Chapter 374: 374: Conspiracy Case (6) Layers upon Layers of Conspiracy

Chapter 374: 374: Conspiracy Case (6) Layers upon Layers of Conspiracy

Translator: 549690339

Yin Qin drives like a madman to Ji Baixin’s apartment.

He couldn’t care less about the parking situation. He halted, stepped out of the car, and rushed in.

He pressed Ji Baixin’s doorbell with force.

There was no response from inside.

He quickly took out his phone to dial, but the phone was still switched off.

He gritted his teeth.

That person who just called him now also had a switched-off phone.

The expression on Yin Qin’s face was horrific.

He dealt a cruel punch to the wall, the loud sound echoed in the air, his knuckles turned bright red.

Who on earth was it?!

Who on earth kidnapped Ji Baixin?

At a time like this, at such a crucial moment.

He gritted his teeth.

Should he call the police?

What if calling the police... results in Ji Baixin’s life being cut short?

The very thought was unimaginable to Yin Qin.

His heartbeat was racing, sweat kept trickling down his forehead.

He didn’t even know where to go or what to do now?

He just stood there in front of Ji Baixin’s door, hoping it was all a dream, that the call just now was just a prank, that Ji Baixin would return soon, that Ji Baixin would appear in front of him, looking annoyed...


Yin Qin’s phone rang.

At that moment, Yin Qin’s whole body was tense, even the slightest sound could make him shiver uncontrollably.

He composed himself and quickly answered the strange number.

“Want to make sure Ji Baixin is in my hands? Why run around everywhere? I’ll send you whatever you like: her fingers, her toes, her eyes, her ears,” The cold voice echoed in Yin Qin’s ears.

He clenched his fists and said, restraining himself, “One billion, right? Give me some time to get the money.”

“You have 24 hours, two days. Now it’s October 11th, 5:50 PM. At 5:50 PM on October 13th, if you don’t have enough money, our deal will be over. I will send Ji Baixin back to you, but, by that time, I can’t guarantee whether Ji Baixin will still be able to talk.”

“Okay.” Yin Qin agreed without hesitation.

“Don’t hurry to hang up, remember my rules clearly.” The man’s terrifying voice was very clear, “First, no one besides you can know that Ji Baixin has been kidnapped. The more people that know, the more danger to Ji Baixin. To make it clearer, for every extra person that knows about Ji Baixin’s kidnapping, I’ll remove one of Ji Baixin’s organs and send it to you. Let me remind you, I know you’re very close to Ji Baijian, and that Ji Baixin is part of the Ji Family. Don’t let slip a word to anyone in Ji Family, the consequences won’t be good...”

“Fuck you, you’re only giving me two days. How could I possibly have that much money alone!” Yin Qin cursed.

Without Ji Family’s money, without Ji Baijian’s help, where would he get so much money!

“That’s your problem, not mine.”

Yin Qin was so angry, veins were showing on his forehead.

“Second, do not call the police. If you do, you won’t even be able to see Ji Baixin’s body.” The man said menacingly, “Yin Qin, the above two points are not threats, but orders. I will wait for your good news.”

“Wait,” Yin Qin abruptly shouted.


“At least, let me know that Ji Baixin is now safe and sound with you,” Yin Qin said in a hurry and anxious tone, “Otherwise, how am I supposed to peacefully get the money?”

“Alright, I’ll fulfill your wish.” The man’s cold voice responded.


A familiar woman’s voice came from the other side of the phone, frightened and crying, “Who are you, why have you kidnapped me, let me go, uh, uh...”

It sounded like her mouth was forcefully shut.

“How was it, did you recognize your beloved’s voice?”

“If you dare do something to her, if anything happens to her, you’ll definitely not get a penny, and I’ll make you wish you were dead!”

“Don’t worry, I’m only after money,” the voice on the other side retorted coldly, “You have two days. I won’t wait a second longer than that. It’s up to you.”

He abruptly hung up.

Yin Qin was looking at the “Call Ended” notification, shaking with anger.

He repeatedly punched the wall with his fists.

He was completely falling apart.

By the time he reacted, the back of his hand was covered in cuts and scrapes, but it felt like he was unable to sense the pain. The very next second he quickly left Ji Baixin’s apartment, got into his car parked by the road, and madly drove back to his own villa.

When he arrived at the villa gate, Yin Qin didn’t even bother stopping the car until he was off it, leaving the car door open as he rushed into the villa.

In the villa hall, Qin Keqin was teaching Luo Xiaolang prenatal yoga.

Luo Xiaolang was very flexible.

With a lifetime of practice, Qin Keqin could not match Luo Xiaolang’s casual stretching and splits.

Indeed, sometimes others are just better, it’s maddening.

Qin Keqin had soft music playing, and both of them seemed relaxed.

This harmonious scene was violently disrupted by the furious entrance of Yin Qin.

Qin Keqin had never seen her son in such a state, looking as if the sky were falling.

Before she could ask what was wrong, she heard Yin Qin blurt out, “How much money do you have?”

“What?” Qin Keqin frowned.

“How much money do you have!” Yin Qin was both anxious and fast, sounding almost like a robbery at that moment.

“What happened?”

“Do you have a hundred million in cash?”

“Are you possessed? Do you think I run a bank, a hundred million!” exclaimed Qin Keqin, “Cash, no less!”

“How much cash do you have and how much can you withdraw from the bank?”

“Yin Qin, what on earth has happened? Why do you suddenly need such a large sum of money?” Qin Keqin was completely baffled. At that moment, she got up from her yoga mat with Luo Xiaolang, handed Luo Xiaolang a cup of water, and took a few sips herself.

“I need it urgently, really urgently, I swear I’ll pay you back in the next lifetime!” Yin Qin was both urgent and fast.

Seeing him like this startled Qin Keqin.

“What has happened?”

“I can’t tell you!” exclaimed Yin Qin, “All you need to know is money is the only solution to the problem I’m facing, only money can!”

Qin Keqin looked at her son.

“Mom, over the years I’ve been reckless but within limits, and I know what I can and cannot do. Trust me, please trust me this one time and give me the money.” Yin Qin’s forehead was covered in sweat, he looked really anxious, so anxious that his eyes were red.

Qin Keqin took a deep breath and said, “The most I can withdraw from my bank account is 20 million, but Yin Qin, you know cash withdrawals require a reservation from the bank. A withdrawal of 20 million typically takes at least a week.”

“I know, give me your bank card first, I’ll handle it.”

Qin Keqin hesitated before finally saying, “Wait here, I’ll go and get it.”

“Mom, thank you.”

“Yin Qin, money is just a worldly possession, how much or how little of it I have is not important to me. However, promise me you won’t do anything illegal or immoral with it.”

“I promise it’s nothing of that sort.” Yin Qin assured.

Qin Keqin said no more and went upstairs.

In the hall, only Yin Qin and Luo Xiaolang were left.

Luo Xiaolang, looking all rosy from the yoga session, was clueless why Yin Qin was behaving this way. Even though she had been living here for a while, she hardly crossed paths with Yin Qin under the same roof. And even when they occasionally ran into each other, he never initiated conversation and always stormed past her.

She intuitively felt that Yin Qin resented her.

Seeing Yin Qin in a glum mood, she decided not to disturb him and was about to head upstairs as well.

“Luo Xiaolang.” Yin Qin suddenly called out to her.

Luo Xiaolang looked at him.

“Do you still have the card I gave you before?” Yin Qin asked.


“The bank card I gave you when you were live streaming.”


“Give it to me, I’ll return it to you later.”

“Okay, I’ll go and get it.” Luo Xiaolang didn’t ask any further and directly went upstairs to fetch the card.

Both Qin Keqin and Luo Xiaolang handed their bank cards to Yin Qin.

With the cards in his hands, Yin Qin hurriedly ran off.

As he drove, he dialed his father’s number.

The money he had was far from enough. His mother gave him 20 million, Luo Xiaolang had 3 million, and his own consumption was high with his parents giving him a fixed monthly allowance. He never had any remaining budget after spending, his bank account had at most a few tens of thousands which was barely enough to make ends meet! He didn’t dare to call Ji Baijian. Ji Baijian surely had a lot of money, but he was too smart. If he didn’t say anything, he would certainly know what had happened that required him to urgently need money. In this world, apart from Ji Baixin, no one else could push him to this point.

Once Ji Baijian found out something had happened to Ji Baixin, would Ji Baixin still be safe?

He even suspected that the one who kidnapped Ji Baixing was someone close to him. The details were too precise about his life and patterns!

That’s why he couldn’t turn to Ji Baijian, he could only seek his father.

His father answered the call, sounding grave, “Yin Qin.”

“Where are you?” Yin Qin asked.

“I am in a meeting, what is it...”

“I’m coming to see you now.” Yin Qin abruptly hung up the phone.

Yin Bin’s face darkened somewhat.

Recently, the board meetings have been other than harmonious. Any internal decision provoked vehement arguments which disrupted work flow; each decision required opening at least three to five board meetings, severely affecting the company’s normal operation.

Today was no different.

Initially planned for one hour, the board meeting had already run for two and a half hours and was far from ending. Looking at the two directors still arguing incessantly, Yin Bin’s face grew darker.

“Have you had enough?” Yin Bin’s voice was icy.

The two directors shut up, saying nothing.

“Reality shows are popular programs all over the media right now. Placing it on our online live broadcasting platform, what’s there to argue about? Are you two going to argue relentlessly over an actor’s pay?!” Yin Bin’s face was utterly grim.

The others remained silent.

“This project is settled as is. As for the remuneration, the finance department will appraise it based on market rates. If there are any other objections, contact me privately. Don’t waste everyone’s time in a general meeting!” Yin Bin spoke with powerful authority!

“You are the chairman with the most shares, of course you make the decisions. What decision-making power do board meetings have, isn’t it just for show and echoing you?” Board member Feng Qiang sneered.

“Director Feng, you’ve been in this company for more than one or two days. What are you implying with this?! Haven’t I generated profits for the company over these years? Haven’t you all received generous benefits?!” Yin Bin’s face rapidly darkened.

Feng Qiang didn’t say anything else, but his expression showed clear defiance.

Yin Bin said coldly, “If you have dissatisfaction, speak up directly. Don’t vent by using peripheral matters in the meeting. If I’m wrong or if you’re right, I’m not adverse to listening to suggestions.”

No one dared to speak.

Having led the Milky Way for so many years, Yin Bin’s absolute authority remained unchallenged.

Weng Cheng, also a board member, was quietly watching from below. He observed Yin Bin taking charge decisively and assertively, no one daring to voice objections under his rule, except for Ye Wenhan who recently meddled in business matters. With his power, he managed to win over some directors. No one would dare oppose Yin Bin.

Over the years, working under Yin Bin had made him acutely aware of Yin Bin’s power. Otherwise, he would not continue to sit under Yin Bin’s reign with no chance of turning the tide.


Thankfully, Ye Wenhan, the business manager, and Ji Baijian are bitter competitors. Ji Baijian and Yin Qin are close allies, so anything involving Ji Baijian, Yin Qin would assist. In order for Ye Wenhan to deal with Ji Baijian, he must first reduce Ji Baijian’s influence, which means the Milky Way would eventually fall due to Yin Qin’s incompetence.

He silently laughed to himself.

The thought that one day he would take Yin Bin’s place truly thrilled him beyond words.

“The decision regarding the reality show shall be final. Everyone, immediately vote your stance. Before that, I am going to set a rule in front of all the board members. Without significant objective reasons, decisions must be finalized in a single meeting. And board meetings must end within the scheduled time, not delayed by even a second. In specific cases where decisions cannot be finalized in two sessions, the meeting must not exceed twenty percent of the scheduled time.”

Yin Bin’s voice was authoritative and commanding.

“If there are no problems, let’s have both parties sign the change of share ownership agreement,” said the bank president, presenting a meticulously prepared agreement.

Yin Bin looked at it carefully.

So did Li Pingfan.

Neither party raised any objections.

Yin Bin signed, leaving his fingerprint.

Li Pingfan also signed, leaving his fingerprint.

The contract was established.

Yin Bin turned to Li Pingfan expressing his gratitude, “Thank you. If there is anything you need my help with in the future, please do not hesitate to ask.”

“Ok,” Li Pingfan smiled.

Yin Bin turned to the bank president and asked, “The pledge loan for the shares is for one year, right?”

“Yes, if after one year you cannot repay, our bank has the right to auction the shares.”

“One year is enough,” said Yin Bin.

“When Mr. Li pledges the shares, I will notify you,” said the bank president respectfully.

“Thank you.”

“You’re welcome.”

They exchanged a few more polite words.

Yin Bin left with Yin Qin.

Yin Qin sat in Yin Bin’s sedan.

He had not expected that his father would actually mortgage his shares.

It has to be said, his father viewed these shares as more important than his own life.

He was somewhat moved.

That moment, he was genuinely moved by his father, who usually kept him at a distance.

Yin Bin turned his head to see Yin Qin on the verge of tears.

He said, “Enough, the shares are only mortgaged, they’re not lost. We can buy them back later, at worst it’s a waste of some interest money. Our family doesn’t lack that amount of money, anyway.”

“But haven’t you always valued the shares more than your own name?”

“They are indeed more important than my life, but you have been forcing me with your life,” said Yin Bin, speechless.

Yin Qin was moved once again, “So my life is more important than yours? Dad, you actually love me so much...”

“Alright,” said Yin Bin, feeling unwell, “Don’t be so sweet and cheesy. Afterwards, I will recoup this money from you, don’t think that I’m being soft-hearted.”

“Dad, you can rest assured, I will work like a horse for you and make sure that you and my mom can have my brother.”

Every time his mom was mentioned, Yin Bin’s facial expression would subtly change.

Yin Qin thought that his father would solemnly tell him not to talk nonsense as usual, but this time he actually heard his father say, “As long as you remember.”

“So, you really want to have a son with my mom...”

“I was referring to the sentence before that,” said Yin Bin, instantly annoyed.

His son’s seriousness didn’t last half a minute!

“Stop pretending, I understand everything.”

“You don’t understand shit!”

“Dad, you’re swearing too.”Someday, Yin Qin is really going to drop dead due to anger.

In fact.

Yin Qin doesn’t really care as much as he seems to.

He’s always worried, always worried about Ji Baixing deep down, but he’s afraid that if he shows too much concern, his parents will truly believe he’s seriously ill. He doesn’t want them to worry too much about him, so he tries his best to act normal in front of them, as if nothing has changed from before.

Once he’s back in his Milky Way office alone, he loses his composure completely.

He paces around the office restlessly.

A whole day has passed, and there has been no call from the kidnapper.

Don’t they worry he won’t raise the ransom money?!

He paces back and forth for a very long time.

He’s unable to set his mind at ease for even half a second!

Even though most of the money has been arranged, he’s completely unaware of what the kidnapper’s intentions are.

Hopefully, they are really only after the money, hopefully the money is all they want.


In the office next to Yin Qin’s.

Weng Cheng hangs up the phone.

For the many years he’s been in Milky Way, and while working under Yin Bin for close to eight years, he’s tried countless methods, his mother also gave him suggestions, even going as far as bringing back Yin Bin’s first love to seduce him, but in the end, they couldn’t touch a single share of Yin Bin’s. And now, just like that, he gets control so easily. He smirks sinisterly.

Smiling coldly, he makes another phone call.

The call connects, “How’s it going?”

“It’s done.” Weng Cheng’s joy is evident as he flatters, “Mr. Ye, you’re so wise and strategic. You knew that Yin Bin cares most for his biological son. Conveniently, Yin Qin is very attached to his past love, Ji Baixin. We just need to use her as leverage to make him comply. Coincidentally, Ji Baixin has fallen for another man, who is very ambitious and would be glad to see Yin Qin fall, to avoid potential retaliation once Yin Qin discovers his betrayal to Ji Baixin. What a good solution, I

wonder whyn’t I think of this before.”

“If you could think of everything, would you still be in your current position after so many years?” Ye Wenhan responds sarcastically.

Weng Cheng feels annoyed but doesn’t dare to show it.

Ye Wenhan says, “Weng Cheng, from now on, you work for me, Ye Wenhan. As long as you stay loyal to me, I’ll make you the head of one of the top three consortiums in Yanshang Country, even the only consortium group in Yanshang Country, as long as you’re sincere and ambitious enough!”

“Please rest assured, Mr. Ye. I shall forever remember your kindness to me, Weng Cheng! I swear to follow your every command in this life.” Weng Cheng quickly assures him.

“Stick with me, and I’ll treat you good in the future! For now, just finish this play perfectly for me, don’t make any mistakes.” Ye Wenhan reminds him.

“You can count on me,” Weng Cheng guarantees, then asks, “What do we do with Ji Baixin? Do we just let her go?”

“Now that we’ve already kidnapped her, why should we let a hundred million go? Having all that money around will always come in handy.”


“Make sure to be extremely careful throughout this process. If you get discovered, even I can’t save you.”


“By the way.” Ye Wenhan suddenly remembers something, “I heard Yin Qin knows some martial arts.”

“Yes, he learnt some Taekwondo and other martial arts with Ji Baijian during his overseas studies, seems like he has also played with real weapons.”

“We can’t let him directly attend tomorrow’s exchange.”

“But didn’t you say Yin Qin can’t tell anyone else about this?” Weng Cheng frowns.

“Have Luo Xiaolang conduct tomorrow’s transaction.” Ye Wenhan states plainly.

“But Luo Xiaolang is a professional bodyguard, grew up in Wulin Temple and is far more skilled than Yin Qin.”

“Didn’t you forget Luo Xiaolang is pregnant?”

Weng Cheng shivers in realisation.

He’d completely forgotten. Hastily, he flatters, “Mr. Ye, you’ve thought of everything.”

Ye Wenhan smirks, “After all these years of Yin Qin flaunting himself in front of you, don’t you want to take this chance to take revenge?”

“Please guide me, Mr. Ye.”

“Let Yin Qin’s child die in Luo Xiaolang’s womb... How about that?”

“Mr. Ye, you’re so brilliant.”

“The prerequisite is, don’t mess up our big plan.”


After hanging up the phone, Weng Cheng has an even more sinister smile on his face.

Yin Qin.

Yin Qin, I do want to see who you’ll choose in front of Ji Baixin, Luo Xiaolang, and your child?!

October 13th, 3 pm.

Yin Qin gets the money.

Fortunately, the largest denomination of Yanshang currency is ten thousand.

One hundred million Yanshang currency has been packed into two special suitcases and they’ve left the bank.

He’s driving on the streets, waiting for the call from the unknown.

Waiting anxiously.

Yin Qin has driven around the city several times.

He is nearing a breakdown.

For two days straight, he has not slept. As soon as he closes his eyes, he sees the lonely figure of Ji Baixin. He doesn’t dare to sleep or even try to sleep.


At 5:50 pm.

Right on time.

The unknown call rings.

Yin Qin answers excitedly, “I’ve got the money. Where is she?”

“Leave the money in the designated trash can I mentioned, and naturally someone will come to pick it up.”

“No way.” Yang Qin flat out rejects the proposal, “How can I be sure you’ll release Ji Baixin?! In case you are threatening me for another hundred million, even if you kill me, I won’t be able to get it!”

“Do you think you’re in a position to negotiate with me?”

“I am! The money is with me, and I can choose not to give it to you!”

“And you dare to gamble on Ji Baixin’s life?”

“Even if I surrender the money, you can kill Ji Baixin.” Yin Qin says firmly.

There seems to be some hesitation on the other end.

Yin Qin continues, “I’ve prepared all the money, wanting to trade fairly. Why would I deceive you! All I want is to ensure Ji Baixin’s safety! Moreover, I believe you should be well aware that I didn’t call the police or tell anyone, I’m alone. If you trick me, I actually can’t do anything about it, I wouldn’t take that risk!”

Yin Qin is determined.

He says resolutely, “Since you’re only after the money, I’ve prepared it all for you, just give me Ji Baixin.”

“I could agree to that.” The person on the other end of the phone concedes.

Yin Qin feels somewhat nervous.

“I’ve heard you’ve had some training. If you were to attack, and I’m not prepared, I’m as good as done.”

“I won’t....”

“Words are cheap.” The person on the phone says coldly, “Have Luo Xiaolang come instead.”

“Luo Xiaolang is a hundred times better than me.”

“But she’s pregnant.”

“Damn!” Yin Qin swears.

“You have two choices, either directly throw the money in the trash can, or have Luo Xiaolang do the face-to-face transaction with me. I’ll give you three seconds to think, three, two....”

“I’ll have Luo Xiaolang do the face-to-face transaction.”

“I’ll give you twenty minutes, I’ll send you the address.” Before he hangs up the phone, he threatens, “If you dare to play any tricks, Ji Baixin is done for.”

Yin Qin forcefully throws his phone at the cab.

He’s filled with frustration!

He’s beginning to sense that this incident is not as simple as it seems...

But he’s powerless even if he knows it.

In this lifetime, he just can’t get over the hurdle of Ji Baixin!