Chapter 117: It's hard to ride a tiger

"Madam, Juyang City is here."

Outside the city, in another luxury carriage, the maid Chuntao whispered to Pei Qianlan.

She was stroking a snow-white long sword in her hand, and she felt a little out of her mind, so she just responded when she heard the words.

Chuntao was a little worried in her heart. Ever since her wife woke up from an injury three days ago, she has been very uncomfortable, and her spirit has been very lethargic. According to the doctor, she hurt her primordial spirit.

In addition, the prince has also been in a coma.

That night, she made a decisive decision and set off immediately, preparing to rush back to Jingzhou City to seek medical treatment.

Jianyang City sent a team of escorts to **** them, and even sent two first-rank powerhouses to **** them.

In Jingzhou, any force needs the breath of King Yangjinghai. The two first-rank powerhouses, one from the military and the other from an aristocratic family, did their best along the way.

King Jinghai's concubine and heir were attacked in Jianshan, and even the first-grade powerhouses they were protecting were killed. This is an earth-shattering event, and I don't know how many people can't sleep at night.

Once King Jinghai is to blame, I don't know how many heads will fall.

Pei Qianlan asked suddenly, "Is Xiaolong awake?"

"not yet."

She sighed and looked at the Jade Star Sword in her hand. She felt that her whole body was sullen, and there was a kind of drowsiness that was difficult to get rid of. Even if she was holding her favorite sword, she couldn't lift her spirits at all.

This injury caused her to hurt her source, and she hadn't felt this weak for a long time.

Suddenly, the carriage stopped.

Someone outside reported, "The city gate is blocked."

Chuntao asked, "What happened?"

"It was said that Guo Taiping came to challenge Zhang Feihan, and many people came to see the fun."

"Guo Taiping, the sixth on the Tianjiao list? Who is Zhang Feihan?"

"It's a second rank in Juyang City. It is said that his strength is extraordinary. It is said that he has performed ten moves under a first rank."

Chuntao snorted coldly, "Humph, it is rumored that Guo Taiping only picks soft persimmons, and it really is."

Since last year, Guo Taiping began to travel around, challenging second-rank warriors everywhere, obviously accumulating in order to hit the first-rank realm.

For many children of aristocratic families, this is the usual method. Guo Taiping is not the first, nor will he be the last.

However, Chuntao was worried about the injuries of the wife and the prince at this time. Seeing that the city gate was blocked and the schedule was delayed, she was naturally unhappy.

Chuntao said sharply, "You are in front, disperse the crowd and move on."

She is the princess' personal maid, and sometimes, she can also give orders on behalf of the princess.


The carriage moved on.


"Then why are you so afraid?"

Gu Yang felt even more strange when he saw the simple young man shivering. He had no impression of this man at all.

While speaking, Guo Taiping's carriage had arrived, and the driver did not intend to slow down at all, and even took out a long whip and lashed towards them.

Gu Yang frowned, these children of aristocratic families really don't take human life seriously at all.


The whip whipped at a distance of one meter behind Feng Tianci, and encountered an invisible barrier.

The coachman only felt the long whip in his hand shake, the whip broke inch by inch, and an irresistible force rushed towards him and hit his chest.


He spat out a mouthful of blood on the spot, flew backwards, smashed the wooden planks of the carriage, and rolled into the carriage.

[To tell the truth, recently I have been using Mimi to read and read books to keep up with updates, switch sources, and read aloud tones, which can be used by Android and Apple. 】

The four sweaty BMWs seemed to sense danger, and at the same time, people stood up and did not dare to move forward.

Driven by inertia, the carriage continued to move forward, and was pulled over by four horses and overturned to the ground.

This turn of events shocked everyone watching the fun.

Guo Taiping's car was overturned by someone, making this proud man a big ugly man.

Who is so daring to take action against Guo Taiping?

Anyone with knowledge knows that the blow just now was an invisible qi, which means that the shot must be a first-rank powerhouse.

In the carriage, a figure flew out and landed on the ground.

I saw that he was dressed in white, with a long body and a jade-like face, and his appearance was excellent, but his face was ashen at this time, and he stared coldly at a man not far away, and said coldly, "Who are you? "

This person is Guo Taiping.

There are many first-rank warriors in the world, but few dare to attack him.

In Jingzhou, it is even less. Even the Jinghai Prince's Mansion would never be willing to set down the enemy of the Guo family.


At this time, Pei Qianlan's carriage had already entered the city gate. Driven by a dozen guards, many people at the city gate had already dispersed.

However, there was an overturned carriage ahead, blocking the way.

The carriage stopped again.

This time, Chuntao got angry, pushed open the car door, and asked, "What happened again... Hey, it's Young Master Gu!"

At first, she was still angry, and when she saw the figure in front of her, her tone suddenly changed to surprise.

In the car, tiredness surged up, and Pei Qianlan, who was about to fall asleep, suddenly woke up when she heard the three sons, "Young Master Gu" and looked up, just as Chuntao turned her head and said excitedly, "Madam, look quickly, That is Mr. Gu."

Pei Qianlan leaned over, and at a glance, she locked onto a figure.

it's him!

Three days ago, the scene before she lost consciousness flashed before her eyes again.

Also, the face I saw when I was confused...

When Pei Qianlan thought of what he had done to her at that time, her whole body became hot and she couldn't help but feel ashamed.

Chuntao quickly figured out the situation outside and said anxiously, "Oh, no, Young Master Gu seems to have a conflict with Guo Taiping. Madam, what should I do? Do you want to help him?"

"don't want."

Pei Qianlan subconsciously wanted to escape and blurted out her debut.


"First... take a look first."

Pei Qianlan also knew that this was inappropriate. After all, he was the one who saved herself and Xiaolong.

"He was saving me," she said to herself.

However, she still did not want to face this man.


"Gu Yang."

When Guo Taiping heard the name, he couldn't help being silent.

He never thought that would meet this person in such a small place as Juyang City.

He is on the Tianjiao list. He has always looked down on the people on the Qianlong list. What if he is number one on the Qianlong list?

However, this Gu Yang in front of him is an exception.

Because, he is a rank one, a rank one in his twenties.

Guo Taiping knows better than anyone what this concept is.

It has been three years since he reached the second-rank realm, and he is still a long way from the first-rank.

The elders in the family once asserted that it would take at least five years for him to enter the first-rank realm. By then, he was over thirty.

That's all, and more importantly, regarding Gu Yang's origins, there are rumors that he is a descendant of one of the four holy places.

No matter how arrogant Guo Taiping was, he had to be afraid of those four holy places.

However, if he admits to cowardice at this time, where will he put the face of this proud man?

For a time, he was somewhat unable to advance or retreat.

At this moment, Guo Taiping felt something and looked up.

Across the street, a tall figure walked slowly, this man was clothed in mans shoes, holding a simple long sword in his hand. As soon as it appeared, it attracted everyone's attention.

He looks ordinary, but has a pair of unforgettable eyes.

Even though he is dressed in ordinary clothes, he exudes a very special temperament and looks dazzling.

Guo Taiping was stunned, he had never seen such a person before, and even a trace of jealousy rose in his heart.

In front of this person, even he was eclipsed.

The tall man stopped and said in a slightly jerky voice, "Yi Yi, come and challenge."

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