For Shen Liyang, every morning is bound to be a chaos of war.

She put on her clothes in a hurry and rushed straight into the bathroom. Xiaobao wanted to remind her of her actions when she saw her, but she thought

It's normal for mom and dad to take a bath together, so they took back their little hands.

So, when Shen Liyang rushed into the bathroom, suddenly It's stupid.

In the heat, strong abdominal muscles, and the mermaid line

Shen Liyang inexplicably made a swallowing action.

"Turn around." Thin cold voice pulled a bath towel tied to the waist, looking at the bathroom door, eyes do not blink at the girl.

When Shen Liyang heard the sound, he turned red and said, "yes, I'm sorry..."

God as a witness, she really did not know anyone, would not deliberately take advantage of him.

Tie up towel, thin cold voice this just approached her, "want to wash?"

Shen Li Yang, with his back to him, nods like a garlic.

"Wash it."

"Oh, oh, yes." The mouth is busy to answer, but the mind is some floating, I don't know whether it is the beauty of the early morning to strike too fierce.

But the so-called extreme joy begets sorrow. In a trance, Shen Liyang slipped under his feet and fell straight towards the thin cold sound.

Shen LiYang Crazy sweat, waterfall sweat: the plot development of dog blood, eight o'clock soap opera?!

"Well.". He reached out and hugged her, and uttered a muffled voice.

Her knee is so coincidentally against his male dignity.

Before Shen Liyang had time to feel the development trend of this dog blood plot, she found that she had dug a hole unconsciously and buried herself.

Bo Da president's lifeblood, sold her by the catty weigh two, can't afford to pay.

Shen Liyang wants to cry heart has: "I, I give you knead?"

She would never have done such a stupid thing if she hadn't had a short-circuit in her head.

Bo Xichen understands his brother's cleanliness habit. He comes early in the morning with a change of clothes. He is eager to make up for the mistake that he nearly lost his little baby yesterday.

After looking for a circle and no one to see, he immediately thought that it should be in the bathroom.

As a result, he slammed the door open, and he saw Yes, what?

Early in the morning, it's so hot, isn't it?

"That, that You go on, go on, I Oh, my ears are buzzing all the time today. I can't see anything... "

Then he closed the door to them.

After closing the door of the bathroom, Bo Xichen hugged Xiaobao not far away and gave a kiss. He said in a loud voice, "baozi, you are going to have a mother's child right away. Is Gao unhappy?"

Xiaobao looked at him coldly and scornfully: this baby is a child with a mother.

What's more, he found his mother for his father.

The bathroom door is not very soundproof. After hearing Bo Xichen's words to Xiaobao, Shen Liyang takes back his hand and touches his hand hot.

Shen Liyang was so stupid that he even pretended to be calm and said: "that I, if I said that my brain was short-circuit just now, I didn't mean to eat your tofu, do you believe it? "



She didn't believe it herself.

However, Bo Da president Mou color after a deep look, "um."

Shen Liyang suddenly raised his head and widened his eyes.

That's it. Believe it?

These days, the big president with money, face and figure, has been so easy to cheat?

The morning of chicken flying eggs has come to an end like this. Shen Liyang can only go to the so-called interview in succession.

In the car, Bo cold voice looked at Shen liyang's back in a hurry to leave, and naturally thought of the phone call that made her rude yesterday, as well as the so-called interview in the phone.

"Xichen, go check the cast she's interviewing for."

After seeing the scene in the morning, Bo Xichen seems to have automatically formed the formula of "Shen Liyang = future sister-in-law" in his mind, and nodded immediately after hearing the speech: "OK."

When Shen Liyang rushed to the interview place, he found that the so-called interview She was the only one who came.

"Huang Dao Is it because I remember the time wrong

When Huang Zhiming smiles, he shows two rows of yellow teeth. The smile on his plump face looks like the scene of a traffic accident. "Yes, that's right. This interview is a formality. I'm very satisfied with xiaoliyang Look at this figure and small face. There must be a lot of men willing to buy tickets

Then he reached out his thick hand and tried to touch her face.

And the surrounding staff seems to have long been familiar with such scenes, all deaf and dumb.

At the beginning of his career as an actor, Shen Liyang was taught a lesson by his so-called predecessors: he was willing to cut himself and dare to pull the emperor off his horse.As long as you are willing to go out, there is nothing you dare not think about.

Shen Liyang pretended to brush his hair to avoid his touch and said with a smile: "director Huang is joking. Since it is an interview, it is always appropriate to have fair competition Otherwise, it will be hard to hear. "

Did not eat tofu, Huang daoluo's eyes seem to be with a knife, trying to cut off her clothes.

Such eyes make Shen Liyang very uncomfortable, but the other side does not have any substantive action, she can only as what do not know.

"Easy to say, easy to say, since you want to interview, then Deputy director, show Li Yang the script to be auditioned. "

The deputy director took a page out of the script and handed it to Shen Liyang.

Shen Liyang knew that today's audition would not be so simple, but how could he think that the part they gave himself to audition was A scene, a bed play!