Chapter 189 - Chapter 189: Science Fiction, Reverse Engineering

Chapter 189: Science Fiction, Reverse Engineering

Translator: End less Fantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

After hearing Tang Rui’s words, more than a hundred people in the multi-purpose hall stared at him, dumbfounded.

Was it even a question of whether to tell or not?

Are we sure that we can build such an armed satellite? This was no laughing matter.

“Of course, I’m not asking you to replicate these two types of armed satellites. I’m asking you to think differently, to design as boldly as possible based on existing scientific theories.

Don’t worry about orbital capacity, energy, or material problems. Make bold assumptions and let your thoughts run wild. All you need to do is design the armed satellite to perfection.

As for the implementation problems after the design is completed, we will tackle them bit by bit, studying each technology one at a time.”

Tang Rui spoke again, addressing everyone.

Hearing this, everyone understood.

This was about setting a research direction, a vision for the future, not necessarily about creating it immediately.

It was like our aircraft carrier.

First, we would build one with a conventional engine without an electromagnetic catapult.

Then we would create one with a conventional engine equipped with an electromagnetic launch catapult.

Finally, we would develop a nuclear-powered one with an electromagnetic catapult and fifth-generation fighters onboard.

Isn’t technology about accumulating small advancements to make continuous breakthroughs? Now, everyone understood.

Next, Tang Rui organized them according to their specialties.

There were eleven groups in total.

After dividing them into groups, Tang Rui left, instructing them to discuss among themselves. They were to give him a draft sketch and design concept three days later.

After he had left, the people in the multi-purpose hall exchanged looks. No one spoke because this project was unlike any they had participated in before.

In other projects, they were responsible only for the labor.

Research objectives and goals were set by superiors; they were simply in charge of the technical problem-solving.

Even during the research, superiors would advise them not to aim too high and to keep their feet on the ground.

But with Tang Rui, it was different.

He would show you a video to pump you up, then let you imagine and play freely with ideas.

This left them a little unsure of how to begin.

“Hello, colleagues. I’m Zhang Xiaotian from the Shanghai Institute of Optics. I arrived the earliest and have heard some stories about President Tang.

“Since President Tang has asked us to be self-reliant, let’s have a discussion. We can’t let President Tang look down on us.

“Since no one else wants to start, I’ll throw out a brick to attract jade and share my own ideas.

“For the satellite’s weapons, 1 recommend laser weapons because lasers face the fewest restrictions in space and have the fastest speed.

“According to President Tang’s thoughts, 1 would set the power of the laser weapon at 50 million joules.”

Zhang Xiaotian was the first to stand up. After introducing himself, he shared his proposal.

He suggested setting the power of the laser weapon at more than a hundred times that of the strongest current laser weapon.

After he finished, everyone else was stunned for a moment.

They were all knowledgeable in the field.

The current strongest laser weapons have a power of only a few hundred thousand joules. You’re suggesting 50 million joules; isn’t that overreaching?

But upon recalling what President Tang had said earlier, it seemed less absurd.

It wasn’t about creating it now; fantasizing was allowed.

With Zhang Xiaotian’s lead, others began to speak, each proposal more ambitious than the last.

“The armed satellite must be capable of changing its orbit and moving efficiently, so I think the satellite’s thruster must be an electric one suitable for outer space, with a thrust of 100 tons.”

“The energy system should consist of two setups: one traditional solar power generation and the other nuclear power. This would ensure there is enough electricity to power both the engine and the laser weapon.”

“We need laser weapons, but kinetic weapons should not be neglected. With a looo-kiloton electric propulsion engine and a 5-million-kilowatt nuclear power source, the armed satellite could also be fitted with a set of electromagnetic weapons for reinforcement.”

“Not just electromagnetic weapons, we’ll also need missiles. As they will be launched from satellites, the missiles won’t need to carry much fuel and can be made smaller. We could carry hundreds of them.”

“Defense is essential, too. However, stacking armor on satellites isn’t wise. I think experimenting with an electromagnetic deflection field could be promising.”

The discussion grew more and more fanciful.

It had really shifted from technology to science fiction.

Fortunately, they eventually brought it back to reality. After all, they had to provide theoretical design parameters and couldn’t just make wild guesses.

Even if the current technology was insufficient, there was theoretical support, not pure fantasy.

In a flash, three days had passed.

Tang Rui received the draft sketches and theoretical parameters they provided.


Very good.

As expected, they were all young people with big ambitions.

Nuclear fusion energy sources, quantum mainframes, neutrino information capture radar, Hall-effect thrusters with a thrust of 1000 kilonewtons, electromagnetic railguns with a magnetic track three kilometers long, laser weapons of 50 million joules, and 480 missiles of various types.

If current technology could produce a first-generation armed satellite, then the parameters they suggested would belong to at least a fourth or fifth-generation armed satellite.

Each item mentioned was beyond the current limits of what current technology could produce.

But the theory behind each device was solid, possibly achievable in the future, though not manufacturable at present.

“Red Lotus, distribute the project plan I’ve prepared; let them conduct reverse research.”

After Tang Rui reviewed the design sketches they submitted, he distributed the plan he had long since prepared.

Robots controlled by Red Lotus brought various devices to the laboratory building, distributing different equipment to the eleven groups according to their professional classifications.

As the optical group’s leader, Zhang Xiaotian signed for the equipment distributed by Red Lotus.

Of course, as the group leader, he didn’t have much actual power and had to take on responsibility and extra work.

But, in turn, he would earn more points and receive higher pay.

“This is our research plan. We will conduct reverse research to decrypt the LBO crystal and manufacture a laser cap.”

After Zhang Xiaotian signed for the crystal, the mission plan and related documentation were distributed.

“Reverse engineering? What are the parameters of this LBO crystal?” asked a researcher.

“Here are the parameters,” said Zhang Xiaotian, showing the parameters of the crystal to all team members.

Lattice parameters: a=8.4473A, b=73788A, c=5.1395A, Z=2.

Thermal expansion coefficients: alpha x=io.8xio-5/K, alpha y=-8.8xio-5/K, alpha z=3.4xio-5/K.

Absorption coefficient: <0.09%/cm at 1064 nm.

Angular deviation: A0<±o.25°, Aip<±0.25°

“If we use this performance for a laser weapon, could we reach 500 watts?”

“Not only that, if it’s like Han Guang’s, focusing 41 laser beams, we might push the power to 900,000 joules.”

“Then what are we waiting for? Let’s get started.”

Like Zhang Xiaotian’s lab, the other ten groups’ labs were also bustling with activity..