The courtyard of Chu family.

In the afternoon, the courtyard was quiet, except for the occasional cicadas in the garden.

Click. With a slight sound, a closed door was opened quietly. A sneaky little head came out of it and quickly reconnoitred the left and right sides of the corridor. After confirming that there was no one, he slipped out.

He crept forward to a study at the end of the corridor as if he were a thief.

Carefully push the door open, and then flash in.

"Hoo, the invasion was successful."

Chufeifei blinked her eyes and happily made a winning gesture. Turn to lock the door, and then run to the computer to open, clear eyes filled with faint expectations.

After hearing Chen ruofan say that it was the director of public security who handed him over to his adoptive father that night, and the higher authorities had no way of knowing it, Chu Feifei sprouted up in Chu Yun's study and landed on a few websites dedicated to senior military headquarters to check.

Maybe we'll find a clue somewhere.

Although the hope is dim, chufeifei always has some premonition in her heart. This premonition made her have to investigate, and the target was put in Chu Yun's study from the beginning.

Fortunately, Chu Yun did not change the password, so chufeifei easily logged into the system.

"Wow, so much information. Where should I find it?"

Chufeifei depressed one hand to hold his cheek, looking at the eyes of a variety of all the imperial capital confidential information. At this time, it is easy for her to steal State secrets secretly. If she sells them abroad, she can earn a lot of money.

Unfortunately, chufeifei didn't have that kind of mind.

She found Chu Yun's exclusive folder, and then began to seriously look for clues inside. After staring at the screen for more than an hour, there was no similar clue.

"Ah, how could that happen? Is my intuition wrong? "

Chufeifei frowned in chagrin, and her slender fingers beat the table top impatiently.


"No, I accidentally touched the mouse."

Chufeifei spits out her tongue and is about to turn off the open page, but the whole person is suddenly stunned.

That is a hidden folder, the content recorded in it should be an action of Chu Yun. Chufeifei frowned and looked down, and found that this task was jointly executed by Chu Yun and Jun Liang.

Generally speaking, it should be to encircle and suppress a large-scale drug organization at that time. The specific content is not recorded, only a blurred photo is attached. It looks like it was cut out of a newspaper. It's a man in his forties.

If you look at the time of the mission, it has been 25 years since now, so this man is about 70 years old. I always feel that this person is a little familiar, but there is no one in my memory who matches his appearance.

Chufeifei didn't find much information in it, so she closed the folder.

Then she followed the hidden path of this folder and found another folder. She thought there would be something important, so she couldn't wait to open.


Chufeifei frowns and looks at some black-and-white photos of some ages. The young man inside is Chu Yun, and Chu Feifei knows it. But she didn't know the boy in his arms.

It can't be a father or a second uncle, but they're not seventeen or eighteen, and they're at least fourteen or fifteen. So it can't be a cousin. That's strange. Who is this baby?

"Knock, Feifei, are you in the study?"

Hearing Chu Yun's voice, chufeifei whispered that it was not good. He quickly exited the system in a hurry and shut down the computer by the way. Then he quickly got up and picked up a book from the shelf and opened it.

When she finished, Chu Yun also took the key to open the door. See lying on the sofa on his back, a pair of feeling like Chu Feifei, Chu Yun's eyes flash through a helpless.

"Feifei, how can you run away, and my grandfather's study is sleeping?"

Chu Feifei pretended to be confused and opened his eyes. He looked at Chu Yun at a loss and then turned his head to look around. Then he got up and laughed with embarrassment.

"I couldn't sleep in my own room, so I came to borrow a book from my grandfather and fell asleep."

"You child, you are not afraid of a cold."

Chu Yun pretends to be angry and stares at Chu Feifei. The ghost spirit Chu Feifei immediately smiles and holds Chu Yun as a coquettish.

"Oh, no, grandfather. I'll go first. I'll be busy in the afternoon. "

Chufeifei got up, put the book back on the shelf and went out.

Back in her room, chufeifei immediately went to wash her face, then changed her clothes and went out. She directly took a taxi to yaoyang international. At this time junxijie should be in the company.

Seeing Chu Feifei, Jun Xi Jie's eyes were full of surprise.

"Don't you think you want to go back to live for a few days with your grandparents?"

"That's an excuse. I actually went back to investigate something."

Chu Feifei said while walking to the sofa to sit down, Jun Xi Jie pick eyebrows, also rose to walk in the past. He sat on the sofa and put his hand around chufeifei's shoulder, while chufeifei leaned against his arms."So, what did you investigate?"

Jun Xi Jie side of the head, lips close to Chu Feifei's black and soft black hair, slightly deep breathing, smelling the fragrance of her hair.

"I didn't find anything, but I saw a strange picture."

Chu Feifei pushes away Junxi Jie and looks at him with a serious face and frowns. Jun Xi Jie looked at her small touch, and flashed a helpless pet. Reach out and touch her cheek.

His fingertips deliberately pinched her soft earlobe, as if teasing small animals.

"Oh, I'm telling you seriously."

Feijun is not satisfied with being touched by the cat.

"Well, tell me what kind of picture it is."

Look at Jun Xi Jie's feeling finally serious up, Chu Feifei this just found his photos and doubts all told Junxi Jie.

"What do you think?"

Jun Xi Jie picks eyebrow to look at Chu Feifei to ask a way, that kind of photograph actually by Chu Yun put in that kind of confidential website, even is the individual hidden folder. From here alone, it's extraordinary.

Chufeifei's brow is more tight, she is now completely without a clue.

She also knows that photos are not simple, but she can't make any associations.

Jun Xi Jie see her distressed feeling, not from hook lips show a touch of seductive smile. He reached for chufeifei in his arms and stroked her back.

"Since you can't think of it, don't worry about it. Say no, when you don't look for it, the answer is obvious. "

"That's what I said, but I don't think it's right. It's always weird in the bottom of the sky, like something's going to happen

Chufeifei felt uncomfortable at the thought of the frequent flusters recently. She would never have this feeling at ordinary times, but she has been feeling uncomfortable frequently recently. It was as if there was a knife on her heart, which fell down from time to time and hurt her.

Jun Xi Jie's eyes become more and more dark, but the action of comforting Chu Feifei is more gentle.

"Don't worry, fool. Nothing will happen."

Chu Feifei was silent, holding Junxi Jie tightly and taking a deep breath. Smelling the familiar tobacco smell of Junxi Jie, she had a sense of peace of mind. It's good to have such an embrace to rely on.

After waiting for a while, Chu Feifei has no response. Junxi Jie is a little curious.

He looked down and saw that chufeifei was asleep in his arms. Jun Xi Jie was helpless and funny. Finally, all these emotions turned into affectionate kisses and fell on Chu Feifei's forehead.

Jun Xi Jie gets up, takes Chu Feifei to the rest room inside, and then quietly retreats out.

"Look at you. What has happened recently?"

Yi Qingqing picks eyebrow to look at Jun Xi Jie, after they arrive, he is a pair of eyebrow is locked, expression is cold and hard, lip is clenched and pursed. It's been a few minutes, but still silent.

Jun Xi Jie looked at other people with the same face of doubt, and his black eyes became more and more deep.

"Chen ruofan has said that black butterfly may take action in H City in the near future."

Yi Qingqing and situ Rui looked at each other, and then looked at Junxi Jie at the same time: "black butterfly wants to move in H city? Is it against us? "

In this city of H, the only motive that black butterfly can appear is to deal with Skynet. In addition to this, Yi Qingqing has no idea what black butterfly wants to do.

However, junxijie didn't agree with this speculation, and his brow frowned a little more tightly: "maybe it's not Skynet. After all, there's Lei Li Ting, the supreme commander of the imperial capital, and a military headquarters in H city."

Yi Qingqing looked at Junxi Jie with some disapproval and said: "such speculation should not be possible. If the target of black butterfly is thunder, isn't it equal to opposing the whole emperor? Although the black butterfly's power is huge, it seems impossible to take a country as an enemy. "

Jun Xi Jie pursed his lips, and felt that there was some truth in the saying that he was easy to be affectionate.

"Black butterfly should not be targeting Chen ruofen's Hessen, after all, Hessen's stronghold is in North America. If they want to retaliate against Chen ruofen, they should shift their focus to North America. "

Situ Rui also said that in addition to his own ideas, this is also reasonable in Jun Xi Jie's eyes.

So after more than half an hour's discussion, the only possibility left is that black butterfly will attack Skynet this time.

After all, there is an old hatred between black butterfly and Skynet, and this incident has added new hatred, so they will take action against Skynet this time.

"Now that we have received the exact information, let's go ahead and get ready. Since the black butterfly wants to come to our territory, let them retreat in the face of difficulties. "

Hearing Jun Xi Jie's cold words, Yi Qingqing and situ Rui look at each other, and their eyes are full of expectation of bloody stimulation.

After that, they discussed some solutions, and then Yi Qingqing and situ Rui left. Jun Xi Jie sat on the sofa and squinted slightly. Although he knew that the target of black butterfly could only be Skynet, Junxi Jie always felt that something was wrong.He seems to have missed something important.

But he had no idea what it was.

Jun Xi Jie pursed his lips and suppressed his strange thoughts. Anyway, it is true that black butterfly will arrive in H city this time. All they have to do is pay close attention to the black butterfly's actions.

Hopefully, nothing out of control will happen.