v2 Chapter 1111: I am gone.

The secret of such a big thing at home, I actually know now that if there is no mutant, I am afraid that Dad will not tell himself in this life.

Tang baby sighed and let himself calm down, it was really difficult to digest.

"Dad, then you know how the mutant person happened, how did it happen?" Tang Baosheng asked, this is a key point...

Tang Cheng frowned fragilely: "This matter must be told from a legend. Before the news reported, there was a mountain that was broken. It is said that this mountain is holding a grievance. My grandfather and I guess, this The incident is a premeditated and planned one."

Don’t talk to the baby, the mountain seems to be broken.

I am jealous! Is the mutant person appearing because of himself?

Md, it turned out to be a big disaster, it is really fucking!

"Dad, is there any way to do it now?" Tang Baosheng asked, since he had made a disaster, he would solve it by himself.

Tang Cheng shook his head: "We have several meetings, and finally we did not discuss the results. There is no eyebrow."

"Several ???" Tang baby asked.

"Yes, we have Tang family and Luo family, there are two other, the two are relatively low-key, but the strength is very strong, you will meet yourself in the future." Tang Cheng said faintly.

"The big power of this time is big, is Dad you want to come out?"

"Well, what your grandfather wants to come out, as for the intention you should be able to guess, that's it."

"Who is the green sword?"

"You are sponsored by your grandfather."

Baby Tang: "······"

I went, so the sword of the arrogant, actually did not give the grandson, sponsored out, do not know if this baby will hurt?

Tang Cheng smiled lightly: "Don't express this expression, your grandfather is more, this is the second time, but even the most, it will cause a sensation."

"Dad, what if I have a mess?"

"I am going to let you go, but in another identity, we are doing this to bring out more powerful people, because in addition to the mutants, there is a bunch of threats."

"There are still ???" Tang baby is forced, if Dad does not say, he will not know.

Tang Cheng nodded. "Yes, those people are proud of killing the powers, and they themselves are powers. They call themselves hunting people, so be careful, but those people have disappeared for decades. But the power is still not to be underestimated, do you know?"

"I know Dad, then what is the main task of my playing this time?" Tang baby curiously asked.

"Your mission is to take the first thing to play, see the machine."

Take a first play? Dad, you are too light.

The baby of Tang gave up the smoke and curiously asked: "Dad, how powerful are you?"

"I? Can you marry you."

Baby Tang: "······"

"And you dare not fight back."

Don baby is speechless, you are Lao Tzu, dare to fight back... really.

It’s really a matter of disagreement and it’s started to be forced. Dad is still like you.

"Go in, let's go through the New Year, don't say these unhappy things." Tang Cheng said faintly.

"there's one more thing."


"I was the last time I asked you about things. Now there is a man who is calling the big villains to engage me. It seems to know you, is it the former enemy?" Tang Bao seriously asked, this big villain is his worst.

Tang Cheng did not look back: "You can do it yourself. If anything tells you, it will be boring."

Baby Tang: "······"

Tang Cheng also has the meaning of training his son. Some things have to be done by himself, only to know the difficulty. It will be prevented in the future. It is too easy for the son to walk all the way, and must be frustrated.

Strong people are growing up in failure.

Tang baby now understands, feelings disappeared in a few years, you are not worried about it, you all know that this baby is a power, can be safe.

However, Dad and Grandpa are also low-key, and they are much lower-key than themselves.

Tang baby also knows what Dad means. It seems that the big villains have to take their own shots. From the voice of Dad, this opponent is not so easy. If it is easy, I have already told myself.

The big villain recognized by the boss, this makes the baby feel the stimulation.

Into the house, Tang baby saw grandparents, grandparents sitting on the sofa, surrounded by the joy of the children, Tang baby felt a kind of happiness.

Grandfather and grandfather have retired. They must have worked hard like themselves before, and they should let them enjoy the blessings. Some things don’t need the older generation’s shots.

However, Tang’s baby is also curious, how strong is his grandfather’s grandfather, and his father and mother should be stronger than themselves.

If you think about it, you can't wait to wait. When you pretend to play, you can ask your father to come over and see how your father is.

"Go to the tableware, why are you doing it." Luo Bai looked at his son stupidly, shouting out, as a big man, it must be a bit of a thing, nothing can be done by his wife.

Tang baby snorted and screamed and went to the kitchen to prepare the dishes. It was a little bit awkward, no way, still too good.

However, Tang Baby found his mother, but he would really act. If it wasn’t for Dad to tell himself, he might not be able to see it at all. He could only say that in his own home, there were some dramas, and he would be set in minutes.

There are also my grandfather and grandfather, all of them are some dramas. I really can’t stand it. I lied to myself for 30 years. Today I know the truth, hehe.

"Baby How is this time?" As a grandfather, Tang Gaoyi asked seriously.

"Grandpa, this time the baby is very good." Tang baby said to cover his face, his name is simply too pitched, making himself look like a few years old.

"Well, this time is not very safe, pay more attention to safety, and your wife, do you know?"

Tang baby nodded: "Grandpa is relieved, I will protect them."

"That's good, children's safety should also pay attention to, do you know?" Tang Gaoyi said quietly, which made Tang baby feel a sense of crisis.

After all, in the past, Grandpa was rarely so serious, and he really had a serious warning.

"Well, I know." Tang baby also said quietly.

However, Grandpa, you may not know, they have sucked my baby's abilities, sucking and sucking.