v2 Chapter 1008: Last day

"Forget it, I can't let you force it." Wang Xinsi whispered softly.

Tang baby smiled and whispered: "Is there a connection with you recently?"

"One thing is to ask the son's situation." Wang Xinsi said helplessly, this son is always his own, how to care.

"Want to compound?"

"Composite? Abandon their mother two?" Wang Xinsi looked at Han Huahua not far away, is talking with Si Ru.

Tang baby also knows the difficulty of Wang Xinsi. When this man encounters such a thing, he will choose young.

But this baby is different, big, small, can not go, one can not be less.

This is the strength of this baby.

Tang baby patted Wang Xinsi's shoulder. Every family has a difficult experience. The baby has tried to avoid it, but it is still out of reach.

"I have a meal together at night, I treat you." Wang Xinsi adjusted his mind and smiled slightly.

"Good intentions, there are still things in the evening, take them to a place, go back to the city tomorrow, and come and kill you next time."

"That line, I see your new wife is extraordinary, thorns."

Don baby whispered: "Pharaoh, don't forget where your kung fu came."

The two showed a smile that a man could understand.

"Well, then I will go first, and then gather again after the year." Wang Xinsi patted the baby's arm and laughed.

"Well, get together again later."

Watching Lao Wang leave with his wife, Tang baby has forgotten to ask, you have not proved, or the child is born, when it is black.

No, it seems that I don’t seem to swear. Don’t marry and marry in their face. This is a gunpowder bucket, and it will be fried at a time.

As a scum male, marriage... does not exist.

Unless you go abroad, it’s almost the same.

"This day is going to be dark, let's go." Tang baby suggested.

Sisters and sisters are very screaming, very proud.

Hehe, these women, believe that Laozi also went to find a little Loli training.

Originally, I wanted to visit Cartier. My sisters gave up and went to the parking lot. Everyone went to the forest house.

It was originally the place of Pingluo Ling. Because of the commemorative value, there has always been human care, cleaning...

I came to the Linzhong Hut, where the temperature is much lower. After all, I have to be close to the mountains.

When the lights illuminate the wooden house, Tang’s memories are pulled up a few years ago.

The first time I came here with the three of them, I met two idiots and wanted, and the joy at that time was really much.

Of course, it is also on the tightrope, too exciting, and the heart has lost that kind of stimulation.

Tang Bao suddenly found that from the time he met Mu Kexin and Peace Luo Ling, his life became tense.

Either on the cool road, or already cold.

My sisters saw this cottage and they also lamented a lot.

Parked the car, Tang baby got off, it was a bit cold outside.

"You are going in, don't catch cold." Comrade Tang is still very considerate of his wife, it is too cold outside, or the bed is comfortable.

These women are some who want to be gentle and not temperature, each wearing a valuable coat, but it is dressed like summer.

I just got off the bus and snored, and ran to the room.

"Quickly open the air conditioner, freeze me." Mu Kexin shouted with heat.

"I am constant temperature, you are coming for the first time." Ping Luoling said softly.

However, with the words of Ping Luoling, the air seemed to be quiet.

Everyone looks at Mu Kexin, even Tang Baby is the same.

Mu Kexin was very panicked and quickly explained: "What, I thought that I haven’t been here for a long time, you will definitely not open the air conditioner all the time."

"She doesn't know if she has money." Xiao Hanrui spread his hand and felt a sense of peace and lorin.

Tang baby took off his coat and clap his hands: "What do you want to eat at night, I will do it."

The sisters and sisters took off their coats, one by one.

However, Comrade Tang Baby is only interested in Ji Xia Night.

This man, all want to be fresh, this has not been moved, certainly more attractive than moving.

However, Tang Baby knows that this summer night is not so easy to do, so I have to take it slowly.

After all, the feelings of the two are not deep, which needs to be cultivated.

"Whatever." Mu Kexin said faintly.


"I don't want to eat fish." Mu Kexin said.

"What do you want to eat?"


Don’t ask the baby anymore, go straight to the kitchen. When you encounter such a thing, don’t continue to entangle.

"Sister Ling, you arrange the gray machine to go back to noon tomorrow." Tang baby took a few cucumbers out and planned to give the sisters and sisters a cushion.

Ping Luoling nodded and took out the phone and arranged it.

There are fresh foods in the refrigerator. It seems that they all came in the afternoon, and Lingjie’s work is still very reliable.

It’s great to have money.

The food of seven people can be made without a moment, and the sound of the TV set outside.

Tang baby feels that he should change with them and the work is arranged.

Although my sister learned to cook, the taste was still slightly poor.

Kexin and Lingjie are masters, so after they cook, let the sister go to fight.

If the Secretary can help, the baby will be lame, and Shi Shi will pinch his shoulders. In the summer night, he will peel the fruit next to him and send it to the baby's mouth.

No, it still has to be sent with your mouth.

I feel that this life is coming soon.

"If you don't do it, we will starve to death!" Xiao Hanrui shouted.

"Sister, you are licking the cucumber pad."

"It’s all over."

I am embarrassed, too ferocious, this baby is suggesting that it is not good, really not sensible.

After half an hour, the food was served.

Seven people started the last supper.

Everyone did not speak, it was very quiet.

Even after eating, everyone did not speak.

Don baby went to wash the bowl, then sat on the sofa and watched the variety show.

There are a lot of laughs, but everyone can't laugh.

Tang baby wants to laugh, but she is stunned.

"I haven't found out yet?" Ping Luoling asked softly.

"Sister Ling give me some time."

Ping Luoling said seriously: "If you still have to queue up, we can observe it carefully."

Listening is very exciting, I like to line up.

But Lingjie, I still don't know you?

"Nothing, let me see it again, it is better not to be like this." Tang baby has a very big look, which makes the sisters and sisters feel that Tang baby really tried hard.

It was really hard work, just last night, I already knew who it was.

The people did not speak.

"You are sleeping in the room tonight, I will sleep in the living room." Tang baby said politely.

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