Chapter 394: 394: Appearing in Court (2) – A plan within a plan, plotting the downfall of Ye Wenhan!

Chapter 394: 394: Appearing in Court (2) – A plan within a plan, plotting the downfall of Ye Wenhan!

Translator: 549690339

“What can we do?” Chu Qin asked fiercely.

We’ve already calculated every move, yet Song Zhizhi can still escape criminal charges?!

Thinking about this, Chu Qin was absolutely livid.

Every time she imagined Song Zhizhi strutting around after getting out, she felt a myriad of emotions... she wanted nothing more than to kill her.

She had never despised someone so much before!

She wished nothing more than to see her disgraced and ruined!

Ye Wenhan naturally sensed Chu Qin’s anger, and a cold smirk emerged on his face.

He said, “There is actually a way.”

“Really?” Chu Qin was quite excited.

Ye Wenhan said, “Even if Ji Baijian can find evidence that Song Zhizhi and Liang Ping had no association, it doesn’t prove that Song Zhizhi is innocent! Do you recall there’s a clip in the video where Liang Ping was involved with a woman? Clearly, that woman is not Song Zhizhi, because she was in the Airport District at that time.”

“That woman...” Chu Qin was about to speak, but was stopped by Ye Wenhan’s finger.

Stopping her from speaking.

Chu Qin quickly shut her mouth.

Ye Wenhan said, “We can have this woman testify that Song Zhizhi commanded her to act.”

“Would the court believe it?” Chu Qin was concerned, “In the first trial, Liang Ping was absolutely sure Song Zhizhi personally transacted with him. Now he’s saying it’s someone else, wouldn’t this contradict itself? Liang Ping’s testimonies are now filled with doubts!”

“You don’t need to worry about that. In court, the Judgment Chief, the bench, even prosecutor Jun Minghan are all on our side. Everything is already settled. As long as that woman firmly states Song Zhizhi commanded her to transact with Liang Ping, that’s all we need!”

Chu Qin was half-convinced.

She felt like things wouldn’t be that simple in court.

“I understand your concern, but right now it’s our only option. The woman in the video, her testimony can be further enhanced. I don’t believe, with all my power that I won’t be able to take down Song Zhizhi!” Ye Wenhan gritted his teeth and said, “Especially when I think about how she not only looked down on me, but also didn’t take you seriously, it makes me want to skin her alive!”

“Hmm.” Chu Qin’s hatred for Song Zhizhi was not any less than Ye Wenhan’s.

Partly because of Ye Wenhan’s influence on her, and partly because she had been humiliated by Song Zhizhi so many times, she couldn’t rest until she saw Song Zhizhi suffer!

Seeing that he had once again stirred Chu Qin’s emotions, Ye Wenhan slowly said, “The woman must be someone related to Song Zhizhi, otherwise the court won’t believe it.”

Chu Qin nodded.

“Personally, I think the best candidate is Li Sheng.” Ye Wenhan made sure to stress each word.

“But, aren’t you afraid that Ji Baijian will find footage that Li Sheng and Liang Ping didn’t intersect that day?”

“That’s why we need to strike first! Seeing that we know what Ji Baijian’s strategies are, we absolutely can’t fall into his trap again!” Ye Wenhan said coldly, “I will erase all footage from the traffic department showing Li Sheng’s whereabouts that day. To create the illusion that Li Sheng made the transaction with Liang Ping!”

Chu Qin nodded vigorously.

She honestly thought that Ye Wenhan was getting smarter every day.

At this point, she even felt that Song Zhizhi definitely had this in the bag.

However, Chu Qin still had one doubt, “Just with Li Sheng’s testimony, accusing Song Zhizhi of being the mastermind, seems a bit thin. Even if everyone in court is on our side, making a judgement with such shaky proof still feels a bit uncertain!”

“Don’t forget that at the end of the day, the fact that Song Zhizhi’s account is short by 500,000 is undeniable, which Ji Baijian has failed to explain. Trust me, there will be both eyewitnesses and material evidence at that time. Song Zhizhi should never think that she can escape our clutches!”

“Hmm.” Chu Qin had absolute faith in Ye Wenhan.

Instantly, Ye Wenhan softened up quite a bit, he held Chu Qin tightly in his arms again, “After this matter with Song Zhizhi is over, we will carefully plan our future together. We can’t cause a public uproar, but I won’t let you be wronged either. Wait for the surprise I have for you.”

Chu Qin shyly laughed.

She said, “I don’t need any surprises...”

“Really?” Ye Wenhan arched his eyebrow.

“I don’t, I only need you...”

“You little temptress...”

The two were affectionate on the sofa for a long time.

After a while, Chu Qin left Ye Wenhan’s office, her face glowing with joy.

As soon as she left, Ye Wenhan’s face changed instantly, becoming sinister and sly.

Chu Qin, don’t blame me for being ruthless. It’s your own fault for falling for my tricks. I’ve been with you for so long, and I’ve grown tired and bored of you. Take this opportunity to let you be the scapegoat if Song Zhizhi’s guilt cannot be established.

You should feel honored to help me clear my suspicion with your status!

With that in mind, Ye Wenhan pulled out his cell phone, “It’s all handled.”


After hanging up the phone, more bloodlust showed in Ye Wenhan’s eyes!

This time, if Song Zhizhi managed to survive by luck, next time, he would ensure she died a hideous death!

Night fell.

The lights of Jin City shone brilliantly!

Ji Baijian had rested at home for a day, stepped out his front door, and roamed around by car.

There were still people tailing him.

Through his rear-view mirror, he looked at the black sedan following him.

The corner of his mouth twitched with a cold smile.

Sometimes he purposely led the tail, trying to ensure they believed him clueless, but today, he had to shake them off to accomplish his task.

The corner of his mouth curved slightly.

Suddenly, he floored the vehicle’s accelerator.

The sedan behind seemed to hesitate for a second due to his sudden acceleration, but immediately followed.

Ji Baijian abruptly swerved his car into an isolated alley.

The black sedan pursued him relentlessly.

Ji Baijian glanced at the rear-view mirror while speeding onward.

After weaving in and out of several street junctions, Ji Baijian saw an extremely long cargo truck about to cross a traffic light ahead. He gritted his teeth and floored the accelerator, speeding past.

With a few centimeters to spare, Ji Baijian’s car sped by the side of the large truck.

The truck driver was startled but the large vehicle couldn’t halt abruptly, so it continued moving with only slightly reduced speed. The sedan following Ji Baijian had to brake abruptly in front of the truck – driving ahead would have resulted in a car crash.

The black sedan could do nothing but watch helplessly.

They were amazed at Ji Baijian’s driving skills – he had maneuvered with absolute precision.

In the past few days of following him, his driving had been inconsistent. But the maneuver just now left even those who had driven race cars in awe.

When the long cargo truck had passed from their sight, Ji Baijian had already disappeared!


The man smacked the steering wheel hard in frustration.

He pulled out his phone to report, “We lost visual on Ji Baijian.”

“How could you lose him?!” The voice on the other end was loud and startled.

The man recounted what had just happened.

“Aren’t you among the top three professional racers in Yanshang Country?!”

The man appeared somewhat embarrassed.

“Find him. Look everywhere!” The voice on the other end was furious.


After hanging up, the man also floored the accelerator, rushing off to search for Ji Baijian all over the city.

Of course, given the vastness of Jin City, finding one person could never be so easy!

At this point, Ji Baijian had already travelled far away.

He parked his car next to a residential building’s garage and walked straight to the garage.

Arriving at the targeted garage, he waited for a good while.

After a thorough investigation of Chu Qin, he found out that she and her husband had always been in a marriage of convenience without any emotion involved. Whenever Chu Qin didn’t need to be at home, she would not return – especially after being enticed by Ye Wenhan, she disliked being here even more.

So, this was just the right time.

What he thought made him superior was his meticulous preparation before implementing any action. For example, he had waited less than ten minutes when a car showed up in the garage, and parked at the prearranged spot.

Chu Qin got out of the car, locked it and was about to head towards the elevator.

“Miss Chu.” Ji Baijian came out from behind a column in the garage.

Chu Qin was taken aback.

She was startled by the sudden sound and at that moment, the fear in her heart grew more apparent than before, like a thief caught red-handed!

She tried to control her heartbeat and feigned calmness, “Why are you here? I’m telling you, if you dare to try anything, I’ll call the police! I’ll call them right now!”

Ji Baijian seemed to chuckle.

Indeed, his laughter was heartbreakingly handsome.

No denying, Song Zhizhi’s decision to leave Ye Wenhan for Ji Baijian wasn’t without reason. Objectively speaking, Ji Baijian was superior in many aspects compared to Ye Wenhan. Thankfully, Ye Wenhan now had an impressive identity, something Ji Baijian couldn’t outshine.

Ji Baijian stated, “Miss Qin, you’re overthinking. I’m here just to remind you about the current predicament you’re facing.”

“What predicament am I in?!” Chu Qin scoffed, a disdainful look on her face, “I’m doing just fine. Instead, maybe you should care more about your wife, Song Zhizhi. Despite the current evidence proving her innocence, there’s still a chance she’ll slip up and get caught!”

“You’re right, the ‘net of heaven has wide meshes, but it lets nothing through.’ This is exactly what I came to remind Miss Qin of. Being deep in love can cloud judgment, and as a result, one may fall victim to sinister plots. I believe Miss Qin is unaware of this too.”

“What the hell are you talking about?!” Chu Qin’s face darkened.

“I believe Miss Qin is clever enough to understand what I’m saying.”

Chu Qin glared at Ji Baijian.

“Why is it always you who’s doing everything and not...” Ji Baijian abruptly stopped talking.

Even though he didn’t finish, Chu Qin felt as if Ji Baijian knew everything.

“Whether you’ll end up as the scapegoat, Miss Qin, I believe you’ve got some idea. Of course, what you choose to do is up to you. Will you willingly go along for love, or... stop living in denial!” Ji Baijian paused after every word, speaking with composure.

Chu Qin’s expression was unsightly.

She just stared at Ji Baijian, a casual comment of his impacting her world substantially.

It felt as if Ji Baijian had hit the nail on the head.

Was she truly deceiving herself?!

“Think about what I’ve said, Miss Qin, but don’t take too long. By my estimation, court proceedings would begin in a few days; what you decide to do is up to you!” Ji Baijian said with the same indifferent tone, revealing nothing about his emotions.

He turned around to leave.

Just as he was about to leave, he abruptly stopped.

He walked over to Chu Qin.

Chu Qin looked at him, alarmed yet forcing herself not to fear Ji Baijian.

Ji Baijian suddenly leaned in, near her ear.

Chu Qin’s heart pounded faster.

She could feel the man’s overwhelming presence.

He said, “Oh yes, Ye Wenhan is unwell.”

Chu Qin furrowed her brow.

Everyone sat back down.

The judge summarized the case, “During the first trial, the defense provided evidence that they had no face-to-face transactions with the violent perpetrator, Liang Ping. However, Liang Ping insisted that it was Song Zhizhi who instructed him to suppress the victim, Liu Wen’s family. This obvious contradiction indicates that one party is suspected of lying. After the jury examined the evidence provided by the defense, it can be confirmed that the defendant Song Zhizhi and Liang Ping have no interaction. Liang Ping is preliminarily judged to have lied. Now, a second trial will be held over the case of defendant Song Zhizhi ordering others to violently demolish. Please make your legal defense against your criminal facts.”

The judge sat down and Wen Tian stood up.

He said with utmost respect, “Thank you, judges. Thank you, Judgment Chief. Now I will proceed with the defense of innocence for my client Song Zhizhi.”

Once he said this, no one in the audience dared to speak out.

Wen Tian continued, “Recalling the previous court appearance, the violent perpetrator Liang Ping insisted that he had had face-to-face transactions with my client Song Zhizhi. Clearly, based on the evidence and the judge’s confirmation just now, my client has never had any contact with Liang Ping during this period. Thus, it can be inferred that he was maliciously lying. This clarification confirms that my client didn’t instruct him to violently suppress Liu Wen. Hence, my client has not committed any crime and is innocent!”

“Does the prosecutor have anything to add?” asked the Judgment Chief.

“Yes!” The prosecutor’s lawyer stood up, “Although there is evidence to prove that Song Zhizhi did not have face-to-face transactions with Liang Ping, and from Liang Ping’s testimony it can be preliminarily determined that Song Zhizhi did not instruct him to do anything, there are still several points of doubt in this case. Firstly, if Song Zhizhi did not have any transactions with Liang Ping, where did the suddenly missing 500,000 go? Song Zhizhi’s statements did not provide a clear account of this sum of money; secondly, if it was not Song Zhizhi who instructed Liang Ping to violently demolish the house, why did Liang Ping do it? What benefit does this bring him? Thirdly, why did Liang Ping insist that he was instructed by Song Zhizhi? Is there some conspiracy hidden here? In summary, Judgment Chief, we believe that without completely clearing up these mysteries, we cannot fully determine that Song Zhizhi is unrelated to this case!”

“I agree with the prosecution’s point of view.” The Judgment Chief nodded, “Please, defense, respond one by one to the questions the prosecutor just raised.”

“Yes.” Wen Tian stood up again, “The three doubts raised by the prosecution just now are also points that we need to thoroughly investigate. Firstly, where did the suddenly missing 500,000 in my client’s bank account go?! Our investigation found that the 500,000 was directly transferred to another person’s account. According to the banking regulations in Yanshang Country, any transfer over 100,000 must be handled separately by the bank. Except for VIP customers who can operate directly via their phones, quite clearly, my client Song Zhizhi did not have this service enabled.”

All eyes were on Wen Tian.

Wen Tian remained cool and calm, “On the day that the transfer took place, my client did not appear at any of the Jin City bank branches. My client’s whereabouts that day can all be seen in the video footage I provided to the court. It specifically marks my client’s movements that day, and she did not go to any bank branch.”

“But according to our understanding of surveillance footage, between three PM and three-twenty in the afternoon of that day, Song Zhizhi happened to appear near the Jin City Bank in western Jin City, and disappeared within range of the surveillance cameras. By inference, Song Zhizhi completely had the time to make the transfer there. Can the defense provide evidence that Song Zhizhi was not at the bank at that specific time? Or can the bank provide surveillance from that specific time?”

“Indeed, we have also consulted the bank for all the surveillance footage of that day. Quite blatantly, the bank said that due to internal system reasons, all the surveillance footage disappeared that day. It wasn’t just the Jin City Bank in west Jin City, but all banks in Jin City had none for that day.” Wen Tian furthered, “Doesn’t that seem strange?”

“It is indeed strange, but without any evidence, everything could just be a coincidence.” Prosecutor’s lawyer, Yang Gang said honestly.

“Indeed, but the fact is that the transfer record of my client that day was not at the Jin City Bank in the west, but at the one in the north of Jin City. It would take at least 40 minutes to get from the west to the north. So, within those 20 minutes, even if my client flew, she couldn’t have gotten there!”

The prosecutor’s lawyer was momentarily speechless.

“Judgment Chief, please allow the bank worker who processed the transfer from my client’s account to appear in court. I have a few questions for her.”


Bank employee Zhang Qingqing appeared in court, looking somewhat afraid and avoiding the gaze of everyone.

“Zhang Qingqing.”

“Yes.” Zhang Qingqing quickly responded.

“Did you process a 500,000 transfer on that day?”


“Was the account name Song Zhizhi?”


“Was it her in person who came to make the transfer?” Wen Tian asked her.

Zhang Qingqing didn’t dare to answer.

“Did she come in person to make the transfer?” Wen Tian pointed at Song Zhizhi.

Zhang Qingqing looked at Song Zhizhi, but quickly averted her gaze the next second, shaking her head, “No.”

“No?” Lawyer Wen Tian smirked, “You just glanced at her, are you sure? Or is someone instructing you not to talk nonsense?!”

“No, no, no ... it’s not!” Zhang Qingqing stammered in nervousness, “It really isn’t her, I don’t remember her!”

“Then do you remember who it was? Out of all the people here, do any of them look like the person who handled this?” lawyer Wen Tian asked.

“I don’t remember the person’s face, I really don’t, I have to deal with so many clients every day, it’s impossible to remember them all!” Zhang Qingqing said anxiously.

“You said just now that you don’t remember Song Zhizhi, but now you’re saying you can’t remember anyone, Zhang Qingqing, be aware that you’re in court. Lying in court is not allowed, once it leads to errors in the judgement of a case, that counts towards criminal responsibility...”

“Objection! I object to the defendant’s lawyer threatening the witness with words!” Lawyer Yang Gang stood up from his seat and retorted sharply, “The defense attorney should watch his language!”

Lawyer Wen Tian nodded, saying, “Alright, I have no more questions.”

Zhang Qingqing left.

Lawyer Wen Tian summarized, “Based on Zhang Qingqing’s testimony, I think the Judgment Chief is clear, Zhang Qingqing’s testimony is full of holes, there is an element of lies in Zhang Qingqing’s statement, and as to why she would lie, I believe that there must be some hidden reasons like threats.”

“Objection, I object to the defense attorney’s speculations without any evidence!”

“Objection sustained! The defense must provide evidence to support the assumptions instead of making random statements!”

As expected, the Judgment Chief always sides with the prosecution.

Lawyer Wen Tian didn’t mind, he said, “Regarding the 500,000 dollar gap, we indeed do not have valid evidence to prove where exactly these 500,000 dollars disappeared to, but from the evidence I provided in the first trial, even if my client did give money to Liang Ping, but all of Liang Ping’s property has been confiscated by the court, where did the money he gave his parents to spend come from? So, please allow me to ask Liang Ping a few questions, Judgment Chief.”


Lawyer Wen Tian faced Liang Ping, “The money that you’ve recently given your father to buy a car and renovate the old house, where did it come from?”

“That’s from my other income, aside from dealing with Song Zhizhi’s matter, I also have a lot of other income sources, otherwise wouldn’t I have starved over the years?” Liang Ping replied defiantly.

Maybe after a few days, the other party briefed him a lot, and he got the confidence to make a false testimony.

“Such as?”

“I undertook several high-interest loan collection jobs, the debtors paid a deposit, and I transferred the money to my dad. If you don’t believe me, you can ask the people that hired me! They are all my old partners, Tiger, Brother Shan, Liu Hao, you can ask them!”

“No need.” Lawyer Wen Tian refused.

They had already prepared their stories well, it would be useless anyway.

“Now I just want to ask you, since you have never seen Song Zhizhi, why do you insist that it is Song Zhizhi who instructed you to do this!”

“Because someone told me!” Liang Ping was adamant, now full of confidence, “Yes, it was not Song Zhizhi who made the deal with me, it was one of Song Zhizhi’s proxies. She is the one who told me that it was Song Zhizhi who wanted me to do this and gave me 400,000 dollars in cash in several instalments!”

“Who was it?” Lawyer Wen Tian’s eyes narrowed.

“It was the woman in the video who contacted me... I have no idea who she is!”

“How did she contact you?” Lawyer Wen asked.

“She contacted me by phone, I can recite the phone number.” Liang Ping said, and then he recited the phone number.

Lawyer Wen Tian turned to the Judgment Chief, “May the Judgment Chief please verify the owner of this phone number.”

The Judgement Chief nodded.

As he nodded, a staff member dialed this phone number in front of everyone.

The ringing of a cell phone suddenly echoed in the courtroom.

Everyone looked at a woman in the audience.

The woman’s face looked rather pale.

She was so nervous that she forgot to turn off her phone, and just like that, she was suddenly exposed in front of everyone.

The court staff quickly handcuffed the woman and directly escorted her up to the stand.

The woman was shaking all over.

Lawyer Wen Tian glanced at her.

So did Song Zhizhi.

Li Sheng was very nervous, very nervous.

Knowing that she was committing perjury, of course she would lack confidence in this situation.

“Is this the woman?” Lawyer Wen asked.

“Yes.” Liang Ping confirmed, “She is the one who traded with me.”

“May I ask your name?” Lawyer Wen Tian asked Li Sheng.

“Li Sheng.”

“What is your relation with Song Zhizhi?”

“I too work in Commercial Management. Song Zhizhi and I both joined the organization at the same time, we have always been close.”

“Who can attest to this closeness?” Lawyer Wen Tian asked, his tone imposing.

Li Sheng glanced anxiously around the room.

She then pointed to a person on the audience bench, “She can, Song Zhizhi’s assistant, Zhang He, can testify!”

Zhang He gets up, appearing somewhat frightened.

Wen Tian asked loudly, “Was Song Zhizhi indeed close to Li Sheng?”

“Yes, I often saw Li Sheng in Manager Song’s office. They were very close. I even heard Manager Song express a few times, her intentions to transfer Li Sheng back to her department,” Zhang He recited what she had prepared, as calmly as possible, “Oh yes, for the last trip to the Jinghe Village Project, it was Manager Song who insisted on Li Shung accompanying her. They spent half a year in Jinghe Village together, their relationship was always good!”

Without further inquiry, Wen Tian turned back to Li Sheng, “Was it you who negotiated the deal with Liang Ping?”


“And was the money from Song Zhizhi’s account withdrawn by you?”


“Did you inform Liang Ping during the deal that it was Song Zhizhi’s instruction?”

“Yes, because I knew it was illegal. I was afraid of getting implicated, so I told Liang Ping it was Song Zhizhi’s idea,” Li Sheng replied, toughening herself.

“So you are basically Song Zhizhi’s plastic sister!” Wen Tian mocked.

Li Sheng turned pale.

She felt everyone’s gaze on her at that moment; it was incredibly awkward.

Yang Gang abruptly stood up, “The defense lawyer must refrain from verbally insulting anyone!”

Wen Tian nodded.

Accept the error when pointed out.

He asked, “Since you were Song Zhizhi’s plastic sister, what benefits did Song Zhizhi provide you with in return for your help?”

“She mentioned that she might get promoted once the issue was sorted out, and she’d promote me to her current position,” Li Sheng said, bursting into tears, “I was swayed at that time, tempted by the benefits offered by Song Zhizhi, and that’s why I did such a thing. I beg for forgiveness from the honorable judge. I didn’t do it on purpose, not at all! Furthermore, Song Zhizhi threatened me! She threatened to kick me out of Commercial Management if I did not comply with her instructions. It was hard for me to get this job, I have always been the pride of my family. If I were to suddenly get fired, I’d dread going home, that’s why I did such a thing...”

The cry, heartbreaking and full of regret, filled the room momentarily.

Wen Tian just looked coldly at Li Sheng.

Yang Gang urged Li Sheng to calm down.

Yet, Li Sheng couldn’t find her composure.

Wen Tian turned to look at Ji Baijian.

The once supportive evidence now seemed useless.

With a new party now accusing Song Zhizhi of manipulating her, and considering Li Sheng’s position in Commercial Management, there is no evidence to prove that Song Zhizhi hadn’t mistreated Li Sheng. Suddenly, the previous evidence seemed to hold less importance!

For a moment, Wen Tian was speechless.

Ye Wenhan, sitting in the audience, allowed a devious grin to creep onto his face.

He overestimated Ji Baijian’s capabilities!

He was ready to be confronted again but it turned out, it was all for naught!

He glanced at Qian Guanshu sitting next to him.

Qian Guanshu was evidently trying hard to suppress a grin.


He really had too much faith in Ji Baijian!

He only found one point of contention and in a couple of days, he managed to dispel it completely.

To think he considered himself at a disadvantage with Ji Baijian.

In the silent courtroom...

Just as the Judgment Chief was about to pronounce the verdict...

Ji Baijian suddenly stood up, “I have valid evidence that the mastermind of this case isn’t Song Zhizhi but...”