I really don't need it. I am used to this weather. You need to keep warm."

Situ Ze was embarrassed to rub his eyebrows and walked slowly: "So many years, how are you?"

This is the most common opening statement, the basic lines.

If you let Tang baby this scum man, you will never say this, you will not evoke the girl's emotions, just feel bored.

Tang's sister, find out?

"Well, it's fine, you, recovery is okay." For Situze, he was injured for himself. Pingluo Ling is very embarrassed. If there is no such jealousy, the way of speaking will certainly not hesitate, at least not Fear of causing secondary damage.

So Ping Luoling is thinking, if it is, it is the best.

Tang baby is like the gentle and considerate of Pingluo Ling, for fear that it will hurt others, such a spiritual sister is the real spiritual sister.

Speaking of the concern from Pingluo Ling, Situze was very happy: "Rehabilitated for a few years, now I can walk around, it is a bit slow, you will not mind if you are spiritual."

"How come, I have not had time to express gratitude and apology, you will go abroad." Ping Luoling slightly relieved, this matter is also buried in the heart for a long time, maybe a knot.

Situ Ze smiled and smiled gentle said: "You are fine."

This sentence is very touching. A man is willing to use death to protect a woman. How can a woman not dare to move?

After all, there are fewer such men, but it does not mean no.

Unfortunately, Ping Luoling’s heart has already lived in and forced Wang Tang. In the face of the current Situze, there is only one kind of memory, the feeling of the old man...

There is no other feeling.

"Okay, don't talk about the past, see... our home is coming." Situ Ze looked at the two villas not far away. This sentence is very profound. Our home is not... I know that this is a couple.

It was here that year, and Lingling became a neighbor, playing together every day, that may be the happiest moment in this life.

Pingluo Ling has not been here for a long time, the house here is still empty, and every week there is aunt cleaning.

The reason why I don’t sell is because my mother...

At that time, Ping Luoling’s mother also lived here, peace and life.

Ping Wantai is not allowed to sell the memories here, so he keeps it, sometimes he will come back for a night and talk to his wife.

"Lingling, look at this banyan tree, now it is still..." Situze said with excitement, the pace could not help but a few quick steps, but because of the pace, Situze was limping Gives a meaning to fall.

Ping Luoling was also intolerable and shouted: "You are slower..."

Situze stood under the banyan tree and seemed to be looking for something. He suddenly shouted: "Lingling, you have come here to see it, still!"

Ping Luoling certainly knows what it is, and slowly walks to Situze.

On the banyan tree, there are traces of carving, and there are some words on it.