Chapter 378: 378: Mu Cidian is on Trial, His Embarrassment

Chapter 378: 378: Mu Cidian is on Trial, His Embarrassment

Translator: 549690339

“But, Mu Cidian picked up the kitchen knife to kill Liao An only after the victim had passed out.” Xin Zaozao’s voice echoed in the solemn silence of the courtroom.

At that moment, all eyes were on Xin Zaozao, seemingly recollecting what she had just said.

The defense attorney seemed rather agitated, as he rose from his seat, “Xin Zaozao, please think carefully, did the victim really faint? You should know that everything you say now has legal implications, there should not be the slightest uncertainty!”

“Defense attorney, watch your language, there is to be no intimidation or provocation of the witness!” The Judgment Chief warned sternly.

The defense attorney swallowed his retort and returned to his seat.

Xin Zaozao stated deliberately, “I remember it clearly, the victim had already fainted, and only then did Mu Cidian pick up the knife to kill him.”

“Liar!” Wan Quan, sat in audience, grew suddenly incensed, “Xin Zaozao, you’re lying! It was clearly in the heat of the fight that Mu Cidian killed Liao An in self-defense. You’re lying out of spite for Mu Cidian’s past emotional betrayal!”

“Silence!” The Judgment Chief quieted Wan Quan, “Outbursts are not allowed in the courtroom. If you disrupt again, security will escort you out!”

Wan Quan stewed in suppressed fury as she reluctantly took her seat.

“Does the witness have anything else to add?” The Judgment Chief inquired.

“No, I do not.” Xin Zaozao responded.

“Does the plaintiff’s attorney have any further questions for the witness?”

“No, I do not.” The plaintiff’s attorney replied respectfully.

“Your Honor, I have a few questions for the eyewitness.” The defense attorney volunteered self-assuredly.

The Judgment Chief hesitated.

“The case has many suspicious points, I need the eyewitness to answer me.”

“Permission granted.”

“Xin Zaozao.” The defense attorney called to her.

Xin Zaozao looked at him.

“You and Mu Cidian are step-siblings, right?” The defense attorney queried.


“When you were very young, your father brought Mu Cidian and his mother, Mrs. Wan Quan, to live in your family’s home, correct?” The defense attorney continued.


“At your last press conference, you said that your stepmother Wan Quan treated you terribly and Mu Cidian took advantage of you as soon as you were of age. You’ve suffered much at their hands, and therefore, do you have resentment for them?” The defense attorney kept probing.

Xin Zaozao answered, “Yes.”

“So, you want to seek revenge on them?” The defense attorney continued to ask.

Looking at the plaintiff’s attorney, Xin Zaozao replied, “But I would not give false testimony.”

“I didn’t say you were giving false testimony, I just need to know if it’s true?”

“Yes,” Xin Zaozao confessed.

“Very well.” It looked like the plaintiff’s attorney finished his questioning.

Turning back from facing Xin Zaozao, he addressed the Judgment Chief, “Your Honor, as far as I know, the victim Liao An had professional combat skills, he was reputed to be the best fighter in the security team, even praised for catching thieves barehanded on multiple occasions. However, my client, Mu Cidian, is just an ordinary person with no self-defense skills, much less professional combat abilities. I would like to ask how it would have been possible for my client to knock the victim unconscious given these circumstances?”

Xin Zaozao bit her lip tightly.

The Judgment Chief nodded thoughtfully.

“As the Judgment Chief just heard from Xin Zaozao’s response, she had grown up under the shadow of Mu Cidian and his mother and was once emotionally hurt by Mu Cidian. She even desires to seek revenge on them. Hence, I seriously question the veracity of Xin Zaozao’s testimony. I have grounds to suspect that Xin Zaozao, out of personal animosity and in an attempt to spite Mu Cidian, is even willing to give false testimony. I would request Your Honor not to use Xin Zaozao’s testimony as the legal basis for this case.”

“According to the defense’s claim, since Mu Cidian doesn’t have any self-defense skills, how could he have possibly killed Liao An? Is the attorney suggesting that Liao An’s death has nothing to do with Mu Cidian?!” Xin Zaozao retorted.

The defense attorney was taken aback, he hadn’t expected Xin Zaozao to unravel a loophole in his argument.

“Let me tell you how Mu Cidian killed Liao An!” Xin Zaozao announced boldly, “At that time, during their fight, Mu Cidian could not defeat Liao An on his own. It was only when I, seizing the opportunity, hit Liao An with a chair from behind that he fell unconscious. I believe the medical examiner should have found the injury marks on Liao An’s head from being struck!”

The defense attorney’s face darkened visibly.

The plaintiff’s attorney presented the autopsy report to the Judgment Chief.

The Judgment Chief read the content, “The report does indeed indicate that the victim’s head was injured by an external object.”

“And Mu Cidian, well aware that the victim was unconscious and that we were no longer in danger, still took the kitchen knife in the room and directly killed the victim, Liao An!” Xin Zaozao’s voice echoed loudly and vehemently through the courtroom.

“Nonsense! Xin Zaozao, you’re talking gibberish!” Wan Quan lost control again, “You’re accusing him out of revenge, don’t you fear divine retribution for your perjury? Don’t you fear evil spirits? Mu Cidian killed to save you, he spent over half a month in a hospital bed for your sake, and now you falsely accuse him, don’t you have a conscience?! You conscienceless cur, you despicable person!”

“Security!” The Judgment Chief commanded with pure disgust on his face.

Several security officers in the courtroom immediately escorted Wan Quan out.

“Your Honor, do not believe Xin Zaozao’s outrageous lies, she’s lying! Let go of me, let go...” Wan Quan’s voice grew fainter as she was dragged away.

In that moment, all eyes were on Wan Quan, watching her lose control.

Xin Zaozao quietly swallowed.

She stood calmly at her position.

“Xin Zaozao.” The defense attorney suddenly spoke again.

Xin Zaozao looked at him, “Hmm.”

She was incredibly calm.

“Xin Zaozao, do you know what punishment does the criminal law of Yanshang Country prescribe for perjury?”

Xin Zaozao showed no particular emotion.

The defense lawyer explained to Xin Zaozao word by word, “In Yanshang Country, the punishment prescribes imprisonment for less than three years. If there are severe consequences, a term of imprisonment may vary between three and seven years.”

Xin Zaozao continued to stare at the defense lawyer.

“I am now solemnly asking you in this dignified courtroom, under what circumstances did Mu Cidian kill the deceased, did you deliberately fabricate the murder process out of revenge? I request you to answer me with honesty!” the defense lawyer demanded with insistence.

Xin Zaozao looked at him.

Her gaze lingered on him.

She had done all the preparations, she had planned how to charge Mu Cidian.

Since Wan Quan did not want to admit that she initiated the accident, she did not want to bear legal responsibility. As the debts of the father were repaid by the son, when Mu Cidian’s father died, it had nothing to do with her but she was subjected to so much revenge, she was now just returning an eye for an eye.

It was justified for Mu Cidian to go to prison for his mother.

She took a deep breath, she said, seriously, to the defense lawyer, to the judgment chief, to everyone, in the court, the place where lies are most unacceptable, told the following lie, “I swear, the murder process of Mu Cidian I just described is all...”

“There’s no need to press her.” Mu Cidian suddenly said.

In such a quiet courtroom, he suddenly spoke up.

His voice was hoarse, as if he hadn’t spoken for a long time, as if his throat was broken.

He said, “Indeed, after Liao An fainted, I killed him.”

All people present were looking at Mu Cidian.

At that moment, Xin Zaozao turned her head to look at him too.

Seeing him say to the judgment chief, “I plead guilty.”

Three words.

Simply spoken from his mouth.

“I accept whatever judgment you make.” Mu Cidian added.

He added casually.

The defense lawyer was stunned at that moment.

Even before the time to plead guilty arrived, the accused himself had already confessed.

In his many years of legal practice, he had never encountered such a situation.

The prosecutor stepped forward and asked, “Does the defendant mean, you killed the deceased after he was unconscious?”

“Yes.” Mu Cidian answered.

“Did you know at that time that the deceased no longer had the ability to resist?”


“Then why did you still kill him?”

“Because he wanted to defile Xin Zaozao.” Mu Cidian said, teeth gritted, “I love Xin Zaozao, so I can’t tolerate any man touching her.”

The prosecutor paused for a moment.

The defense lawyer quickly opened his mouth and said, “Please do not prompt my client to answer questions in a leading manner. My client only killed due to extreme emotional distress caused by the danger to his life and the tarnishing of his beloved. My client was in a state of collapse at that time, I seriously doubt whether my client was at all able to discern whether the deceased had any strength to fight back, so he had no choice but to kill the deceased to ensure his own absolute safety.”

“Defense lawyer, do not answer for the defendant.” The judgment chief ordered.

The defense lawyer endured and retreated again.

The prosecutor said, “Mu Cidian, let it be clear that every word you say now will be the standard to determine your sentence. Don’t panic or be afraid, answer according to the truth, the law will give you the fairest judgment.”

Mu Cidian nodded.

“Please answer honestly to all the questions I will ask.”

Mu Cidian continued to nod.

“Please answer, did you choose to fight the deceased because Xin Zaozao was in danger and you wanted to save her?”


“Were you very emotional at that time? Did you want to save Xin Zaozao immediately?”


“During the fight with the deceased, was it Xin Zaozao who helped knock him out?”


“After knocking him unconscious, did you, knowing that the deceased had already passed out, still pick up the weapon and kill him?”


“Objection!” The defense lawyer stood up again.

The Judge Chief rejects bluntly, “Objection overruled.”

The defense attorney looked irritated, using his eyes to signal Mu Cidian.

Mu Cidian seemed oblivious.

The prosecutor repeated the final question from before.

Still, Mu Cidian replied, “Yes.”

“So you killed him just because you thought he tarnished Xin Zaozao, someone you love, and thus you wished him dead?”


The defense lawyer looked incredibly malicious.

If this continues...

No one will win this trial.

“Do you know that your actions constitute as deliberate murder?” The prosecutor enunciated every word, making it clear.

From self-defense it became intentional killing.

It totally changed the quality of the case.

“I know,” answered Mu Cidian.

The whole court was in an uproar.

Initially, if it looked like the trial was heading towards an acquittal on the grounds of self-defense, why then did it abruptly change to....intentional murder?!

“I object!” The defense attorney could not control himself and stood up, “I request a recess; my client has been emotionally low since the incident and I strongly suspect that he might have deliberately stated things which are not true in order to end this trial sooner. I seek the Judge Chief to grant me some time to communicate and understand my client’s current mental state.”

The Judge Chief pondered for a while, consulted with the people on the judgment bench, and announced, “Recess for half an hour.”

The whole courtroom took a recess.

Mu Cidian was taken out of the courtroom by his defense attorney.

The police who had been accompanying Mu Cidian followed closely behind.

Xin Zaozao remained seated in her place; she sat there silently.

She never expected that Mu Cidian would plead guilty like this.

Just take the blame and plead guilty.

She had thought of many points that the opponent may refute her before the court session. She didn’t expect that it would go so smoothly, so smoothly that....her emotions flickered.


What’s the use?

Can it be said that her past experiences were relatively less?

Mu Cidian ought to pay for what he has done.

Wan Quan ought to pay for what he has done!

The expression on Xin Zaozao’s face became increasingly resolute.

At the backcourt of the court.

Xin Zaozao said, “I’ve answered your questions, now please fulfill your promise.”

The reporters exchanged glances with each other.

Then, they spontaneously made way for her.

Xin Zaozao walked away.

She left quite effortlessly.

Wan Quan stood behind Xin Zaozao, hearing everything she had to say, her face twisted with rage.

She walked up to the reporters and said, “Don’t listen to Xin Zaozao’s nonsense. My son was wrongly convicted. I will surely appeal for him...”

Xin Zaozao, who had already left, could hear Wan Quan’s voice.

She didn’t stop, she didn’t care about what Wan Quan was saying about her in front of the media.


She wouldn’t be able to enjoy her freedom for long.

Xin Zaozao left the courthouse, driving to the prison on the western outskirts.

She had heard that Mu Cidian would be sent directly there to serve his sentence.

Three years and six months.

Her expression was calm as she parked her car outside the prison on the western outskirts.

Going through proper procedures, she sat in a small, dim visitor room, waiting.

The wait was fairly long.

Perhaps because Mu Cidian had just arrived, there were formalities to attend to.

The prison guard had suggested that she come back tomorrow.

But she was afraid she would lose interest by then.

About an hour later.

Xin Zaozao saw the iron door on the other side open.

Mu Cidian, handcuffed, was led out by a prison guard.

Shaven head.

Dressed in a loose brown-grey prison suit.

She had noticed earlier during their court meeting that day, Mu Cidian had lost a lot of weight.

His cheekbones were protruding, his eyes hollowed out.

Now, she could see his handcuffed wrists.

His wrists looked like mere bones draped in skin.

The prison guard left after bringing Mu Cidian in.

A small room. A table in front. Two stools on the side.

Slowly, the two sat facing each other.

“I have spoken to Wan Quan,” Xin Zaozao spoke straightforwardly.

Mu Cidian nodded.

He knew.

“If she admitted that she masterminded Liao An’s kidnapping, you wouldn’t have ended up like this.”

“Hmm,” Mu Cidian responded.

“Aren’t you heartbroken? Your biological mother would rather see you in prison than save herself?! You’ve done so much for her over the years, followed her arrangements, don’t you feel regret?” Xin Zaozao asked him, somewhat sarcastically.

He said, “I regret.”

But, what has happened, has happened. There is no antidote for regret in this world.

Not even an antidote for healing.

Xin Zaozao frowned as she looked at Mu Cidian.

He said he regretted it.

He said it so nonchalantly, as if he was just placating her.

She said, “Mu Cidian, I will never regret my actions today.”

“I know,” Mu Cidian said, “You don’t need to regret.”

Let him go to jail, he accepts it.

For all those heinous things he did to her over the years, he deserves more than prison, he deserves the death penalty.

Xin Zaozao continued staring straight at Mu Cidian.

Looking at his extremely pale face, his thin frame that had changed drastically, the ragged prison uniform that clung to his skeletal shoulders, he appeared very frail.

The doctor said his stomach needed good care after his perforation surgery.

But he probably couldn’t care for himself anymore.

Neither of them spoke anymore.

They just calmly looked at each other.

Absent of any emotions.

It was the prison officer who came in to remind them, “Time is up.”

Mu Cidian stood up from his chair.

The prison officer stood next to Mu Cidian, ready to escort him away.

Xin Zaozao watched his retreating figure.

If she hadn’t known that this man was Mu Cidian, she would not have recognized him.

She too, was ready to leave.

At that moment, she heard Mu Cidian say, “Don’t come to see me anymore.”

Xin Zaozao bit her lip.

After Mu Cidian spoke, he followed the prison officer out.

“I won’t come to see you either,” Xin Zaozao turned around and told him, “Did you think I wanted to see you? Today’s visit was just an accident, a whim to see just how miserable you’ve become.”

He knew it wasn’t the case.

He knew that Xin Zaozao was just feeling guilty, having a guilty conscience.

But he didn’t need her sympathy.

He even needed time to forget this feeling.

He thought to himself, maybe in three years and six months, he wouldn’t be so attached anymore?

His fear wasn’t just of unrequited love.

He was afraid of obstructing Xin Zaozao’s future path.

Mu Cidian didn’t say anything, didn’t even turn his head back, he just followed the prison officer out.

Xin Zaozao just watched his retreating figure.

Apathetic figure.

She chuckled bitterly.

She had almost forgotten, no matter what catastrophe struck, Mu Cidian could always pull through.

He had long been trained by Wan Quan into a person who only knew how to endure!

Xin Zaozao left the prison.

Just as she was about to get into her car.

She saw Wan Quan arriving, getting down from his car. The moment he saw Xin Zaozao, he looked ready to explode.

Xin Zaozao didn’t give Wan Quan any time to explode, she immediately got into the driver’s seat, sped past him, and left in a blaze of dust.

Watching the taillights of Xin Zaozao’s car, Wan Quan’s face turned even grimmer.

She forced herself to stay calm and turned to enter the prison.

The prison staff informed her about the regulations – family members could not visit more than twice a month or more than once a week. In other words, someone had already visited today and no further visits were allowed!

The thought of Xin Zaozao using her visitation slot made Wan Quan boil with anger.

She controlled her emotions. After making numerous calls and ensuring there were no more chances for visitation this month, she finally saw her son.

In that moment when Wan Quan saw Mu Cidian, trimmed short hair and in prison uniform, her eyes instantly welled up with tears.

“Mu Cidian, for the love of god, why would you do this? Why would you turn yourself into this, all for Xin Zaozao! Have a look at you, you’ve turned into a skeleton!” Wan Quan lashed out in anger as she cried.

Mu Cidian listened silently.

He had indeed lost weight.

A lot of weight.

Barely hanging on after a life-threatening surgery and suffering from post-operative complications, he hadn’t eaten much in the past month. He’s been surviving on IV fluids.

He didn’t want to be seen by anyone in this state.

Especially not by Xin Zaozao.

He was startled by his own reflection in the courtroom’s mirror earlier today.

“Don’t you regret saving Xin Zaozao now?” Wan Quan bit out fiercely. “Do you know what she told the reporters after leaving the courtroom today? That you deserved your punishment and the law is fair. She said she doesn’t like you and could never be with you in this lifetime.”

He knew it all. He didn’t need his mother to repeat it.

“What do you see in Xin Zaozao?” Wan Quan growled, her anger rising. “You risked your life to save her. Has she thanked you? She was the one who got you imprisoned! Mu Cidian, Xin Zaozao is an ungrateful wretch. She won’t be grateful for what you did for her. She’d like nothing better than to see us dead! Do you realise that now?!”

“Mum,” Mu Cidian said. “You should go home.”

Wan Quan gave Mu Cidian a stunned look, then jumped to her feet, slapping his chest in a fit of anger.

Over and over, hitting hard.

Mu Cidian endured it.

Wan Quan felt only skeletal thinness beneath her palm.

Mu Cidian once had a muscular chest.

Eventually, she couldn’t bear to strike him anymore.

Crying furiously she said, “Even now, after everything Xin Zaozao has done, you still defend her! Don’t you consider me as your mother anymore? For a woman, how far do you plan to degrade yourself?”

Mu Cidian swallowed hard, enduring silently.

A long time ago, before his father passed away, his mother wasn’t like this.

She was virtuous and gentle, kind to him.

She didn’t behave like she is now, clouded by hate and driven to insanity.

“Take care of yourself,” he said, “Don’t provoke Xin Zaozao...”

“You’re still defending her!” Wan Quan shrieked.

The prison guard entered and scolded, “Keep it down, or you won’t be allowed to visit.”

Wan Quan held back.

“You’re no match for Xin Zaozao.”

“Mu Cidian!” Wan Quan ground her teeth.

“I’m just stating the facts,” Mu Cidian responded to his mother. “I will be out in three and a half years. If you’re willing to wait for me, I’ll honour you properly when I’m out, on the condition that you stop fighting against Xin Zaozao...”

“I don’t need your filial piety!” Wan Quan retorted. “I will ruin Xin Zaozao, I will take control of the Xin Group by the time you come out!”

“If you insist on taking this path, then go ahead. My advice only goes so far.”

“You don’t need to threaten me!” Wan Quan growled fiercely.

Mu Cidian stayed silent.

He stood up.

Wan Quan stared at him.

All it took was a few minutes for her son to grow impatient with her?

When did he become so indifferent?!


It was all because of Xin Zaozao. That damn woman made the mother-son relationship so strained!

“Don’t come to see me again.”

“Mu Cidian! Only Xin Zaozao has the right to visit you, is that it?!” Wan Quan lost control, her whole body shaking.

No one should come to see him.

His degradation was his own to bear!