Chapter 206 God's pet

206 God's pet

Today, two additional chapters were supposed to be released, but due to some minor issues, they will be postponed until 16.11. I apologize.


"What? The Queen can't make it to the meeting?" Adam said in surprise upon hearing the guard's words.

"Yes, sir. She asked you to come again in two days. Some problems arose, so Her Majesty had to postpone the meeting."

"I understand..."

Adam sighed irritably when he heard the message from the guards. The meeting was canceled without notifying him in advance, but there was nothing he could do about it.

Since the day tragedy struck Queen Elizabeth's castle, resulting in the death of many people and creating a frenzy that hindered normal life in the castle, there were no announcements. The families of the deceased remained silent as if their anger from a few days ago was just an illusion.

However, it couldn't be said that this incident didn't have an impact on life in the capital. Avalonia's capital changed, and from time to time, there were reports of people going mad and attacking everyone in sight. Their only goal was to unleash the accumulated anger, which, under the influence of the Higher Energy of Evil, had slipped out.

Higher Energy... its influence was like that of a nuclear bomb. It had an effect similar to radiation, and it wouldn't be an exaggeration to say it exceeded its in-danger nine or even ten times. That was the situation.

And there was no chance this incident would be ignored. When he visited the Vampire Queen, who drank his blood, Adam learned some news.

"Do you mean they're going to condemn Veronica for using Higher Energy, am I right?" Adam asked, standing up from the sofa. His face was pale, and he looked overall tired, but with each passing second, his demon skin regained a more natural color – demon regeneration was doing its job.

"Hahaha... yeah, can you believe it? I'm amazed at that fool's brains! Couldn't she have handled the situation more cunningly?" Liara laughed loudly, seductively licking her lips, stained with Adam's blood. She chuckled and looked at him, tilting her head – her eyes burned with madness, and her hair moved on its own. "So, boy, you should be prepared for tough times. I'm sure your mommy is not in the most pleasant situation."


The man did not respond to her words, which were mocking. He just sighed and looked out the window, supporting his chin with his hand, while Liara played with his hair, rubbing her body against him from time to time.

The use of Higher Energy was originally prohibited, as it could lead the world to catastrophe, so violating this rule was severely punished. However, Adam strongly doubted that anything would happen to Veronica because she was one of the strongest beings in this world, and losing her... essentially, they would be defenseless.

Although the status of the most powerful being was still debatable, Liara herself was practically comparable in strength to Veronica and surpassed her in some moments. This gave Adam a not-so-pleasant premonition.

Looking at this scene where no one survived, Adam just snorted and burned their bodies to ashes, then headed home.

Somewhere in the distance, in the capital of Elfheim, a beautiful elf maiden observed the situation. Undoubtedly, she was slender and beautiful, her long golden hair freely flowing in the wind, while her green eyes, like emeralds, sparkled in the bright sunlight. The surrounding world reflected in her pupils as if it were a mirror without a single smudge.

Dressed in a simple white dress, she wore a beautiful crown made of gold with emerald inserts that complemented her eyes.

"I didn't expect to see him again. Iliantra buzzed in my ear that he became an influential person and we should be friends... Well, it's hard to believe," she muttered, chuckling and clasping her hands behind her back. She narrowed her eyes, which suddenly changed their color to a darker shade, and her aura burst outward. Plants around her went through the cycle of life and death, repeating it every twenty seconds.

Her facial expression changed every minute – she was angry, then happy, then sad, then indifferent.

This was Amaria, the Queen of Elves.

"Quite upsetting. They say he built a city that gained fame throughout Avalonia. And there's not a lazy person who hasn't heard about his company. Even a pity that I let him go so easily," she sighed, sitting on the grass. She chuckled and murmured, "Who would have thought that Veronica's little puppy would have such potential? And here I thought he was useless, so I kept him around, hoping to get some valuable material from Veronica. Oh, dear Adam, how I miss those times when you fed me with a spoon."

Her behavior significantly differed from what Adam remembered. If before, Amaria seemed gentle and kind, so much so that imagining her killing would be difficult, now her aura resembled something like Veronica's. Moreover, talking about her strength...

According to the system's assessment, she reached SS+!

"Oh, yes... They want to condemn Veronica for using Higher Energy, right?" Amaria muttered, sighing. She smirked and looked genuinely sad, "Well, how can this be... does she deserve it? She was just defending her dear one, nothing more!"

And while she talked to herself, a portal began to form behind her, gradually increasing in size, reaching a height of two meters and a width of a hundred centimeters. Glancing over her shoulder, Amaria grinned and looked at the person emerging from it. Her appearance couldn't be recognized, but Amaria seemed to recognize her immediately.

"Good day, little god's pet."


Amarantha left a letter for Adam and entered the portal that appeared behind her more than five minutes ago. She sighed and shook her head. Recent news about Veronica had reached her, and she was immediately summoned to a meeting where they were supposed to decide this matter and determine how to punish her.

"What a hassle... Damn Veronica, won't she ever have a peaceful day."

The source of this content nov(el)bi((n))