Shen Liyang was stunned and looked at him directly.

Until thin cold voice in her lip corner bit a bit, hoarse voice: "darling, close your eyes."

Shen Liyang seems to have been bewitched. Those who are obedient at this moment can no longer be obedient.

At night, Shen Liyang is lying on the bed, but his mind is still showing the kiss.

I don't know if it's the reason for recognizing the bed. She hasn't been able to sleep for half a day. When she falls into sleep, she starts to dream again.

"My little Yangyang, where are you? Are you hiding from me again

"Good girl, come out by yourself, if I find out You know the consequences... "

In the dark room, the sound of footsteps approached, and then approached.

The girl hiding in the cupboard was shaking all over her body. She was very afraid. The huge fear occupied her whole body.

The man outside is the devil to her.

No, he's more terrifying than the devil.

"I see you." It should be the most charming sound line, but in the dark environment without a trace of light, the natural evolution of ghosts.

"Do you come out by yourself, or do I pull you out?"

The footsteps stopped and the girl knew she was found again.

The devil like man is standing outside the cupboard.

"Creak" thick and ancient cabinet door was opened from the outside, "xiaoyangyang, why, just can't be obedient, eh?"

As his voice rang out, the shivering girl hiding in the cupboard burst out a huge cry of panic, "ah!"

She huddled herself together. "Please, let me go. I beg you to let me go."

But her plea for mercy did not produce any substantial effect. She was pulled out of the cabinet by the man, and she was tied up again.

The man's strange voice continues, "disobedient girls, to be punished."

Shen Liyang, who is fast asleep, suddenly clenches the quilt. She suddenly wakes up from her dream and sits up from the bed.

She gasped like a goldfish that nearly died of dehydration.

“…… The same dream again? "

The girl in the dream looks like her, even her name is the same, but

She had never been kidnapped and never seen the pervert in her dream.

What's going on here?

Shen Liyang is thirsty. In the case of being puzzled, she goes downstairs on her slippers, trying to pour a glass of water.

There was only a faint light in the living room. Shen Liyang had something in mind and didn't pay attention to the situation around him.

It was not until he came near the white robe, which was quite different from that of the man in the white robe.

At the moment, the man is very lazy, full of charm.

When you drink water with your head up, your sexy throat knot rolls up and down, and the sound in the dark night sounds like a demon who wants to devour people's hearts.

Shen Li Yang immediately felt more thirsty.

Just at this time, the eyes of thin cold voice fell on her face.

Shen Liyang subconsciously said, "I It's for water No, peep Yours. "

Although the male sex is charming, but, still want to say clearly.

Bo said in a low voice, "um," and reached out and handed her the water cup.

Shen liyang's mouth was dry, and the night was dark. She did not pay attention to what was in the cup. She looked up and drank it.

But when the liquid slipped into her mouth, Shen Liyang immediately noticed the difference. After taking a sip, she raised her glass to see, "is it wine?"

Don't sleep at night, he drinks in the living room?

Shen Liyang looked at him with some disapproval, which was a very unhealthy work and rest habit.

Feeling the girl's sight, Bo cold voice explained for himself: "headache, can't sleep."

Shen Liyang has seen his appearance when he has a headache. He can make Bo president, who has always been happy and angry, shrink his eyebrows and exude sweat from his forehead.

"You Frequent headache? " She asked.

Thin cold voice, eyes flashed: "yes."

Shen Li Yang Ning eyebrow: "a fit can't sleep?"

President Bo continued to "hum".

"So serious, why don't you go to see a doctor? Don't think that you are young and healthy now, so you don't take this kind of thing seriously. A lot of times, minor illness can be dragged into a serious disease, but this kind of thing can't be delayed at all. You should as soon as possible No, you'll see a doctor as soon as it gets light. " Said the girl.

Her concern does not have any cover up, thin cold voice Mou color deep all see in the fundus of the eye.

The corners of his thin lips lit up I don't like doctors. "

Shen Yang, a little girl, should not be a model again Well, I have nothing to do tomorrow. I'll go to the hospital with you. ""No rejection." It seemed that he was afraid that he would find any more reasons, so Shen Liyang quickly added a sentence of righteous words.

President Bo's lips slightly raised: "will it be very troublesome for you?"

Shen Li Yang waved his hand, "no trouble, no trouble, a little thing."

"Then..." He leaned close to her, his thin lips pressed on her ears, and his deep voice was like the sound of a cello concerto hitting her eardrum, "thank you, rippling..."

The tail tune is very long. It's like a cat's paw in Shen liyang's heart. It's scratched and scratched. It's crispy and numb, which makes people feel flustered and trembling.

Shen Li, on and off the floor, I lost my electric shock

Shen Liyang, who seduces numerous Han and younger sisters, is considered to have met an old enemy in his life.

Bo cold voice looked at the girl's disorderly escape steps, picked up the water cup she put aside, and slowly printed her thin lips.

The eyes are blurred and intoxicated.

No one in the business world knows that Bo Hansheng, the president of Bo's group, is a ruthless character who is vigorous and resolute.

All people said that he was in the strategy, decisive victory thousands of miles away, only her, said "you can't be so wayward.".


Bo thought about the word that never appeared in his dictionary.

After a while, President Bo chuckled and went back to the room with the cup in his hand.

The next morning.

Shen Liyang was awakened by the life-threatening vibration of her mobile phone. She felt the mobile phone sleepily and struggled for a long time before opening her heavy eyelids.

Seeing Wang Daming's mobile phone number, I have an impulse to hang up directly.

But fortunately, her lucidity and reason are still there.

"Hello, Wang..."

"Shen Liyang, if you don't give me trouble, you'll feel sick all day, right?! I've brought so many artists, but I haven't seen so many things about you. Do you have no idea how to write "an Fen"

In the face of Wang Daming climacteric attack general clamor, Shen Li Yang took out his ear: "what's wrong with me?"

Is it She was photographed in the same frame as the thin cold voice?