Although it is only a short and can not be short words, but Bo Han Sheng is acutely aware that the other side is not a simple role.

Let him have Unknown, dangerous.

There are very few people who make him feel that way.

"Xiao Li Yang?" The man's voice came again through the radio waves.

Then there was a silence of three or four seconds.

"You're not her. Who are you?" Then the man's voice sank.

"What is your relationship with her?" President Bo also asked..

The other side stagnated for a moment, did not answer his question, instead, it was a low smile out of the voice, a word for a meal called out his name, "thin, cold, voice."

The tone of the other party's pronouncing the name is accompanied by a smile of unknown meaning, like a mockery or I found some interesting toys.

This kind of unknown out of control feeling, let thin cold voice twist eyebrow eye, "we, know?"

"Ha ha ha ha ha, do you know me? Who knows, maybe. " The other side chuckles, with a casual taste.

Thin cold voice, deep eyes light flashing strange.

"I believe we will meet again soon, President bo I'm looking forward to it. "

I left an indescribable sentence and hung up the phone for convenience.

Thin cold voice eyes color deep gaze at the mobile phone screen, the other party's voice and the attitude of everything, let him a little uncomfortable.

Just like in the dark, what should have been buried in the years of heavy, is about to Break through the ground.

That night, his headache broke out again.

"Cold voice, no!"

What's the name in his heart.

"Help, help! Help her, help her This voice, thin cold voice can distinguish, is his.

Panic, helplessness, fear, fear, not give up, nostalgia, a variety of complex feelings intertwined together, heavy people breathless.

In a blood red, thin cold voice saw the woman in the pool of blood, her body white silk was all dyed red, her stomach bulged, her whole body was covered with blood, she painfully issued a subtle murmur.

Next to a man, his fingers trembling, calling her name.

He wanted to get close, to see their faces, to hear their voices.

But he wasn't close, as if something had separated him.

Those two people, Bo Han Sheng, have a strong sense of familiarity, very familiar, very familiar

"Well." The thin cold sound on the bed suddenly opened his eyes, but his head seemed to burst open with pain. Rao was as strong as he was, and could not stop the groaning from his lips and teeth.

Bo Xi got up in the middle of the night to go to the toilet. When he passed the master bedroom, he faintly heard something that he tried to suppress. His steps stopped for a moment.

The next second, the brain suddenly sobered up, "not good."

He suddenly stepped back a few steps, pushed open the door of the master bedroom, "pa" suddenly turned on the light, and sure enough, he saw a thin cold voice with his head in his arms on the bed, suffering to the twisted face.

"How could So. " Bo Xichen was shocked by the picture in front of him.

At that time, was it not under control?

No, only occasional headaches?

The present situation, the present situation, this is

"Medicine, yes Medicine, take medicine, take medicine, take medicine. " Bo Xichen was in a hurry and rummaged through the drawer looking for medicine.

In order to keep calm and restrain what he wanted to burst out of his mind, he bit his lips and teeth.

"Found it."

Bo Xichen took the medicine and poured out a few tablets, and then he put it into his mouth.

"Brother, brother Take the medicine, take the medicine to be good, take the medicine will not hurt. "

Two little shake God, even forget to pour water, thin cold sound is directly swallowed, bitter medicine spread throughout the mouth.

After a few minutes, the medicine began to work slowly, and the family doctor arrived.

Bo Xichen looked at the thin cold sound of sleeping in the past, and his eyebrows were tightly twisted together, "what's going on? How could it suddenly hurt like this? "

His brother is what kind of abnormal constitution, he can not be more clear, can make him pain like this, obviously has exceeded the limit that human can bear.

"This..." The family doctor stopped for a moment. "Mr. Bo's illness seems to be It's getting worse. The attack time is getting closer and closer. This time it's even more serious than ever. It should be It was stimulated by something. "

In short, it was something that triggered his headache.

"Can you find out why?" Bo Xichen asked in a dignified manner.

The doctor shook his head: "for the time being It's not clear. Maybe when Mr. Bo wakes up, he will know something. "Bo Xichen curled his lips: "nonsense."

Does he know when his brother wakes up and asks about the situation?

In order to prevent Bo's cold voice from happening again, Bo Xichen stayed by his bed all night. When the day was bright, he yawned and knocked his head on the bed and fell asleep.

When the thin cold sound wakes up, the memory of last night also slowly returns. He presses the sore temple with his hands and sits up with his body.

The president seems to be wringing his thin eyebrows at the edge of the bed.

"You, are you awake?" Bo Xichen was aware of some movement. He woke up with a rousing spirit. Then he saw that his face was as normal and he had recovered from his paralysis in the past.

Today, I need a long stretch After a pause, he added, "don't call me for dinner."

Thin cold voice looked at his blue eyelids, eyes light down, took out a bunch of keys from the drawer and threw them to him: "here you are."

Bo Xichen subconsciously catches it. After seeing what kind of treasure he has caught, he immediately gives out a groundhog like cry: "ah, ah, ah!! My favorite

"Really give it to me???" He clenched the car key in his hand and asked in confirmation.

This is the only customized sports car in the world. His eyes have been greedy for a long time. He has never had a chance to touch one of them on weekdays. Now! It's his?!

Bo cold voice took a shirt from the closet and changed it, and whispered "um".

Bo Xichen was so excited that he wanted to hold him. At last, the idea collapsed in his cold eyes, so he had to withdraw his claws.

"Chill out."

Bo Er Shao was obedient: "good."

But when he came to the door, Bo Xichen still stopped and said in a low voice: "brother, you last night That dream again, isn't it? "