Chapter 363: 363: Yin Qin, I’m Pregnant

Chapter 363: 363: Yin Qin, I’m Pregnant

Translator: 549690339

Yin Qin felt like he was about to explode.

But at that moment, he still held back, plonking down in the coffee shop.

He was observing Li Wenjun’s reaction, waiting to see how he would react.

And his reaction nearly set him off.

He saw Li Wenjun take the middle-aged matron’s hand into his, their hands tightly clasping each other.

On the face of the matron was an adolescent-like shyness, horribly contrived, completely set on seduction.

The two of them spoke while holding hands.

Yin Qin felt like his liver, heart, and lungs were all about to explode.

He viciously pulled out his phone and took several pictures.

He really wanted to expose Li Wenjun, to expose this two-timing man.

Enraged, he promptly stood up and left.

He didn’t know if it was sheer rage or what, but he inadvertently kicked hard against the coffee table.

Such an action instantly attracted the attention of others in the coffee shop, including Li Wenjun.

When Li Wenjun turned around, he saw Yin Qin’s terribly ugly expression.

Li Wenjun was taken aback for a moment, instantly letting go of the matron’s hand, watching Yin Qin’s departing figure, and, after a brief moment, quickly pursuing him.

The matron looked unhappy.

Li Wenjun chased after Yin Qin.

“Yin Qin,” Li Wenjun called from behind.

Yin Qin strode ahead without paying any attention.

“Yin Qin,” Li Wenjun ran over and grabbed Yin Qin, “It’s not like you think.”

“What is it like, then?” Yin Qin sneered.

Li Wenjun began to explain anxiously, “This is just socializing. I have a new product launch, and the sponsor is the woman you just saw. I was just placating her. I didn’t do anything to betray Ji Baixin!”

“What is considered doing right by her? Is it only if you roll around in bed together?” Yin Qin mocked.

“I truly love Baixin. We had a hard time being together all these years. How could I possibly betray her?” Li Wenjun was continuously explaining, very anxiously.

“Do you think I’d believe what you’re saying?” Yin Qin wasn’t listening at all. “Don’t tell me this is how people usually socialize, I may not like business affairs or doing deals, but I know how they work. I’ve seen many people socializing, like my dad, who is always well-behaved at such occasions, he wouldn’t have any physical contact with women. Yeah, you can say my dad is highly placed in society, people are always kissing up to him so he doesn’t need to diminish his status. But then there’s Ji Baijian. Okay, Ji Baijian’s status is also high, I’ll talk about Mu Cidian then. Mu Cidian started from the bottom in Xin Group and worked his way up, he was even more unknown than you! I met him a few times at such occasions, he got himself wasted but still maintained an absolute distance with women. Back then he didn’t even have a fiancée and he could still pay attention to that detail. Now you’re telling me this is normal, do you think I’ll believe that?”

Li Wenjun was rendered speechless by Yin Qin’s words.

Seeing Li Wenjun silent, he harshly continued, “I took some pictures just now, I’ll send them to Ji Baixin. You can explain to her yourself.”

“Yin Qin.” Li Wenjun halted Yin Qin who was about to leave.

Yin Qin’s complexion darkened.

“I admit that woman was indeed interested in me. I understand you can’t comprehend my actions, but I do know my limits, I know what can and can’t be done. I just wanted to make sure that the launch event runs smoothly. Today was the first time I met with her alone to discuss the event, I was just putting on a show, I really will not betray Ji Baixin.”

“Tell all these words to Ji Baixin. If she thinks you’re normal, then it’s normal. I’m just telling her what I saw.”

“Yin Qin, don’t be like this.” Li Wenjun was holding on to him, “you know I love Ji Baixin very much, what you’re doing is intentionally trying to pull us apart. Have you been in love with Ji Baixin for a long time, so you’ve been keeping an eye on me, trying to catch me on my slip-ups to get back together with Ji Baixin? I’ll tell you this Yin Qin, Ji Baixin doesn’t like you, she won’t like you in this lifetime, what’s the point of doing all this? You’re only humiliating yourself!”

“Ha, I certainly am bringing humiliation onto myself. If Ji Baixin chose you, she’s also bringing humiliation onto herself.” Yin Qin was chillingly cold, “I want to see her regretting it, regretting it until her insides turn green! It will make me feel good!”

Li Wenjun glared furiously at Yin Qin.

Yin Qin looked back at him with grim determination, “Watch your step.”

At the moment he turned to leave.

“So, do you want Ji Baixin’s child to be born without a father?” Li Wenjun suddenly yelled.

Yin Qin’s body shuddered.

“Ji Baixin is pregnant, we haven’t announced it publicly, but she is indeed carrying my child. We’re about to get married. We can be very happy. But now, you’re trying to break us apart. Don’t you feel ashamed?!”

“The one who should feel ashamed is you. If you’ve gotten Ji Baixin pregnant, why can’t you be more cautious!” Yin Qin suddenly grabbed Li Wenjun’s collar, wishing he could punch him dead at that moment!

“I truly didn’t do anything to betray Ji Baixin. I admit that I crossed a line today, I made some inappropriate actions due to the stress from work, and I regret it very much now. I swear I’ll never do such things again, no matter how forced I am!” Li Wenjun made himself perfectly clear, “Yin Qin, the child is innocent. I look forward to Baixin and my child, and Baixin is also very much looking forward to it. I don’t want the child to be born in a broken family, and more importantly, I don’t want Baixin to cruelly abort the child.”

Yin Qin glared bitterly at Li Wenjun.

It seems like everyone in the world is capable of hitting his pain points.

“Yin Qin, I beg you,” Li Wenjun said sincerely. “You know Baixin truly loves me, doing this will hurt her immensely. I’m not the person you think I am.”

Yin Qin held back his emotions, constantly fixing his gaze on Li Wenjun.

Li Wenjun quietly waited for his response.

For a long time.

Finally, Yin Qin said, “Li Wenjun, I’m not threatened by you, nor concerned about Ji Baixin’s feelings. I just haven’t found solid evidence of your infidelity, so I don’t want to bother Ji Baixin needlessly. But, Li Wenjun, if there’s a next time, I won’t let you off. I’ll put your news on the front page of all Milky Way platforms. I promise you, you won’t have a chance to resurface anywhere in the world, not here in Jin City or anywhere else for that matter. I mean what I say!”

Li Wenjun’s face twitched slightly, but he quickly complied, “I will not cheat on Ji Baixin.”

Yin Qin glared harshly at Li Wenjun.

Then, abruptly turned and left.

He sat heavily in the car, seeming to stifle some resentment!

Li Wenjun watched Yin Qin’s retreating figure, his countenance changed.

He had been extremely careful all along but never expected to be caught red-handed by Yin Qin!

Song Zhizhi said, “Yin Qin, can you open the door for me?”

Yin Qin frowned.

Let you two show off your love.

He got up and went straight to the door.

Song Zhizhi just watched Yin Qin.

She had called Xiaolang as soon as they reached the garage to come upstairs.

Xiaolang never asked too much.

She supposed this moment was when she arrived.

She got up from Ji Baijian’s embrace, showing a face of anticipation for the drama to come.

Ji Baijian frowned.

He didn’t like the empty feeling in his arms.

His eyes naturally looked towards the door.

Yin Qin opened the door.

With a casual look, he was stunned when he saw Luo Xiaolang.

His eyes widened.

He thought he was seeing things.

He just stared straight at Luo Xiaolang, who had disappeared for half a year, appearing right in front of him.

At that moment, a lot of past scenes suddenly surfaced in his mind.

The scenes that he took half a year to get rid of were replaying in his mind.

Damn it.

Luo Xiaolang, you dare to come back!

You dare to come back!

See if I don’t kill you!

Yin Qin looked extremely agitated.

Luo Xiaolang was a lot calmer.

Even seeing Yin Qin again was a bit of a surprise.

She didn’t intentionally avoid Yin Qin, but she never thought about actively looking for him either.

Suddenly appearing in front of her, she didn’t know why her heart was beating faster.

It felt like her heart wasn’t hers anymore, and she could feel it pounding.

“Luo Xiaolang, you fucking dare to reappear in front of me!” Yin Qin gritted his teeth, wishing he could strangle Luo Xiaolang.

Thinking about the humiliation he suffered half a year ago.

Such a huge humiliation made him lose control. His hand reached for Luo Xiaolang’s neck.

He sometimes had nightmares in the past half year, where Luo Xiaolang turned into a demon and tortured him. Every time he woke up in the middle of the night, he was scared into a cold sweat, and he was particularly unsightly... Every time, he wanted to rush to Wulin Temple to fight Luo Xiaolang, but he would calm down each time because he knew he couldn’t defeat Luo Xiaolang, let alone in her den.

Yin Qin grabbed Luo Xiaolang’s neck viciously.

He didn’t really exert any force, just pretending to show that he was indeed very angry.

Luo Xiaolang didn’t react to Yin Qin’s actions. In her eyes, Yin Qin had no threat at all, she didn’t even need to be on guard.

Yin Qin suddenly let go of Luo Xiaolang.

He really couldn’t bring himself to do it.

Song Zhizhi just stood beside them, watching them.

Zaozao also came back early. Women are inherently gossiping, she wanted to see how Yin Qin would react, so she was standing outside the door watching them at this moment.

Looking at Yin Qin who was clearly furious but wouldn’t do anything to Luo Xiaolang.

Always felt, Yin Qin was actually spoiled.

If it were an ordinary person, they would have wanted to kill the other person!

At this moment, Yin Qin despised himself a lot. He also thought he would beat Luo Xiaolang viciously when he saw her again and never cared about her, dead and gone. He didn’t expect that his joy at this moment would drown out the anger pressed in his heart.

He’s indeed the kindest man in the world!

Yin Qin couldn’t help but praised himself in his heart, and then said, “How could you bear to appear?”

Luo Xiaolang looked at Yin Qin.

That moment, she bit her lips as if she had something hard to say.

Yin Qin frowned. “What are you looking at me for! Let me tell you, Luo Xiaolang, don’t think of anything inappropriate! Although I am handsome and suave, I wouldn’t like a country bumpkin like you. No matter what you do to me, I won’t compromise!”

Luo Xiaolang pursed her lips.

She was also prepared to be beaten up by Yin Qin when she saw him again.

She knew that she had done something very excessive to Yin Qin, but it seemed that Yin Qin wouldn’t hit her.

Now that he wasn’t going to hit her, she should tell him something.

Because Zaozao said that not telling him would be deception.

She didn’t want to lie to Yin Qin about anything, she always felt that lying was not good.

She said, “Yin Qin, I’m pregnant.”