"Mr. Bo, here comes Dr. Zhao."

When Bo Han Sheng picked up his coat and was ready to go out, a servant's announcement sounded behind him.

"Let him in," he said

Dr. Zhao put down his bag and said, "Mr. Bo, I haven't seen you for a long time. Where's Xiaobao? How is he doing? "

"There was a bout of emotional loss of control once, but it was quickly suppressed."

Bo gave the doctor a brief description of the scene at that time.

Dr. Zhao mused: "children with autism rarely find things they really care about. Since Xiaobao is willing to speak, this is a great breakthrough. I suggest that this woman be invited to work as a private nurse or tutor for a period of time

In this way, he can also determine what causes the magical effect.

She is not a nurse

Dr. Zhao: "hmm?"

"She will be Xiao Bao's future mother," Bo said

"Cough, cough..." Dr. Zhao was choked by his own saliva and coughed red and his neck was thick: "Mr. Bo, are you serious? Do you have to sacrifice so much to cure Xiaobao

Thin cold voice disliked to sit a bit farther, "say what asshole."

Dr. Zhao looked at his deep eyes like night: "Mr. Bo, you Do you like a girl

This is what shocked the world.

Thin cold voice cold face, he is a normal man, do not like girls, difficult not to like men?!


Shen Liyang led Xiaobao into a snack bar.

She found a window seat and told her, "I'll take your order. I can't go anywhere. Do you know?"

Xiao Bao nodded, and the lion was obediently lying at his feet. One man and one dog looked very harmonious. In addition, he looked lovely. As soon as he came in, he attracted countless eyes.

When Shen Liyang came back from ordering a meal, she found that many girls were looking in the same direction, blushing.

Shen Liyang looked curiously along their eyes.

Unexpectedly on the thin cold sound on the deep dark line of sight.

His black suit trousers are straight and pressed, his white shirt is slightly unbuttoned with three buttons, and his cuff is pulled to the forearm position. His face is beautiful and more charming than the most popular fresh meat in the circle.

He just sat there quietly, all the surrounding environment became the background board.

Shen Liyang was suddenly able to understand the obsessed eyes around him. No matter whether he was a man or a woman, he was born with no resistance to beauty.

Bo cold voice low eyes don't know what to say to the little guy, before she left, Xiaobao was still in high spirits. At the moment, Xiaobao was like a frosted eggplant, and the whole person seemed to be listless.

When he saw her coming, he looked at her with pitiful little eyes.

Shen liyang's heart softened and put everything he bought in front of him.

The little guy reached out and wanted to get it, but he was caught by the cold sight of the man on his side. His mouth was shriveled, like a little golden tailed fish who was wronged.

Shen Liyang couldn't see his appearance like this. He took the octopus ball and fed it to his mouth. "Ah, baby, open your mouth."

Xiaobao looks at his cold voice and thinks he is right. When he doesn't pay attention to it, he stutters into his mouth.

Shen Liyang curled up the corner of his lips, but when he looked up, he met his eyes with a cold voice as deep as the night. His smile on his face solidified, but he still insisted: "there is no additive in this. Children can eat it. I I often eat it. It's very healthy, isn't it... "

But I don't know if the man's breath is too oppressive. The voice of Shen liyang's argument becomes lower with the visible trend.

He didn't say anything. He just looked at her quietly. Shen Liyang felt like a mountain was pressed on his back.

Because of such an iceberg on the seat, the snacks Xiaobao and Shen Liyang eat in their mouths are tasteless.

When the food was almost finished, Bo stood up and said, "it's late. I'll send Miss Shen back."

Shen Liyang holds Xiaobao's hand and follows the lion beside him. On the other side of the street, Bo Hansheng walks on the other side. However, Shen Liyang finds that he and the little guy have not been touched by anyone.

The man beside him silently protects them well. He doesn't say much, but it gives people a feeling that as long as he is there, any wind and rain can be safely avoided.

Half an hour later, the car slowly stopped at the apartment building where Shen Liyang lived.

Shen Liyang whispered thanks.

"Bo Zunbao, it's time for my aunt to go home." The cold voice of Bo broke his son's sweet dream in Shen liyang's arms, without any emotional ups and downs.

A second before the sleep is sweet Xiaobao smell speech, when even wake up, and then reach out to open the door.

Shen Liyang sighs at the little guy's understanding and will open the door for her, and you will seeThe little guy jumped out of the car on short legs and stood by the car waiting for her to get off.

Shen Li Yang Leng next, by the little guy this move to muddle, how he also get off the car?

Shen Liyang didn't understand, but Bo's cold voice was very clear. He pressed the sore Temple heavily and reminded him: "Bo Zunbao, that's not your home."

Xiaobao automatically ignored his words, and looked at Shen Liyang eagerly. He did enough to go back with her.

Shen Liyang, who got out of the car, looked at Bo Han Sheng with his eyes for help. He asked silently: what should I do?