Chapter 466 Until the new generation is born

Name:My Mage System (BL) Author:
Axel the wolf also showed them the first time Kevin turned into a Warrior Spirit to save his life, the happiness he felt when he saw the letter his father had left for Kevin, and the joy he felt knowing that his father was out there somewhere watching over them.

He also showed them the time he helped Kevin remove that mind control necklace and the first time Kevin showed his true power.

They saw Kevin use his Stage 3 and the way they all looked at this human changed dramatically.

They all felt his power through the link that Axel the wolf had created with them, and Axel’s siblings exchanged a look with each other, they couldn’t help but think that they would never make their brother-in-law angry again, because he was far too terrifying.

Then he quickly showed them his meeting with his father, the awakening of his Werewolf bloodline, and the birth of their daughter.

They all turned their attention to Willow who was still sleeping in Mykael’s arms and they all felt the pride and happiness that the birth of this little phoenix had brought to Axel who now had his own family with his mate.

Then they saw the scenes of torture that Kevin had undergone and his total loss of control that had made him become the first Divine Werewolf.

They all felt that the connection between Kevin and Axel was much more than just a bond between mates, and finally he showed them that his mate had become the new King of the humans of their world and that he had become somehow the King of the Shapeshifters.

When Axel the wolf retracted his aura, he told them : “I’m sorry, but we don’t have much time before the fights start, so I can continue to show you more of the life we lead in our world later.”

His sister, who had remained silent like her brothers until then, said to him : “Big brother, you and your mate are so cool, you are totally too powerful.”

His sister then looked at her mother and when her mother, still very moved by what she had just discovered about Axel’s life, gave her permission to go, she stepped forward, her eyes filled with admiration and she held out her hand to her big brother, saying : “I’m Judy, and I’m so happy to have a big brother as strong and courageous as you, I will never doubt you again.”

Axel took her hand but instead of shaking it he pulled her towards him and hugged her saying : “I am also very happy to have a little sister as beautiful as you.”

He then added with a smile as he pulled away from her and ruffled her hair : “I’m sorry Judy but right now I can’t take you with me to my world, we are very busy with Kevin and I won’t be able to take care of you.”

His brothers came forward in turn and they shook his and Kevin’s hands and introduced themselves in the same way as Judy, going from a feeling of distrust to real fans.

After Axel’s show of strength and viewing his memories, they felt really bad about misjudging their big brother and sincerely apologized.

Axel the wolf was finally reassured that his family accepted him completely and he was very happy that Joe and Zack had come forward on their own to introduce themselves as Judy and that they had apologized for their behavior.

He saw that Kevin seemed to be happy too and so he deactivated his 2 bloodlines and looked at his grandfather before asking him : “Grandpa, how should we proceed for the next fight, can I really take your place to fight them ?”

Axel the grandfather smiled at him, he had been touched by the memories he had just seen, like the rest of the family, and he ordered the children to join their mother before walking towards them.

He affectionately put a hand on Kevin’s shoulder because he had seen with his own eyes what Mykael had told him about him and that he had had such a hard time believing, then he looked at Axel and said : “I can’t wait to learn more about you two, and I’m very proud to be a part of your family, as for the fights, there will be no problem, of course you can take my place… I can’t wait to see the face of all those arrogant Alphas when I will tell them that I have chosen my successor.”

Axel and Kevin immediately understood what their grandfather’s words implied and Axel reminded him : “Grandpa, we really can’t stay here, you know that.”

Axel the grandfather patted his cheek affectionately and said : “I know that, but you have a father, a husband, and other people around you who are able to open transdimensional portals, so even if you don’t live here, it’s not a problem as you can come at any time, right ?”

Kevin then said to him feeling a little embarrassed because he didn’t want to offend him : “Grandpa, Axel can’t become the next Supreme Alpha of your world, his status is already far above that of a classic Supreme Alpha.”

Axel the grandfather then took his right hand and showed him the mark of the Union, saying with a knowing smile : “That’s okay, I can wait a little longer before I retire, until the new generation is born, but don’t make me wait too long, okay ?”

Kevin then blushed, which rarely happened to him, and Axel put an arm around his shoulders and said to his grandfather with a big smile : “Do not worry Grandpa, I’ll take care of it.”

Axel the grandfather laughed then and he said to them : “Good, good… Let’s go now !”

He then looked at Mykael and he let him know that they could go and Mykael smiled at him and nodded, most of his men were at the arena where the fights were taking place and so he simply waved his hand to open a teleportation portal and he said to everyone : “Let’s go, they must all be waiting for us already.”