Shen Liyang didn't know how much money there was in the pile of bank cards. She was afraid that she had a bad heart and didn't dare to ask.

"That I can't take these. "

She was afraid she couldn't sleep, really.

As soon as she thought that she was a millionaire, she felt that someone would steal her money.

She is such a worthless silver.

Xiaobao obviously can't understand her idea. Doesn't her mother want to be rich?

For her this kind of practice, thin cold voice is not surprised at all.

Shen Liyang likes money, but she only likes the money she earns from her labor. No matter how much money she has, she won't care about it. This is a moving flash in her body.

Bo Han Sheng asked his son to take back all the bank cards, but he put the black card in the girl's palm. "I don't need to take the rest. I'll keep this for me first, you know When a man goes out to socialize, he will spend money uncontrollably. "

This word is to bully Shen Liyang, do not know the market.

Even if he attends a state banquet, President Bo doesn't need to pay for it.

Seeing that Shen Liyang had to refuse, Bo Han Sheng added another sentence The season is about to change. You have a good eye. If you go to the mall, you can help us buy some suitable clothes

President Bo's reason is impeccable. Shen Liyang felt that if he refused, he would be the same as carrying it.

Finally, he had to promise to keep it for him for the time being.

Xiao Bao puffed his cheek and turned himself into a frog.

I'm really angry. Dad is so cunning.

Obviously, he is the first man who wants to give his mother a bank card.

"Why, so many cards? Brother and sister-in-law, are you going to separate the family? "

Bo Xichen, who escaped from the second old man's life, took up the water beside the table and poured it on himself as if he had escaped from death.

Shen liyang's forehead appeared black line, "two little, can you enrich your imagination a little bit?"

Bo Xichen wiped his mouth wildly and asked curiously, "what are you doing?"

Shen Liyang did not intend to pay any more attention to him.

She didn't want to talk, but Bo Xichen didn't want to stop. He rubbed against Bo's cold voice. When the president wanted to kick someone, he wisely chose to open his mouth and said, "Su Yi's son of a bitch, I don't know what kind of stimulation he was. He ran to the second old man and told you about it. You should be more careful recently."

Although, the content of the accusation made Bo Xichen look confused.

Isn't his brother always in love with his sister-in-law?

Why is there another man?

Shen Li Yang's ear tip heard Bo Xichen's words, and his eyebrows immediately jumped: "what did Su Yi say?"

It won't be Is that what she thinks?

Bo Xichen coughed and said nothing, that is to say My brother Follow him, rob the man. "

Shen Liyang:

"I don't think you want to investigate this matter to the end..." As soon as Bo Xi Chen patted his forehead, he immediately got a flash of inspiration and said, "brother, this matter is very easy to solve. If you just put the little sister-in-law in front of them, everything will be solved."

Oh, he's a real talent.

Shen Liyang: Two young, you can shut up. "

Is this a human idea?!

Shen Liyang thought that Bo's voice would oppose it, but in fact, the president's face was pondering, as if he were thinking about the possibility of this matter?


Zhao Xuerou's reputation has fallen to the bottom of the valley.

In order to save the situation of successive failures, there is no lack of love with Gu huaixiu in front of the media.

In order to eliminate the online rumors that she bullied and suppressed the newcomers, her agent suggested that she go to the next studio and take a few photos with Shen Li Yangbian, which is to block the audience.

But the premise of this is that Zhao Xuerou should first make a gesture.

"You mean, let me be a popular actress, to hold a small transparent stinky foot with eighteen lines?! You're jammed in the door, aren't you? "

Agent: "my big star, let's just take a few photos. You can see that the Internet is full of abuse. If we don't do something to make up for it, this matter will become a black spot that you can't cross in your acting career During the period when you were blackened, Gao she's endorsement, which should have belonged to you, has been cut off by the female stars of the same period... "

Zhao Xuerou is not in the heart, "a small spokesperson, she wants to be when I give her, this is nothing."

She is backed by the Zhao family, and the most important thing is resources.

For this, of course, the agent knows, but Zhao Xuerou has been walking the path of sunshine and health, and there is almost no black material on her body. This explosion is just two. If the dike of a thousand miles does not collapse in an ant's nest, how can she not worry.

However, no matter how she broke her tongue, Zhao Xuerou did not answer the question and put forward a clear attitude. She would never be soft with Shen Liyang, even if it was a fake.Seeing that the negotiation failed, the agent had to give up the plan.

When the nanny car is about to arrive at the crew, I can see the fans surrounded by a circle in front of me from a distance. When I see a car coming, I look very excited.

Zhao Xuerou fiddled with her newly made hair and said, "see, no matter how crazy those black fans are on the Internet, my true love fans won't waver. They must come together to cheer me on The driver lowered the window... "

Since so many people have come, she would like to say hello to them.

The agent looks at the fans in front of her and pauses. Zhao Xuerou's fans are yellow. How can she see Are these fans wearing green ribbons on their wrists?

She just wanted to remind her that the window of Zhao Xuerou's side has come down, and Zhao Xuerou has arranged the action of greeting her fans.

The fans all came to me blare.

Zhao Xuerou waved her hand: "Hi, Hello, don't..."

However, before she finished her words, Wu Wu's great fans directly Go straight, skip her, run to the back.

"Wow, it's so handsome. Blow it up!"

"Beautiful and fried, Li Yang, you can drive a big motorcycle."

"Big motorcycles, big motorcycles, Li Yang Shuai, who can ride motorcycles, has overturned. I am bent!"

Afraid of hitting them, Shen Liyang stopped at a distance of two or three meters and took off her helmet. Her long hair, such as ink, splashed in the air. She did not make up, but her plain face still surprised the fans.

This face value, too can hit!

"Honey, don't come every day, you should study hard and work hard, do you know? I don't have time to talk to you today. I'll go to the cast first. "

The reason why she came by motorcycle today is that she got up late and chose the most convenient and fast way to travel in order not to delay time and be afraid of traffic jam.

She subconsciously said "babies" and teased and Su, the scene is a burst of wolf howl.