Shen Liyang stood there with his back straight.

Several times they wanted to speak, they were filled with indignation of the voice of reproach to the Sheng Sheng down.

"You are so mean that you dare to seduce my husband. I won't kill you!"

Suddenly, a girl's voice came out of the crowd. Then a stick crossed the air and swung it straight toward Shen Li Yang.


The crowd of fans screamed.

They just came to ask for an explanation. Most of them are still rational. Even if they are angry, they attack with words at most, which is what was said in the fans' group from the beginning.

Never do it.

But at the moment, someone has swung the stick directly?!

This is a blackmail for their brother.

"Bang --"

at the moment when the stick hit, Shen Liyang protected her nearest female fan in her chest, and her arm blocked her head.

With her skills, she could have escaped directly, but if she did, the girl she had protected would have been injured.

The stick broke in response to the sound, and the broken debris splashed to the corner of Shen liyang's eyes, leaving a dazzling red blood.

The corners of her eyes, bleeding.

A red blood bead will not drop, just like cinnabar, Phoenix eyes flow, beautiful, her eyes sharp look at the hands of the person, "sorry."

Everyone was frightened by the sudden scene.

The girl who was firmly protected by Shen Liyang burst into tears and hugged Shen Liyang tightly. Obviously, she had not recovered from the shock just now.

Almost, almost, the stick fell on her.

She's still shaking.

Shen Liyang patted her on the shoulder, took off his coat and put it on her shoulder.

The girl looked at her action, her eyes were red.

Shen Liyang stretched out his hand and pinched her cheek, "the clothes are broken. Please put them on first."

Her boyfriend's action of breaking through the tent was stunned by the original clamor of a crowd.

The fat woman who started to take advantage of the chaos wanted to escape, but Shen Liyang pressed her shoulder and couldn't move.

"You want to go when you hit someone?"

Relying on the natural advantages of her body, the fat woman did not pay attention to her at all. She yelled: "what's wrong with you? You seduce my husband, can't I teach you a lesson?! Don't think you can do whatever you want with a face like Zhang Hu Mei. "

Shen Liyang reached out and touched some prickly corners of his eyes. The red blood bead scratched a red mark on his face, like a demon. He said, "I don't care whose fan you are, or whose money you have come here to brush the existence feeling. You scared other people's little girls, and apologize Not too much. "

Everyone thought that she was asking a fat woman to apologize to her. Nobody thought She was actually, for a man who was still fighting against her just now.

"You, you're not a big brother fan!"

After slowly calming down her mood, the girl who was nearly beaten walked to Shen Liyang, pointed to the fat woman and said, "I didn't see you when I was a statistician. You are not a fan of my brother. Who are you? Why do you hit people? "

The girl seemed to be one of the organizers of the event. Her words were echoed by many people and soon the police were called.

After knowing the whole story, the police took the man away directly.

Seeing that the matter was settled and the fans who came to settle the accounts with her did not seem to be aiming at her any more, Shen Liyang was ready to leave.

"Wait, wait." The girl, still in her clothes, called to her with a red face.

Shen Li Yang Dun steps down, pick eyebrow: "still ready to continue to scold me?" She said, "for the sake of how I protected you just now, let me have a discussion? It's time for the crew to wait for me, isn't it? "

The girl quickly shook her head, "I, I didn't want to scold you, just now Thank you for I believe that you are not what you said on the Internet. There must be some misunderstanding. "

Other people heard the speech, although not all of them agreed, but no one raised any objection.

Shen liyang's subconscious behavior of saving people, especially a person who is in trouble with her, is It's really rare.

In particular, she is a girl herself.

Shen Liyang eyebrows a pick, showing a ruffian full of smile: "it seems that the hero to save the United States is a kill, I so escaped a robbery, is really gratifying."

She looks beautiful, but at the moment, she looks like a little rogue with evil spirit. She can't say the words in tune, but It's really fascinating.

It's not about sex.

Among them, there are people who blush silently.

After pacifying the fans who came to find trouble, Shen Liyang entered the production team without stopping.

"You, you came alone? Not hurt? " Song Nana saw her coming, so she quickly surrounded her.Shen Liyang smiles and shakes his head. "It's OK. Help me make up. It's about to start shooting."

Director Huang and the screenwriter Wu Shihong, who are talking to each other, also came to see her coming. After director Huang asked questions, they went to prepare for shooting.

Wu Shihong stopped and glanced at her blue arm Are the fans beating you out there? "

Fu Chaolang front foot comes in, hind foot hears this sentence, the sight does not control to glance over.

Shen Liyang: "there are no things. They are all lovely and lively star chasing girls. How can they start with me? It's my own carelessness."

What she said seemed to be false or true, which was indistinguishable.

Fu Chaolang hesitated for a few seconds. After that, he still came over and asked, "how did you do it yourself? If you have been wronged because of me, for the sake of a crew, I can... "

"You want to help me, don't you?" Shen Liyang did not wait for him to finish stuttering, simply opened his mouth when.

Fu Chaolang snorted coldly: "I see in your brother's face, take care of you."

Shen Liyang pulled the man to one side. His face was not red and his heart was not jumping. He said in a low voice: "since you said that, sister-in-law, I'm not polite. Later You help me with the play, and I'll get it back. "

She has always been the only one to bully others, and has not been bullied.

Today's matter, how can she find the face and the inside together.

Fu Chaolang looked at the smile of her lips, inexplicably felt a cold back, some defensive step back, vigilant way: "what do you want to do?"

Shen Li Yang pointed to him and said, "come here."

Fu Chaolang hesitated to stick his ear in the past.

Shen Liyang whispered, "sister-in-law, please go and find Zhao Xuerou for me."

She was a sister-in-law. She was right to shout, not guilty at all.