"The body, the skin, and the face..."

"Well, second, don't forget what our main purpose is. This is a woman with a cold voice. If you touch her, even if you get the money, the Bo family will never let us go."

"Big brother, you are too timid. We are all tied up. Bo Hansheng has already offended us. If you touch this woman, he won't let us go. It's better to It's also romantic to be a ghost when you die under the peony flowers, hehe, hehe... "

Through their conversation, Shen Liyang finally figured out the whole story. It turned out that he didn't come for her, but to ask for money from Bo Han Sheng.

It's true that the rich recruit thieves. This time, I'm really on the cutting edge for you.

Men are harmful.

Shen Liyang could not help feeling in his heart.

It's just that if it's just for money, Shen Liyang won't really worry. Even if she can't wait for the rescue, she'll be confident to get out of danger. But if these two people have other devious thoughts, things will be more difficult.

“…… Get people upstairs and keep it quiet. "

The man called big brother sank and said.

The second rubbed his hands and laughed. He asked tentatively, "brother, don't you Have a taste? This is a woman who has played with the cold voice, and ordinary women can't compare with them. "

Big brother some impatient, "OK, let you go, you go, I watch here, lest anything goes wrong, move faster."

On hearing the speech, the second elder picked up Shen Liyang and went upstairs, stepping on the worn-out iron ladder, making a "squeak" sound.

Shen Liyang closed his eyes, quietly did not show any flaws.

"Second, where are you going to get people?" The third, who was parking outside, came back and heard the noise on the stairs.

The elder brother lit a cigarette: "you don't know his mind. You can't walk on the road when you see a woman. It's a hopeless thing."

The third one laughed twice: "the woman with thin cold voice is very attractive. I'll try it when the second one is finished."

Shen Liyang, at the entrance of the stairs, looked dignified when he heard this conversation. It seems that It's time to catch up.

The effect on her body has not completely disappeared, so it is her maximum limit at present,

"Kuang Dang", and there is a lot of news from upstairs.

Two people downstairs looked upstairs at the same time, and the third one called out with a low curse: "Damn it, second, you should be quiet, and make a woman make such a big noise."

Shen Liyang looked at the man who was knocked unconscious by her stick and breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, she has the habit of hiding the blade on her body, otherwise this time she will fold it here.

She kicked heavily at the comatose man. Do you want to eat her tofu? court death!

Shen Liyang was lying by the window, thinking about the possibility of jumping down and running away.

But when she saw the big and small stones outside the warehouse, the whole person was gloomy for a moment, and it was the death of her.

It's impossible to jump directly. Shen liyang's sight quickly searched the old room to see if there was any rope.

And at this time downstairs, the boss put out the cigarette end in his hand and suddenly stood up: "bad, something happened!"

The second one can't be so long. He didn't even make a move. The sound just made It's like the sound of something falling.

"Third, go upstairs. The woman probably wakes up."

The boss said this and took the lead in running up.

Old three also neglect to inquire, followed also ran up.

Shen Liyang, who was tearing the sheets and cloth strips as a means of escape, became dignified when he heard the news of rushing upstairs.

"Bang" half door was kicked open.

The old three raised the second on the ground and called twice, and the second slowly woke up.

The boss rushed to the window directly, looked down, and then fell down with the cloth strapped to the window and said, "run from the window, chase immediately!"

The second touched his dizzy head: "this little bitch!"

"It's not that you are so stupid that you can't even see a woman." The old three said impatiently.

If the man ran away, there would be no money. If he was found by Bo Han Sheng, he would not be a fox, but would get into trouble.

The eldest and the third quickly ran down to look for someone. The second one leaned against the door, covered himself, and shook his dizzy head. When he was ready to go downstairs, he suddenly heard something moving behind him.

Shen Liyang, who thought he had finished his journey, slowly opened the door of the wardrobe

"Damn it, you didn't run!"

"Big brother, old three, people are here!"

Cried the second.

Shen Li Yang's back was stiff and she bit the back teeth. She was lucky to be killed by heaven!

Three men blocked the position of the door, Shen liyang's calm eyes slowly changed to deep cold, and the surrounding air seemed to condense."Turn around!"

Shen Liyang put his hand into his arms and held a small thin blade on his fingertips.

The eldest brother spit on the ground and said: "almost cheated, or a cunning little girl!"

Even if Shen Liyang had a knife in his hand, the effect was not over. His whole body was soft, and he couldn't beat the three men in front of him.

The leading man pulled Shen liyang's hair and said: "want to escape?! You think you have to run away?! Stay honest and let you go when you get the money, otherwise You can't live after you get the money. Do you understand me? "

Shen liyang's scratched scalp is painful, and he sips his lips coldly without speaking.

"What's the big brother talking to her? I think it's better to kill her leg first and see how she can escape!" The old three is full of grumpy suggestions.

The second one directly slapped Shen Liyang in the face, with a fierce face, "dare to attack Laozi from behind! Try another one?! There are many ways for Laozi to teach women. This will teach you how to be a man

The third one glanced at Shen Liyang and began to laugh. "Second, such a beauty, take a picture with your mobile phone while playing. We can also give Bo Hansheng a big gift. With this thing, maybe we can let this little girl play with us a few more times in the future..."

Even if the boss didn't have this idea at the beginning, he was also moved at this time.

"Turn around and take off your clothes." Said the boss in a deep voice.

Shen Liyang pursed his lips, and his green fingers moved to his clothes and looked at the man in front of him

Then, suddenly kicked in the past.

It's just a pity that the strength of this foot was easily evaded by the boss.

She rolled to the side, but was caught because her hair was too long.

The room rang with the whistling laughter of the bandits.

Three people looked at her delicate and delicate cheek, and began to move forward one after another, the most urgent color of the old two has begun to take off his trousers.