In the corners of the Tongtong Forum, there’s a thread with low popularity, you could even call it deserted. However, thanks to the persistent updates by the original poster, it managed to catch the attention of a few individuals, and Lin Cao was one of them.

Lin Cao was a member of the Spirit Race. Her official job was a clothing designer, which sounded quite prestigious. But in reality, she was quite the homebody. Approaching thirty and still single, she had a genuine “auntie” appearance with a youthful facade.

Perhaps it’s true that people tend to seek what they lack. Lin Cao, who had never experienced love, was particularly engrossed in the sweet dog food posts on the Tongtong Forum. Not long ago, she came across a thread titled “The Unavoidable Stories of My Boss and Master.” The individuals mentioned in the thread were pure and ethereal, unknowingly emitting heart-fluttering dog food vibes, making her exclaim that it was overly sweet.

However, the thread’s original poster hadn’t updated for several days. Today, Lin Cao habitually opened the thread and was pleasantly surprised to find a new update!

【Original Poster: Eh, did I do something wrong? Is it really my misunderstanding? This thread seems to have sunk, and I won’t update anymore in the future.】

Lin Cao: Oh my gosh, what’s going on?!! No more updates?! This can’t be!

She quickly left a comment below—

【A Lonely Grass Forever: What happened, OP? Don’t abandon the thread! If something’s bothering you, share it, and we’ll all help you analyze it!! We all want to see the daily lives of the boss and the idol! Please, OP, we beg you!】

After Lin Cao’s message was sent, someone else immediately messaged—

【A Cat Enthusiastic About Dog Food: No! Don’t! Please, OP, share whatever’s troubling you. Let’s analyze it together. Many hands make light work, don’t overthink alone! Your sweet daily stories have become a part of my life, where else can I find them now?】

After a series of messages trying to convince the OP to continue, the original poster finally reappeared. This time, she explained the situation.

【Original Poster: I’m deeply moved by your support, and I’ll briefly explain the situation. A few days ago, the boss and the master were on the second floor again. I was secretly excited about it, but not long after, the master left with a cold expression. Everyone knows that the master always has this kind of cold demeanor. I can’t tell whether the master is in a good mood or not, but this time, I felt inexplicably that the master’s mood wasn’t great.

Later, the boss also left the floor, and my intuition was confirmed. Due to being the only female employee under the boss, he told me about what happened between him and the master on the second floor. He said he received a call from a senior family member about a blind date, and after discussing it, the master left in anger.

Everyone, what do you think after hearing this? My immediate thought was that the master was jealous! It’s so obvious! Plus, I felt that the relationship between the boss and the master was progressing too slowly. Acting on impulse, I bluntly told the boss that the master likes him and he likes the master.

But I was so naive. It’s been nearly ten days now, and the master hasn’t visited the shop again. The boss seems perfectly normal, but I’ve noticed that whenever he’s idle, he’s lost in thought. Could it be that I overthought things? Perhaps the relationship between the boss and the master is purely innocent, and I’ve made a mess of things?


Lin Cao felt this only highlighted the abnormality between the two even more. However, since the original poster worked under the boss, her concerns weren’t baseless. She replied below—

【A Lonely Grass Forever: OP, I’m certain the relationship between the boss and the master isn’t pure. It’s not your fault that they haven’t seen each other for almost ten days. The master is probably jealous, and as for the boss, he might be a bit shocked. He’s taking some time to recover. You don’t need to worry too much. Even if you hadn’t said anything, sooner or later, they would have realized their feelings on their own.】

Is it really like this? Seeing the replies from internet users, Nuan nuan felt slightly comforted in her heart, but she was still worried. Had she been too impulsive? What if the relationship between the boss and the master couldn’t be salvaged? Real life isn’t like a TV drama. The boss has two children, and the master holds an extremely esteemed position. Can two individuals like them really come together even if they like each other? And if they don’t like each other at all, what kind of impact would her words have on their relationship?

Nuan nuan was restless and uneasy, while Bai Xianzhi also seemed a bit lost. Does Feng Ye like him? Does he like Feng Ye?

Over the past few days, Xianzhi had been sifting through the subtle hints of their interactions. From the initial simple customer and chef relationship, the two had gradually developed into a teacher-student dynamic and even friends. At times, it felt different from his interactions with other friends. It seemed that when Xianzhi faced difficulties, he would step up. While he rarely spoke much in front of others, he seemed to speak more in front of him. But many people were like that, talkative with friends but silent with strangers.

However, that video of Xianzhi chatting and laughing last time caused misunderstandings among many divine beings. Could it be that Feng Ye doesn’t smile in front of others? He didn’t recall ever seeing Feng Ye smile in front of others. Well, it might be different with strangers. During the last birthday banquet, many people seemed to be Feng Ye’s relatives. He didn’t see Feng Ye smile in front of them either.

But Feng Ye’s status in the Three Thousand Worlds was so high, would he really like someone like him, a small restaurant owner from another world?

Tsk, it’s complicated.

As for whether he liked Feng Ye, Bai Xianzhi also had doubts. Although Bai Xianzhi did seem quite happy to see him, people are generally happy when meeting friends. He had also felt quite happy when he saw Liu Qingshan occasionally! And don’t TV dramas always say that the heart races when you see someone you like? He hadn’t experienced such a reaction.

So maybe Nuan nuan had misunderstood. Xianzhi doesn’t like him, and he probably doesn’t like Xianzhi either?

Whatever, let’s leave it at that. When Feng Ye comes to the shop next time, they can talk then.

Bai Xianzhi decided to disregard it all and wait until they meet. After all, his overthinking was proving futile. However, what he didn’t anticipate was that he waited and waited, and another ten days passed. Feng Ye still hadn’t come to the Three Thousand Food House, and even the servants who used to come to pick up orders hadn’t shown up.

He couldn’t sit still any longer, so he decided to send a message to Feng Ye on the Tong Tong device. Adhering to the subtle traits of the Huá nationality, he asked if Feng Ye wanted to come and try the new dishes in the restaurant.

However, the message seemed to disappear into thin air. After a whole day, Xianzhi finally replied with just four words: “Not necessary for now.”

Bai Xianzhi was utterly puzzled. What could be going on?


Just as Bai Xianzhi was grappling with confusion, in the Time-Space Battlefield, Feng Ye was folding up the Tong Tong device. He looked gravely into the distance, where the pitch-black land was inundated with countless dark-gray Stonekin swarming towards the Time-Space Battlefield base. The warriors there were putting up a fierce resistance.

“How is it? Are the Stonekin significantly different from before?”

A woman’s voice sounded beside him, but Feng Ye didn’t turn around. He nodded and said, “Very different. The Stonekin now are like killing machines, unstoppable.”

With his gaze averted, Feng Ye asked, “Ji Lan, you’ve spent so many years in the Time-Space Battlefield. Do you have any guesses about the Stonekin’s changes?”

“None,” Ji Lan’s expression was serious. “Absolutely none. I once attempted to infiltrate the Stonekin to gather information, but I failed almost immediately. They seem entirely uninterested in communication. They can recognize each other’s identities instantly upon contact, and it’s not just superficial recognition. I suspect that their frequency of communication might differ from ours. I tried to capture it, but I failed.”

“A few months ago, I vaguely sensed their abnormalities. I brought a few Divine Beings onto the battlefield, thinking it would be sufficient. However, it seems I was overly optimistic. The Stonekin’s power has grown too quickly. In the current battlefield, even slightly weaker races are annihilated on sight. The Time-Space Battlefield now urgently needs the participation of a significant number of Dragonkin, Soulkin, and even Divine Beings. There’s no time to waste!”

The surviving warriors on the battlefield were suffering heavy casualties. A few Divine Beings were using their powers to the utmost, but against the ceaseless, densely-packed Stonekin forces, their efforts appeared trivial. Feng Ye let out a sigh of relief. “I will discuss this matter with the major clans.”

Hearing this, Ji Lan’s expression didn’t relax in the slightest; instead, it became more serious. She said, “I’ve already secured support from the Ji clan. I will remain stationed in the Time-Space Battlefield. The other clans will depend on you.”

Feng Ye nodded. “I will leave then.”

However, the next day, before Feng Ye could finish discussions with the major families, the Temporal Battlefield was breached comprehensively. The surviving warriors on the battlefield were retreating, and the news of this incident spread across the entire network on the same day. Countless individuals in the Three Thousand Worlds were filled with anxiety. What if the stone beings invaded one day? What would they do?

The images from back then were still on the internet. When the stone beings emerged, almost none of them had human forms. Communication with other races was almost impossible. To say that this low-intelligence race was at the bottom of the Three Thousand Worlds’ hierarchy wouldn’t be an exaggeration. To put it more bluntly, some didn’t even consider the stone beings a real race. Yet, this race that couldn’t communicate, that didn’t even have humanoid forms, managed to annihilate a small world.

Some of the older generation still remembered the horror they felt when they saw the devastation in that small world. Although the stone beings appeared stupid, their actions were vicious and brutal. Wherever they went, no living being survived, whether human, animal, plant, or even the smallest insects in the soil.

Later, a research lab took numerous samples of the soil from that world and meticulously analyzed them, but they didn’t find a trace of even the tiniest life form. To this day, that small world remains a desolate wasteland.

No one knew how the stone beings accomplished such thorough slaughter, but even thinking about it was chilling. They sought revenge for any wrong, held grudges for every grievance, and even the acts of sparing the elderly, children, women, during certain wars had no effect on the stone beings. They didn’t communicate with anyone, didn’t listen to pleas for mercy. They simply killed. If they invaded a world, a massive massacre was inevitable.

Back then, the divine beings intervened and drove the stone beings out of the various worlds. But even the divine beings couldn’t eradicate the entire stone race. They were driven into spatial rifts and existed on a piece of land devoid of any life for countless millennia. The Temporal Battlefield was established, selecting valiant warriors from various worlds to resist the stone beings on the battlefield. For nearly a hundred years, the Three Thousand Worlds lived in relative peace.

Today, the stone beings invaded once again, and it was happening in the Temporal Battlefield where divine beings were present. All races were in turmoil. If even divine beings couldn’t stop the stone beings, the destruction of the Three Thousand Worlds was imminent.


The author has something to say: Ah, it’s time to wrap things up~ My dear readers, this story is coming to an end~

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or gave me nutrient solution between 2020082514:52:17 and 2020082615:11:13~

Thanks to the nutrient solution givers: ?Tong Yan (12 bottles), mm (10 bottles), rgmau, Beginning (1 bottle).

Thank you so much for your support. I will continue to work hard!

1TL: YSIAD “You can support me if you like my translations by leaving a comment below, or by sending me a Ko-fi. Thank you ”