v2 Chapter 1013: Really, I am stupid.

"Door, I am not talking to you, you have to recognize this."

Tang baby took a deep breath.

Mu Kexin stepped back and forth again, but Tang baby pointed! A golden halo binds Mu Kexin and can no longer retreat.

"Husband, I am not fake, you can't kill me, our children..."

Tang baby said coldly: "I want to save my wife, you are an innocent woman, but I still want to kill you!"

Tang baby condensed a pair of ice knives in his hand, emitting cold air.

After seeing the baby in the same way, the face became calm.

"Don't ···············

Although this is a fake, but Tang baby can not bear to watch, slowly close his eyes.

"Husband!!!" Mu Kexin shouted.

However, the baby in the hands of Tang is lifted!


The ice skates pierced Mu Kexin's chest in an instant.

Mu Kexin looked at Tang's baby incredulously and slowly reached out. He seemed to want to catch the baby's clothes, but his body was weak.

Don't go over the face of Tang, take the ice knife out.

Mu Kexin's body fell straight back, and a lot of blood poured out in his mouth, and his whole body shivered.

A stream of blood on the ground, not long after, Mu Kexin stopped shaking, completely angry.

Looking back at the ground, Mu Keyin, deeply relieved.

"Door, you are really embarrassed." One whispered.

"Don't be embarrassed, will really bring it over, otherwise!" The ice knife in the hands of Tang baby was chilly, and the surrounding temperature dropped again.

Going a little nodded, took out the 8848 mobile phone and made a call.

Tang baby sighed and found a cigarette sitting next to it, and the ice skate in his hand was placed next to it.

If you dare to move, Lao Tzu will kill you!

About five minutes, Tang baby saw a shadow coming and killed the cigarette **** in his hand.

I saw that Qian Ying is getting closer and closer, with a trot.

"Husband···" Mu Kexin saw the baby in the pavilion, and immediately cried out and ran towards the Tang baby.

And Tang baby opened his arms and hugged Mu Kexin, who was flying, this is his own admiration.

"Husband, you finally appeared, I thought you didn't want me."

Tang baby said softly: "How come, how can I not want you, only..."

Another bang!

Tang’s baby’s right hand holds a skate, and the ice skate runs through Mu Kexin’s, and the blood flows to the ground.

I got caught up.

Mu Kexin looked down at the ice knife and then looked at the baby.

Tang baby pulled back the ice knife and blew the blood from the knife. Mu Kexin fell to the ground, spit blood, and his eyes were full of impossibility.

And Tang baby slowly sat down and found a cigarette to ignite: "Hey, still lying dead."

The original dead Mu Kexin suddenly sat up, and then asked me: "Husband, how is my acting? 6 not 6?"

Tang baby will admire Mu Kexin on his own feet: "My little public is really awesome."

"That is of course, a little bit ····" Mu Kexin made a face.

Suddenly, he chuckled and said: "If you don't want to be a shadow, this acting has nothing to say."

"Although you are a bad person, I have to accept it for complimenting me." Mu Kexin smiled slightly and stared at the baby's neck.

Got a little nod.

Tang baby curiously asked: "You are not curious if you are one-on-one?"

"Don baby, you are really smart! Let me have nothing to say." After taking a shot, this game is won by Tang.

Tang baby played the ash, and Mu Kexin robbed the smoke: "Don't smoke, I am pregnant, you want your son to smoke your second-hand smoke."

"Well, I can't do it if I quit?"

This wave of dog food is good.

"Tang baby, how do you know?" One can still help but ask.

Tang baby whispered softly: "Actually, I didn't know it, but that night, I had a dream. I dreamed of the ghost you painted for me. It was really horrible. The face was pitted and scared me. It is."

"Is there any problem with this?"

Tang Baosheng said: "The problem is there. This is the hint that you gave me. The image of the ghost is deeply deep in my heart. It is not a fight! I almost got on your job!"

"This does not seem to explain anything."

Tang baby looked up at the roof and smiled slightly: "Great villain, look good?"

There is a subtle camera on the roof.

The villains far away from the other city were shocked, but they quickly calmed down, chuckled and shut down the computer.

Tang baby was originally wondering why this big villain suddenly did good things.

Conscience found? otherwise!

He is working with this one-on-one fight and wants to do things!

I even want to kill myself and change the fake!

So no one will doubt it, and it will come true! This is the truth!

At home, they are acting with Mu Kexin, because Tang Baby knows that the family may be monitored, but did not say it.

And Mu Kexin’s acting is to seduce the original, and of course the fake Mu Kexin.

In the end, it really came, this is the real fake, Tang baby has no mercy to kill!

After all, after so many days have passed, Tang Baby can't detect anyone's anomaly. The one-on-one is very mysterious, and it is simply impeccable.

It's really invulnerable, because it's all true, and it won't be exposed.

Tang baby just sighs, these people do so many things, just want to see their own hands to kill the real, take the fake back.

If this is the case, the fake will become Mu Kexin alive, and he will not doubt it, but this is the real time bomb.

Fortunately, this baby wit, from which to think of a lot of things, when I heard this guy, to kill the fake, it is even more certain.

Let yourself kill the most loved one, that is the biggest revenge.

So I used a mirror to confuse, and I got it without any difficulty.

"Not bad." One smiled gently.

Tang Baosheng said: "If you guessed well you should also be a fake."

"Mr. Tang is really smart, I am ashamed." Oneness seems calm.

Tang Bao dare to conclude that the previous one, and now this one is fake.

Because there really is no reason to come to die, after all, today, no matter what the outcome, this one is dead.

"It seems that the master has to reassess you, the hero is a teenager, and it is easy to crack."

Don baby sneered: "Don't say that it's useless, are you doing it yourself, or can I help you?"

"Tang baby, the master is only testing you, see if you are qualified to be his opponent, don't think that you won." The return gradually fades and loses the former calm.

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