v2 Chapter 1015: I was beaten!

The villain smiled and said: "Whether you believe it or not, I still have to tell you, it is a New Year gift for you."

"Let's go, then you talk about it." Tang baby said quietly.

"After my investigation, this one is a master on the surface. There are a group of abilities in the dark to follow. The two you just killed are also estimated to be weaker chickens, which is cannon fodder."

After the baby listened to the slight frown, this one has the same hand, which is really amazing.

"This kind of normalization seems to have started the ordinary abilities very early. The same person you killed is the same as the apprentice. It is more of a younger brother."

"Then, do you know where the one is?" asked Tang Baoxiao.

"do not know."

Tang baby feels that even if he knows, he will not say it, just want to see others retaliate.

"But this one will definitely not let you go. This is definitely true. After all, you killed his two younger brothers."

"Whatever it is, how big is it." Tang baby said easily.

The big villain suddenly said: "Of course, I can continue to check and give you information, but you have to change things."

"Ha ha···"

"Well, it’s too late, I have to sleep, happy Chinese New Year." After the big villain, I hung up.

Tang baby helplessly smiled and felt that this big villain was a little nervous.

However, this kind of person is the most difficult thing to do and will not play according to common sense.

I don't know if he said it is true.

Put away the phone, Tang baby's interest has not been eliminated, showing a smirk and looking at Mu Keyin, my wife's long legs, really do not hate.

"Go home, no interest." Saying that Mu Kexin was a girl, he left.

Tang baby's face is forced to stand in the same place, saying that it is you, and that you are not the same.

Then how can I do it, my baby is a casual man.

"Small public move." Tang baby catches up.

"What are you doing?"

"Would you like to go to the car?"

"I don't like it, it's too small."

“Would you like to go to the hotel?”

"I don't like it, it's not sanitary."

Baby Tang: "······"

"Husband, I want to eat barbecue, I want to eat chicken wings." Mu Kexin whispered his mouth and shook the baby's arm.

Your sister! If Laozi likes you, you can be so sorrowful, telling you how to be a wife in minutes.


"Husband is so good, what?"

Tang baby rolled his eyes.

However, in another city, it is accurately a temple in the county.

A bald head is knocking on the wooden fish, and in front of it is a statue of Buddha, which shows a sacred momentum.

If Don Baby is here, I definitely know who this is and really belong to a master.

"Master!" I saw a male apprentice with a long braid and walked with respect and gently squatted behind.

"Before the Buddha, don't shout loudly, you must know how to be grateful."

"Yes! Master!" the man whispered.

Then whispered again: "Failed, both of them are dead."


"Master, the brother of the younger brother let me report it, I will take his head to sacrifice the sky!"

"Let's go! In front of the Buddha, mad!"

The man immediately bowed his head.

"This is a free arrangement for the teacher. I am going to have a Spring Festival. I will wait for the Spring Festival to be processed. What happened to you?"

"Master, the two female donors are waiting, they said that they can arrange a female number one."

"That depends on the creation of the two female donors."


"Hui En, it seems that the two female donors also give you benefits, let you pass the message."

Hui En’s face changed and she immediately said: “Master, I don’t dare!”

"You know the master's means and know the master's bottom line."

"The disciples understand that the disciples know what is wrong."

"I can make mistakes and change, and I am very good." I stood up and stood up to the Buddha: "Let the teacher go to the two female donors."

"The master is slow."

Hui En watched the master gradually leave, let out the atmosphere, looked at the statue of the towering Buddha, Hui En quickly dagger, and then withdrew.

At 1 o'clock in the morning, Tang Bao and Mu Kexin sat on the roadside stall, being...


"It's so cold, I blame you, come to eat barbecue." Mu Kexin held his own eyes.

Tang baby also stunned a white eye, just did not know who said to come to eat barbecue, and blame himself.


At this time, the phone rang, and Tang Baby took out a look, which was called by Lingjie.

"Ling sister?"

"How's it going?"

"Dead." Tang baby did not say good.

Mu Kexin listened to a death gaze after listening to it.

"How come dead!" Ping Luoling exclaimed.

Tang baby said: "I was killed by me!"


Ping Luoling smiled helplessly: "Well, don't stay too far outside, go home early."

"Well, this woman has to say that she wants to eat a barbecue, but she still has to sit outside. Now it is freezing and shivering and blaming me."

"Hey~ you won't be considerate of me." Mu Kexin snorted.

Tang baby squinted, you touched his big chest and said, how cool you are when I feel bad about you.

"You are eating a barbecue, bring us back, hungry."

Tang baby nodded and then hung up.

Everyone was greatly relieved, but fortunately nothing.

Mu Kexin whispered a small mouth at this time, and this look is exactly the same as the Yao in the angry.

"Why, you are planning not to talk for a lifetime." Tang baby snorted.

"Yes, don't talk." Mu Kexin said with anger.

Tang baby is close to Mu Kexin and whispers: "Would you like to arrange a game for you and resolve your complaints?"

"No need." Mu Kexin licked the **** red lips, so that the baby of the Tang wants to go up, the small public will really temptation.

"You should listen to my approach first."


Tang baby whispered a few words in the ear of Mu Kexin.

"You are perverted! I am screaming at you!" Mu Kexin listened to the red ear behind, and instantly made a small fist to lick your chest.

Tang baby took advantage of the small public move and smiled: "Chen Xin, it's all family. The previous grievances are all right. Everyone shakes hands or is a good friend. After that, they fly high together."

"Go to yours, you just want this." Mu Kexin did not say goodbye Then do I have to go east, go out to have a meal together? ”

"I don't apologize anyway, they all say that I am an expired star."

Tang baby is thinking, ah, you are now out of date, everyone is concerned about the abilities, who is going to pay attention to your female star who has retired.

"Not too angry, my little public is big and purple."

"That is, as long as I come back, it must be a thousand words."

"Yes, that's right, my little public offering is big."

"Of course." Mu Kexin is very proud, but also raised a small chin.

(End of this chapter)

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