Zhao Lingfeng was infuriated by her asshole words and raised his hand to give her a slap: "you this rebellious girl!"

Naturally, Shen Liyang would not be so stupid as to stand there and be beaten by him. When he raised his hand, he had already dodged.

"Zhao Dong is old. Don't be so angry. Otherwise Hiss. " Shen Liyang seemed to think of something. Suddenly his fingers covered his lips and widened his eyes. He said in disbelief: "you are not going to touch me, are you? Tut Tut, I heard that people of your age like to do such things most... "

She has a good voice and color, she can perform a full play.

Zhao Lingfeng's blood pressure goes up, Zhao Xuerou quickly gives him good Qi, shows his good daughter's side.

Shen Liyang looked at them with sore eyes and turned around to change places.

Zhang Xu is at this time to jump out, "goddess, handsome!"

Shen Li Yangdun steps down: "we know each other?"

It seems that from the very beginning, the girl in front of her showed a very close value to her.

Zhang Xu smoothed her hair and adjusted her clothes. Her heart beat faster than she saw her sweetheart. "Goddess, it's me. It's me. You forget A year ago, under the overpass of 49 cities, my wallet was stolen. You brought it back to me. We had dinner together

At that time, she had just been driven out of her home, and the only 200 yuan was in the stolen purse. After a few steps, she sprained her foot, and with grief and anger, she squatted on the ground and began to cry.

It's like being abandoned by the whole world.

Shen Liyang appeared at this time, wearing black leather clothes and leather pants, riding a motorcycle, holding a big motorcycle with a very high risk coefficient, and kicking the robbers with long legs fast, accurately and ruthlessly.

Zhang Xu didn't know how cruel her foot was, but the thief couldn't get up for half a day.

When the motorcycle stopped, Shen Liyang took off his helmet, jumped off the motorcycle and stepped on the thief who was ready to struggle.

High horse tail, black leather coat, eyebrow a pick, become the pronoun of Zhang Xu's eyes, "I say you are young, what's wrong with you? You bully other girls, eh? Your parents didn't teach you to be kind to women? "

Each word, the foot of the rolling force on a large point.

The man who was trampled by her took a mouthful of dirt, "spare my life, spare my life, I know it's wrong, I know it's wrong, take your wallet, I'll never dare again."

After repairing the thief, Shen Liyang goes to Zhang Xu with his helmet in his arms and reaches out to her.

At that moment, Zhang Xu didn't know what was going on. "Wow" burst into tears, as if to cry all the grievances together.

Shen Liyang saw some dumb, took out a paper towel from his pocket and wiped her tears, "what are you crying for? Is it hurt? "

Zhang Xu hugged her and cried. What Shen Liyang was most afraid of was the girl's tears. Especially, the powder she was wearing at that time was very small, which immediately aroused her desire for protection: "that Honey, don't cry. Did you eat lunch? I haven't eaten yet. I'll treat you to a meal. "

When his memory came back, Shen Liyang remembered, "you are Zhang Xu

Zhang Xu touched his face and chuckled shyly: "have I changed a lot?"

She is now doing net red. Naturally, she has to wear a heavy make-up every day. It does not match the image of a year ago.

Shen Li Yang shook his head and said with a smile, "no, it's as beautiful as before."

Zhang Xu, who was praised by the goddess, was immediately happy.

"Send this to the woman in the Burgundy dress." Disheartened, Gu Huai dropped a colorless and tasteless medicine into the wine glass served by the waiter.

Zhao Xuerou looked in her eyes and said, "my sister is very smart. She can know the general medicine by smelling it under her nose."

Gu Huai sneered: "don't worry, this medicine is colorless and tasteless. Even a famous pharmacist can't detect it. Later, I will make her lose face in full view of the public."

Zhao Xuerou fiddled with her manicure and didn't speak any more.


Carrying the red wine brought by the waiter, Shen Liyang shakes twice skillfully. When he reaches his lips, he sniffs them. His green fingers stop and his lips draw a shallow arc.

Zhang Xu has been staring at her. Seeing her action, she comes over and asks, "don't you like this wine? Or What's the problem? "

Shen Liyang was surprised at her cleverness. She raised her eyebrows and drank the red wine in the glass.

Zhao Xuerou and Gu Huai can't help but breathe a sigh of relief when they see this scene in the background of their eyes.


The father and son in the small apartment finished the hot pot and began to stare.

Small treasure committee is aggrieved Du small mouth, step on small foot ya to climb on the car.

The driver saw the young master coming and put his favorite toy in his arms.

Xiaobao looked at the toy he liked very much, but now he didn't like it at all: he missed his mother.After getting on the bus with long legs, he glanced at his son and said to the driver, "go to the grand hotel."

The grand hotel is the place for the new moon entertainment annual meeting.

The little guy has a good memory. When he heard what he said, his eyes began to shine.

Half an hour later, Grand Hotel.

The baby opens the seat belt with a "click" sound and will get off the bus.

But was stopped by a pair of big hands.

Xiao Bao pedals his short legs, but he doesn't succeed. He looks at his father with big eyes and says, "well, bad guy.".

Thin cold voice long arm a take a person to sit back in place, deep voice way: "you honestly stay here, I go to pick up people back."

Xiao Bao shook his head like a rattle: No, no!

Bo cold voice looked at his small short legs: "you are too short, you will lose, if she drinks too much, I will take care of you or take care of her?"

The little baby who secretly hurt himself:.... "

After hitting his son, Bo cold voice told the driver two words, let him watch closely, then long legs stepped out of the car.

His suit pressed, tall and straight, deep eyebrows, all show noble and elegant, once off the car attracted many people's attention.

"Who is that? A new male star? It's so handsome. I'm going to climb the wall. "

"What actor? Lying trough, that's Thin, cold, sound! Bo Nanshen, my life, is more handsome than in the magazine in reality. I'm going to die. "

"Male god, I will give you a monkey!" A girl with a face and eyes making stars yelled.

Thin cold sound footstep, dark color deep pupil took over.

Star eye girl a Leng, "I, I do not deserve."

Thin cold sound strides long legs into the hotel.

Star eye girl: "although I was killed, but My God, it's so handsome


"What about people? Got the room? "

Zhao Xuerou chatted with the actress who came to chat up and found that Shen Liyang had disappeared.

Gu Huai touched her with a glass of wine. "Don't worry. I won't let her feel better about the person you hate."

Zhao Xuerou doesn't know if she drinks a little too much. The whole person is dizzy. She reaches out and hooks Guhuai's tie Who are you preparing for her? It can't be Are you going to fight yourself? "

Gu Huai looked at her face with crimson seduction of her appearance, immediately also some dry mouth, immediately reached out to hook her waist: "with you around, how can I still love her I'll take you to wake up? "

Zhao Xuerou left with him.