"What, what?"

Mu Yu couldn't believe his ears. He felt very sick. When his hand shook, the diced meat fell into the evidence bag.

Feng rubing seemed dissatisfied with Rong Jian's popular view, glanced at him and corrected in a low voice: "it should be male genitalia and genitalia."

The whole body chilly Mu language or can't help but ask: "is it cut alive?"

"The expression of the dead should be, but it's hard for you to do further research." Seeing that Feng rubing was busy again, Rongjian answered, "the murderer tied the hands and feet of the dead with packing tape, sealed his mouth with tape, and then put his chicken The living and colonizing organs were cut off from the roots and then cut into small pieces, resulting in excessive blood loss and death

"Is the time of death fixed?"

"The preliminary estimate of the time of death is between 1:00 and 2:00 this morning. No murder weapon was found at the scene. Like the first three cases, the scene was also cleaned very clean, leaving no trace. "

"This is the home of the dead?" Mu Yu examines the facilities in the apartment while asking.

Although the area of the apartment is small, the decoration is still high-end, with obvious European style, air conditioning, refrigerator, LCD TV and other common household appliances are also available. If you ignore the bloodstain, it looks comfortable on the whole.

"This apartment belongs to the deceased's sister. His sister and brother-in-law have been taken back to the Bureau for a record of the visit. "

"Was it the elder sister and brother-in-law of the deceased who found out and called the police?"

"No, it was discovered by the victim's girlfriend. According to his sister on the phone, the deceased didn't return to the quarry this morning. She didn't feel quite right, so she called the victim's girlfriend to ask about the situation. The girl friend thought he hadn't got up yet. She bought an early arrival. When she opened the door, she found that the dead man was lying on the bed with blood all over his body. She had no breath, so she called the police. "

"His girlfriend was brought back to the Bureau for questioning?"

"Now in the hospital. By the time the police arrived, she was stunned. I don't know now... "

Just then, Rong Jian's mobile phone rang. He connected it immediately. After a few calls, he hung up and turned to Feng rubing. "Ah Jiao wakes up. I'll go to the hospital to find out. I'll ask Li Feng to wait for you outside and send him back to the Bureau when you're finished. "


Rong Jian nodded to Mu immediately. However, he stopped again. He turned back and lowered the volume. He told Feng rubing: "your foot injury is not good. It's not suitable to stand more. You should take proper rest."

Feng Ru ice head also did not lift, light ground should voice "know". Rong Jian left at ease.

Knowing that Feng rubing doesn't like people's noise when doing things, Mu Yu doesn't ask any more questions, and carefully collects clues that may be missing from the scene with her.

More than half an hour later, after confirming that there was no omission, Feng rubing and Mu Yu left the scene with the collected material evidence.

When he walked out the door, he saw Weng Yun in addition to the criminal police, but Qin Jinhuan and Bian Zijun were not there. Mu Yu, somewhat strangely, went forward to ask questions.

"The boss left with Zijun and captain Rong. This is the breakfast the boss left for you. " Weng Yun hands a lunch box to Mu Yu.

At this time, Feng Mu didn't have a good appetite for food.

Weng Yun and fan Lifeng immediately followed in.

"Ma'am, are you going back to the City Council?"

See Mu language nodded head, Weng Yun again way, "I send you over."

"Don't bother. I'll send it." Fan Lifeng answered with a smile, "we let the team let me stay, that is to ask me to be a driver for two forensic doctors."

"Our boss asked me to stay, but also asked me to be a driver for our little grandmother."


"You're busy. I'll take care of them."

"Oh, OK. I'll be busy. I'll call me if I have something to do." Seeing Weng Yun's insistence, fan Lifeng did not insist, because he really has a lot of things to do now.

After fan Lifeng left, Weng Yun sent Mu Yu, Feng rubing and an assistant back to the Municipal Bureau.

Mu Yu and Feng rubing are busy as soon as they return to the forensic medicine room. Because Weng Yun hasn't left, they don't go to the canteen at noon. They just ask Weng Yun to buy some rice, and they barely eat some.

Before leaving work in the evening, Rongjian came to the laboratory and asked Feng rubing to understand the situation.

"The time of death was determined to be between 1:00 a.m. and 2:00 a.m. today. The pieces of meat and cartilage found at the scene were confirmed to be the biological and colonic organs of the deceased, which had been pieced together completely without missing. The murderer cut off the Yin, stem, testicle and pill of the dead by one knife, resulting in the death of excessive blood loss Feng rubing presented the experimental data sorted out to him, "at the scene of the crime, only the blood stains of the dead were found. The fluid and liquid on the bed were also the deceased's. At present, no hair samples of the third party have been found. The apartment and the door are very clean, and there is no suspicious clue

"Oh." Rong Jian took the record book and turned it over. There was no big disappointment on his face. Obviously, all this was expected by him.

"What's the result of your investigation?" Mu Yu couldn't help asking."I don't have any useful clues then." Rong Jian sighed and continued to explain.

The dead man's name is Qian Dacheng. He is 34 years old. He is lazy and lazy. He is idle all day long and does not do any work. Because his brother-in-law Tian maocai is the director of Chengxi quarry under the name of Qingtian group, his sister Qian Xiaoyu asked Tian maocai to arrange a very relaxed job of looking at the warehouse for him in the quarry.

But even with such a light job, he was tired of doing it, fishing for three days and drying the net for two days. He would be there on time only on the 16th of every month, the day when the quarry paid wages. Today is the 16th, he did not appear in the quarry on time, Tian Mao feel strange, just call a Jiao, finally found the death of Qian Dacheng.

"What does he like to do when he doesn't go to work?" Mu language interrupted.

"What? It's a girl. " Rong Jian shrugged, "otherwise, the murderer would not have cut off the living and reproductive organs. It's said that he has a strong desire for money. All day long, he will talk about women. When I meet a woman on the road, no matter who I know or not, I like to pick and tease people with words. For this reason, I have been beaten up a lot. Of course, I have succeeded in colluding with a lot of lonely women. Because they are good-looking, big and big, if they don't have the lame leg, they will look like a dog by wearing good clothes. "

Feng rubing in: "is his leg lame the day after tomorrow?"

"No, according to his sister, he was interrupted in the field a few years ago. It seems that he played a little girl." Rong Jian pauses. Seeing that Feng rubing doesn't mean to ask any more questions, she continues to say, "Qian Xiaoyu, seeing that her younger brother is thirty-four, is still alone. She has no son and a half daughter under her knee. She is very worried about her family incense. In order to let his brother seriously find a woman to live, she secretly put a lot of private money to him. A while ago, Qian Dacheng got to know a hair salon girl named Ajiao, because he was very generous in front of Gillian and pursued her warmly. He told her that he would give her the apartment he bought in Xinyue city if he was willing to follow him.

"Ah Jiao, who came from the country, was immediately convinced by her and slept with him on the first night when she was brought back to her apartment. Later, Qian Dacheng also gave her a diamond ring as a love object, but he said that he wanted her to give birth to a child for him before he could transfer the apartment to her. A Jiao, who wants this apartment, is very happy to hear his words. In order to "make" a child as soon as possible, as long as he comes to Ancheng, she will come to the apartment to accompany him even if she asks for leave.

"Yesterday afternoon, Qian Dacheng took a car from the quarry to Ancheng and waited for Ajiao in Xinyue city. They had dinner together, and then went to have a snack. According to Ajiao, they returned to the apartment at about ten o'clock. At about twelve o'clock, she found that the diamond ring was fake. After a big fight with Qian Dacheng, she left the apartment. When she got a call from Qian Xiaoyu when she went to work this morning, she asked for leave and came to her apartment. She found that Qian Dacheng was naked and dead on the bed. After reporting to the police, she was stunned. "

Mu Yu asked: "does this Ajiao have time to witness?"

"Not at the moment. She said that the time of last night was very vague. The only thing that could be determined was that she returned to the hair salon at 2 p.m. Because her partner locked the house, she couldn't get in. She called her partner to open the door. The mobile phone display time was 2:03 a.m. From Xinyue city to Gillian's hair salon, under normal circumstances, it only takes 30 minutes to walk. If you take a taxi, it only takes 10 minutes. "

"That is to say, this a Jiao has time to commit a crime?"

"Well." Rong Jian nodded, "although the method of committing crimes is basically the same as the first three cases, the possibility of imitating crimes is not ruled out. In the afternoon, we asked her about her after she became more stable. She felt that we had some doubts about her, and then she became hysterical. The doctor gave her a sedative, so we can't ask her for detailed questions for the time being

Speaking of this, he looked at Feng rubing, "rubing, what do you think of this case?"

Feng rubing was originally writing something in his book. After hearing his question, he stopped writing and slowed down a little. Then he said in a very serious voice: "I compared the packaging ropes used as auxiliary crime tools in the first three cases, and found that although they are the common packaging ropes in the market, they are obviously different."

"What's the difference?" Mu Yu and Rong Jian ask at the same time.

"You see." Feng rubing will record book to them to see, "the first three times the packaging rope is medium, this time is large."

Mu Yu questioned: "could it be that the killer changed to the large packing rope because of his fat body?"

"Maybe. But I have compared it. Although the medium rope is shorter, it can actually bind Qian Dacheng's hands and feet. This kind of packing rope is very strong. As long as the opening is stuck, it is almost impossible to break it. In addition, "Feng rubing pointed to a group of data in the record book." this time, the weapon used by the murderer to chop raw and colonic organs into meat dices is not completely consistent with that in previous cases. In other words, the weapon this time is not the same as that of the first three. "

Mu Yu hesitated for a moment and then asked: "in other words, the murderer of this time may not be the murderer of the first three murders?"

Rong Jian disagreed: "although the tools are different, the methods of committing crimes are the same. Maybe the murderer was afraid of being exposed and threw away all the weapons. What about the new tools used in this crime?"Feng rubing did not buy whether, closed the book and seriously said: "we can not because the suspect is a hair salon sister, everything is possible."


"Let's go! Come here for a second Liu Xiaofan rushed in.

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