Chapter 269 Elrion's shop opening

Chapter 269 Elrion's shop opening

Before starting the chapter, I would like to congratulate all women and mothers on the eighth of March. I wish you the best, a pleasant mood, and for your dreams to come true. Beauty and friendship will save the world, as they say.

On the other hand, I would also like to congratulate the characters in my books, even though it may sound strange. Lina, Amaria, Amarantha, and the rest... Happy Women's Day!

Enjoy reading!


After they finished flirting together, Lina and Adam sat on the couch in front of Amaria, who looked at them with an annoyed expression that was successfully ignored.

"You look tired, Amaria," Adam casually began the conversation and smiled, seeing annoyance on her face: "Is something wrong?"

"...No, nothing. I'm just worried that with your perverted character, your hands will reach for me too," Amaria said and pretended to have a scared expression on her face.


Adam just smiled and shrugged. He had no intention of doing so because Adam was a gentleman! Or so he thought...

Nevertheless, after such a joke, Amaria calmed down and looked much more relaxed. Adam could understand her – she was worried about her future, as it was difficult to call them close. However, he initially planned to cover for her because she had useful information, and they had some history of acquaintance.

Adam lit a cigarette and silently looked out the window. He had a lot of business in this world, but first, he needed to focus on improving himself.

"You should find some cover... lately, the security in the city has been increased, and without an ID card, it will be difficult to move around," Adam suddenly said and sighed, inhaling smoke. He exhaled cigarette smoke and then added: "This is currently a bit problematic because some people know about your disappearance. It would be much more correct to stay at home for now and not go outside. I hope you understand."

"Hmph... once a powerful woman is now no different from a prisoner," Amaria snorted, concluding with a bitter expression on her face: "Sigh, how I would like some rare fruits from the elven forest. My appetite is on fire."

"Why don't you return to the Lower World then?" Adam said with a smile, to which he received only an annoyed look from Amaria. He looked at Lina and with a smile said: "All the necessary tools have already been delivered, right?"


Lina nodded and cheerfully smiled. Some time ago, a slightly late merchant came and delivered all the equipment, and Adam unloaded them into the kitchen. With his strength, it was also easy, as if he was holding a basket of hay.

And now, Lina has already started baking confectionery. Adam was very glad of this.

"Now the morning will be even better," he commented, lazily stretching: "Just in case, is everything all right with that cultivation technique I gave you?"

"Yes," Lina nodded and then added with a smile: "I have made some progress and will soon be on the first stage of the Mortality Realm."

"Excellent. Upon reaching this stage, you will not have to worry about aging. Although you look very young, a timeless beauty from magazine covers."



Elrion nodded. With Barbara's support, he could achieve much higher sales volumes for his product. Considering the reputation he had gained at the contest, he already had many orders that would bring him a large sum of money.

Since Clinton City was a well-developed city and, most importantly, popular, it would bring Elrion much more profit than all his previous businesses. Moreover, Barbara herself did not hesitate to use Elrion's reputation to invite guests to herself.

"I recently received several letters," Adam casually said and cracked his neck: "They asked me to become a model for several magazines and said that coincidentally, there are branches of these magazines here. People will come to you soon, most likely, they will also turn to you for help. Not for free, of course."

"The flow of orders is very fierce, to be honest. I barely have time to do everything, but the load will decrease after I hire staff. Most likely, I will call the girls from the village, I have already worked with them, and I can trust them to manage the store."

"Hah. The great Bin village alliance is back in action," Adam said with a smile.


Elrion smiled at Adam's joke, and then they both went inside. Everything was done beautifully; it was clear that they did not spare money. Beautiful showcases, countless places for clothes, and even a personal workspace for Elrion.

From all sides, the store had a view thanks to long glass windows. Passersby stopped to look at the products and were delighted, wanting to buy, but sadly sighed when they saw that the opening date was only next week.

"I think such a place won't be easy to guard," Adam expressed his thoughts aloud, stroking his chin with curiosity: "Nevertheless, the income from this place will be chic. I can already feel this smell."

"Yeah. But the expenses are not small either. I plan to sell high-

quality clothes, so the material must be of high quality. And what is high quality is expensive," Elrion said and sighed: "Nevertheless, this will help me form a reputation as a friendly manufacturer who cares about the quality of his goods. Quite a good thing, don't you think?"

"Yes, you're right,"

Adam was convinced of this. Although he decided to turn his firm with Ricky into a more elite version, this reduced the flow of customers from ordinary people, but from wealthy clients, there were more.

Nevertheless, Elrion still kept a place for relatively cheap clothes, which are also high-quality, but these are already wasted from other goods.

Adam could say that there would be many customers. His task was to protect Elrion, so he would also have to watch over the store. For this, the owner of the store pays extra.

He had no objections. In his situation, the more money, the better for his development. Until he reaches a certain level, Adam can establish connections for himself, but it is still a long way off.

And so, the following week was the official opening. All the goods were neatly laid out. The staff was hired – these were all the same girls from Bin village, as well as newcomers.

Ellison also hired apprentices who would help him during work. Now all the staff stood in front of the store. Today, even Barbara Clinton was present.

All attention was on her. Adam stood behind Elrion, wearing a black combat suit.

"Today will be considered a great day. Elrion, being a talented person, was able to reveal his talent at the contest," Barbara said loudly, standing on the podium. She exuded an authoritative aura: "Thanks to his outstanding power, Clinton City has attracted the attention of many people! Gratitude to Elrion is immeasurable!"


To be continued...