Chapter 213 - Menacing Murderer...

Back to present…

A deep silence overflew the atmosphere of the private dining room of Fusion.. No one said a single thing after Bryce had completed saying the whole story which manufied the actual truth..

They were still shocked with the words Bryce had just pronounced that Alex had never committed suicide but he had been forced to do so..

Most shockingly, who had forced him to his deathbed??

None other than his own father, Mr. Porter Brown..

How could a father harm his own family..

No.. Actually Mr. Brown didn't harm his son..

He killed Alex with a very well manufactured plan..

Truthfully, Mr. Brown was nothing but a living monster, whose hands hadn't even shook for once nor his voice quivered while giving the order towards his men to kill his own son..

Anyone in the room still couldn't believe that a father could be this inhuman towards his own child..

Yeah... It was a murder. A very well planned murder which took the LIFE of an innocent soul..

And Mr. Brown was a menacing murderer...

The innocent soul of Alex who had never wished anyone to suffer for him, had to shoulder the weight of responsibility. And to save others, he had compromised his own life..

Wasn't it quite melodramatic like some daily soap operas which people loved to watch?? But no, this time it was real. A real father had really killed his own son for his skeptical ego, for his undeniable greed..

The news was really quite huge to take in for everyone as they never expected that still these kind of people existed in the world who could differentiate between his own children, bading on their mentality..

So what, if your one son was normal boy with super intelligence and the other had some mental disability who sometimes acted like a little child.. 

But he was also a human whose heart was as pure as water.. Moreover, he was Brown Family's second heir, who had their blood running in his vein..

Indeed, Mr. Porter Brown was nothing but a cruel heartless creature..

Breaking the silence which was covering the room, Myra muttered, "My.. my brother didn't commit suicide? Dad forced him to kill himself??

That's mean it was not Veronica's fault too.. My dad.. my dad made this whole plan to destroy my two brothers.. How could he do this?"

Saying this, Myra broke down in tears, snatching everyone's attention to her..

Especially when Alonzo's eyes fell on her, he quietly played the words in his mind which Bryce and Myra had just said..

"Do.. do you have any proof against dad? And why did your family got killed?" Alonzo asked Bryce after coming back to proper sense..

Bryce nodded his head and said, "I have proofs against him. Truthfully, the proof was the reason for which my wife and son got killed.

Unknowingly my son captured the video where he was confessing his crime of killing Alex and making Ms. Veronica out of your life after the burial of Alex. He was talking to me that time when my son made that video which had been seen by my wife later..

She came to confront me about the video.. Like why I was still working with a person who didn't even hesitate to kill his own son. She was telling me to leave your father's side but I was quite adamant to not listen to her.."

Leaving a deep sigh and after remembering the most painful day of his life, Bryce continued, "Sadly, Mr. Brown had heard the conversation while coming to my house and he barged in before shooting those bullets into my wife and only son's scalps.

He warned me that he wasn't killing me because I was his right hand man and then he snatched the recorder which had his confession video and broke it into pieces..

I stood there like a dead body in front of my family and later decided to leave your father's side. But what he didn't know was the recorder's memory was attached to my mobile and the video itself saved in my phone.

I took an oath that day that I'll give your father the punishment for his deed one day but this proof was not enough as I knew that as soon as Mr. Brown would have got any idea about this video, he would kill me and destroy the video as well. I don't have any fear to die for, but I want to die after seeing your father getting his retribution."

A lone tear escaped from Bryce's eyes when Willa asked, "Then why did you wait for so many years? You already got the proof, right?"

"Proof is not everything to destroy a cruel person like Mr. Brown.. I needed someone powerful with huge bundle of money for this. So I waited for Alonzo to get bigger and stable so that he could fight for his brother and would be able to solve the puzzles of his brother's death. But he never came to find the veracity of his brother's death..

Because for him, his egoistic attitude let him close his eyes and made him unable to see the truth by blaming Ms. Veronica for everything.

But luckily, Mr. Smith got to the root and asked me to reveal everything about that heartless bastard which I gladly deed. Now my only wish to you all is that, please give justice to Alex and my family." Bryce pleaded while sobbing very much.

Alonzo didn't mutter anything as he was still in his own world, thinking if he was the only guilty person who didn't notice the changes in his brother and let him die in his father's hand...

He even also blamed Veronica for everything which she never had committed and called her with dishonorable names while throwing dirty remarks at her... 

He was ashamed of himself for his past behaviour.. He was cursing himself mentally for whatever treacherous things he had performed..

Whereas Veronica was just sitting on the chair, placing her head on Reuben's shoulder while crying silently. Reuben was moving his hands on her back to console her but the pain in her heart to lose her friend was quite huge, compared to those betrayals..