- Drama
- My Girlfriend Would Threaten to Break Up with Me
My Girlfriend Would Threaten to Break Up with Me
Drama Author:齐成琨0
UpdateTime:2022-07-31 07:07
“Like I said, I have something I can’t miss tomorrow. ……”“Is it more important than me?”“I didn’t say that. It’s just a concert I’ve always wanted to go to. I can go on a date anytime, but the concert... more>>“Like I said, I have something I can’t miss tomorrow. ……”“Is it more important than me?”“I didn’t say that. It’s just a concert I’ve always wanted to go to. I can go on a date anytime, but the concert is only tomorrow. ……”“Oh, okay. Make a choice. You can either go on a date with me, or I will break up with you and you can go to the concert.”“W-Wait a minute. Why are you giving me an ultimatum?”“Meet me at Shibuya station at ten in the morning. If you’re late, it’s over”I couldn’t find the energy to go after her.No matter what I said to her, she wouldn’t listen to me.—-I had already given up on her based on my previous experience. back<<
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