It's a very thin film that you've just made Wait, do you know, Fu Chaolang, he and he It's a gay? "

Bo cold voice did not speak.

Bo Xichen: Default?

"Brother, are you using your power for personal gain? In ancient times, it was a blind monarch. "

Don't your conscience hurt so much for your own artists?

Thin cold voice indifferent eyes swept over.

Bo Xichen's back was straight: "I'll do it now."

So, Shen Liyang, whose front foot changed into clothes and finished her makeup, was ready to shoot. In the back foot, he heard director Huang's joyful cry: "stop, stop, tell us a good news. Just now, our crew has received a large investment."

The whole audience was cheering.

Of course, male stars were among them, but soon he couldn't laugh.

Because director Huang went up to him and said apologetically The investor's requirement for investment is to replace the male leading role with the person designated by them. "

To tell you the truth, after hearing the name of the designated candidate, director Huang was so excited that he couldn't restrain himself. It's just a good thing to drop pie in the sky.

Not only did he have a large investment, but also sent a first-line actor with his own topic and flow, where to find such a good thing.

Although the actor is not willing, but I can only recognize the planting.

It's my uncle who pays for it, not to mention the other party's entertainment.

Shen Liyang touched his jaw silently, "director Huang, I don't know that this airborne actor is..."

Director Huang's mouth grinned to the back of his ear. "Li Yang, you are blessed. The other side is a popular little fresh meat. Many famous actresses want to cooperate with him, but they can't find the opportunity. He will play the opposite role with you. Maybe you will have a shot. Don't forget that I'm the bole."


It was Zhao Xuerou who moved to her. Maybe the muzzle was more appropriate.

However, Shen Liyang always nodded with a smile.

The cast of "spring in the palace" without even a decent star won't attract much attention even if the actors are changed.

Just when Fu Chaolang's Micro blog fan pays attention to his idol's itinerary, the whole person is stunned: "what's the ghost of spring in the palace"? When did they pick up the play?

In her face when the question mark, many iron fans have also been in the official blog greetings up: why to give brother this play? Listen to the name is not what Zheng, Jing, Xi!

After someone found out what kind of play is, all the fans burst into a pot, and the greetings from the building said the same thing: is Xingyao entertainment closed down? Why do you do this to my brother?!

In order to maintain a sense of mystery, director Huang did not disclose to anyone in the crew who was the flow of Xiaosheng to replace the actor.

Shen Liyang didn't have any requirements. He only asked for reliable points.

These days, there is a flow can not act dry stare, but also love to play big brand traffic, to tell the truth It's really not uncommon for her to run.

It took two hours for the rumored traffic to arrive late.

When the nanny car opened, "ah ah ah ah!"

"It's him. It's him!"

Song Nana's front foot to deliver things, the back foot saw who entered the crew, suddenly exclaimed.

The rest of the crew turned around.

Shen Liyang put down his script and carelessly wanted to care about his opponent's actors.

And then!

One second.

Two seconds.

Three seconds

Shen liyang's expression at this moment is not exaggerated to say that he was struck by thunder.

What evil luck has she taken recently?!

How can I meet "Acquaintances"?!

"Ha ha ha ha, we're coming to Chao long. Come in and say hello to everyone." Huang said with a smile.

"Really Fu, Chao, Lang! My God, I'm not dreaming, am I? "

"Pinch me, tell me I'm not dreaming Legs are so soft. They are soft at first sight. "

"The eyebrows, the eyes, the nose, the mouth Oh, how handsome

The noise here is just a wall apart. Zhao Xuerou and Gu Huai, who are filming next door, naturally hear the sound.

"What are you talking about? Fu Chao Lang Jin's "spring in the palace"? How could that be possible! "

A popular traffic, is he crazy?!

Agent: "I heard that it is the decision made by Xingyao high-level, and I don't know what kind of fame it is playing."

Gu Huai put in a sentence: "is it difficult to increase the degree of topic in this way?"

Zhao Xuerou tore up the script in her hand and said, "she's really in a bad luck!"However, no matter how dissatisfied she is, nothing can be changed.

Director Huang is holding Fu Chaolang's hand with great interest and briefly introduces a circle of important staff to him. After

A pat on the head, "look at me, I forget the most important point. The person who plays the opposite role with you is a new person. If it is convenient for you, you can bring her more Ah? What about Shen Liyang? People were not here just now. Where have they been? "

Fu Chaolang scraped the bridge of his nose, "is it that I temporarily changed her partner?"

Director Huang laughs: "how can ah, she is a young newcomer, if know is you, may be happy to scream, may be your fans."

Song Nana takes advantage of the time when the two people talk, abandoning the opportunity to see more idols, and quickly goes to find Shen Liyang.

When she saw people, she found Shen Li Yang in Smoking?!

"Li Yang, what are you doing? You don't go to see Fu Chaolang and smoke alone here? You are a tyrannical creature Song Nana choked her wrist.

Shen liyang's eyes were melancholy: "you don't understand."

She's guilty.

"That Fu Chaolang, he, now Do you like men or women? "

Song Nana looks confused: "what?"

Shen Liyang sighed and crushed out the cigarette end. "Forget it, the king of hell wants people to die at the third watch. Never leave anyone to the fifth watch, so you can die."

After feeling, he went to the front with a generous face.

Song Nana: That's the recognized handsome guy in the circle, haova?!

Why do you feel the same as the execution?

"Ah, you see, Cao Cao has arrived. This is the new man I told you. Shen Liyang, his acting skills are not bad." Director Huang said when he saw her coming.

Fu Chaolang smell speech, slowly turned his head.

For a moment, as if time and space are eternal, his pupil only she, can not put down anyone.

Shen Liyang was smiling and hard headed. He held out his hand as usual: "master, Hello, I'm Shen Liyang."

Fu Chaolang looked at the girl in front of him without moving for a long time.

Until the people around, all aware of the strange, director Huang: "Chao Lang? You Do you know? "

Is it Former girlfriends?