Lin Fei, do you think you can give me the gift you brought here Han Shijun once again said brazenly.

Han Shijun finished this sentence.

Han XiuXiu's boyfriend is excellent.

"Han XiuXiu, my boyfriend Fang Kui is excellent. After a while, my boyfriend Fang Kui is likely to get promoted and get a raise." Han Xiuling stares at Han XiuXiu and says triumphantly.

He was worried that Lin Fei would blame him!

His subordinate Fang Kui actually ridiculed Lin Fei in front of him.

And he is a subordinate of Lin Fei.

Fang Kui is his subordinate.

He was so scared!

He saw that Fang Kui was mocking Lin Fei.

Duan Qingyun knows how to watch his words.

Obviously, some people in his mouth are referring to Lin Fei.

While speaking, Fang Kui glanced at Lin Fei coldly.

"Sister in law, you flatter me. I'm just ordinary. Unlike some people, I don't know who I am when I have some money at home." Fang Kui sneered.

"Fangkui, you are very good." Han qiuxue looked at Fang Kui and nodded.

Therefore, at this time, Han Feng is like a pug in front of Duan Qingyun.

He can't be a multimillionaire.

If, not for this reason.

Now, the reason why Han Feng can become a multimillionaire is that his company has become a partner with Tengda branch in Huaxiong market.

"Duan is always good." Han Feng said to Duan Qingyun.

Seeing such a scene, everyone mistakenly thought that Duan Qingyun had come to celebrate Han Shijun's 60th birthday because of Fang Kui's face.

Duan Qingyun and Fang Kui shook hands and let go.

"Mr. Duan, I'm so glad you can come." Fang Kui glanced at all the people present. He got up from his chair and offered to shake hands with Duan Qingyun.

This is a big man!

Hearing this, almost everyone in the Han family mansion looks up at Duan Qingyun.

"Grandfather, this is the general manager of Huaxiong Tengda branch, Duan Qingyun, Duan Zong." Han Qingya said with trembling voice.

She also felt that Duan Qingyun came to attend the 60th birthday of her grandfather Han Shijun for the sake of her boyfriend Fang Kui.

Han Xiuling and her boyfriend Fang Kui think the same thing.

"Fang Kui, isn't this the general manager of your company?" Han Xiuling said excitedly.

However, in fact, Duan Qingyun came back to attend Han Shijun's 60th birthday today because of Lin Fei's face.

This makes Fang Kui feel very face saving.

In Fang Kui's opinion, Duan Qingyun, the general manager of his company, must have seen his face. Today, he came to celebrate Han Shijun's 60th birthday.

Seeing the moment of Duan Qingyun, Fang Kui trembled with excitement.

Then, he looked at Han Shijun and said with a smile, "master Han, I came here without invitation. You can't be surprised!"

Duan Qingyun looks at Lin Fei imperceptibly.

At this time, Duan Qingyun, general manager of Huaxiong Tengda branch, came to the Han family with a congratulatory gift.

But he was helpless.

Seeing this scene, Han Feng was very angry.

Today, Lin Fei and Han XiuXiu are sitting next to Han Shijun.

Today, but not the same.

In the past, when the Han family held parties, the younger generation were Han Feng and Han Qingya sitting next to Han Shijun.

Lin Fei and Han XiuXiu sit next to Han Shijun.

"Linfei, you sit next to me." Han Shijun took Lin Fei's hand and went to the main hall and sat down.

However, her heart is not sour.

She was very jealous that Han XiuXiu had found a rich boyfriend.

All along, she and Han XiuXiu are not good at caring.

"Fang Kui, you are the best in my mind. Lin Fei, he is not as good as you." Han Xiuling said in a cold voice.

"What's the big deal?" Fang Kui looked at Lin Fei and snorted.

This is because she knows that Lin Fei is a very rich man.

Han Qingya's attitude towards Han XiuXiu now, and her attitude towards Han XiuXiu before, is simply one in the sky and one in the ground.

"Cousin, you are so insightful. In the future, if my boyfriend has one tenth of Lin Fei's excellence, I will be satisfied." Han Qingya went to Han XiuXiu, took Han XiuXiu's arm and said warmly.

At this time, Han Feng finally realized that his little money was not enough in Lin Fei's eyes.

Lin Fei is too rich!

More than 10 million things, Lin Fei actually said it was just a little worthless gadget.

They held their breath.Hearing this, almost all the people present were shocked.

"A little worthless gadget, you take it!" Lin Fei looks at Han Shijun and says lightly.

Then, Lin Fei put Zhang Daqian's galloping horse in front of Han Shijun.

He decided to send Zhang Daqian's galloping horse to Han Shijun.

More than 10 million things are nothing to Lin Fei.

"Well." Lin Fei nodded.

"Lin Fei, you see my grandfather knows that he is wrong. You can forgive him this time." Han XiuXiu said embarrassed.

"XiuXiu, please say something nice to Lin Fei. My grandfather knows it's wrong. Please let Lin Fei give me the gift." Han Shijun looked at Han XiuXiu and said anxiously.

"Ah! Before that, I thought Han XiuXiu was blind and fell in love with Lin Fei. I didn't expect that, in fact, it was Han XiuXiu who had a good eye for pearls. " Han Qingya said to herself.

However, he was very unconvinced.

He is not as good as Lin Fei.

The same is true.

However, almost all the people present felt that he was inferior to Lin Fei.

He thinks he is the favorite of the Han family.

Hearing these words, Han Feng was very angry.


"Han Feng and Han Qingya are already rich, but what is their little money in front of Lin Fei?"

"Before, we looked down on Lin Fei and mocked him. We are a group of ants mocking a Tyrannosaurus Rex!"

"Lin Fei, that's the real big deal! He's a gift worth tens of millions. "

At this time, in the Han family mansion, other people, looking at Lin Fei, couldn't help but exclaim.

He's worth it.

In Han Shijun's opinion, for Zhang Daqian's original work.

"Lin Fei, it's me who has no eyes. I look down on you. Don't go to your heart!" Han continued.

"Old man Han, tell me about you. You just took the gift from Lin Fei. Isn't it OK?" Mu Chen laughs.

If Lin Fei took away Zhang Daqian's picture of galloping horses and didn't give it to him, he would regret it all his life.

He did this in order to let Lin Fei give Zhang Daqian's picture of ten thousand horses galloping to him.

He slapped himself in the face.


Her boyfriend Fang Kui is not bad.

At this time, Lin Fei took a sip of water and looked at Fang Kui lightly.

He has decided to fire Fang Kui.