Shen Liyang went to Fu Chaolang and asked in a low voice.

Fu Chaolang heard the speech immediately, just like being stabbed at any pain point, and directly blew his hair: "what are you kidding me? What psychological barriers can I have? I am a professional actor. I was afraid that you would suddenly come to a kiss scene. I didn't have any preparation in advance. What should you do if you ate garlic and scallion? I can't take that smell. "

Shen Liyang just thinks that his current love for "Shen Lishu" is still in the status of a crooked man. He is afraid that because he is a woman now, he has no way to kiss, and he wants to reduce his pressure

As a result, he was disgusted from head to toe, and immediately bit the back teeth, "you dead fag."

Fu Chaolang suddenly widened his eyes and wanted to fight with her, "what do you say?"

Shen Li Yang sneered, "if you dare to touch me, I'll find a wife for my brother. I'll see doctor Su very well."

Fu Chaolang full of anger, immediately with the vent gas ball, gnashing his teeth: "you have seed."

"Ho" Shen Liyang turned his head and walked away with his helmet.

Fu Chaolang left a man clearly angry, but there is no place to vent.

Shen Liyang found that there is no way to solve the troubles in the world, which can't be solved after one connection Yes, yes, twice, twice!

Driving her beloved motorcycle, she drove all the way. When passing a dessert shop, she did not forget to buy two small cakes for Xiaobao as snacks.

In front of the dessert shop, there are two girls waiting in front of her. After seeing her car, she stopped for a moment Go to one side, take out the mobile phone and start to compare what.

Shen Liyang completely as if nothing found, took a small cake and left directly.

"Is it her? The one who hit someone in the car. " Said one of the girls.

"I just took a picture and sent it to the fans to ask if I could find out."

As soon as her photos were sent to the group, they immediately burst into a pot. The excited fans asked for the address and said they were going to throw rotten eggs.

"This whore, we snow Rou is still lying in the hospital, she dare to come out so aboveboard to show off in the market, it's just too arrogant!"

"On the top floor and riding the same motorcycle, I'm afraid that others will not recognize it, right? If you want to be red and crazy, you will be black all your life. "


Shen Liyang came back with a small cake, but did not see Xiaobao. Finally, the servant told him that the young master had been in the equipment room.

Shen Li Yangdun, so young know exercise?

Carrying the cake, she slowly walked towards the equipment room. As soon as she got to the door, she heard Bo Xichen's voice, "no, no, no, you should use your hands to aim at..."

"You can't do that. Your arms are so soft that you don't even have any strength."

"Xiaobao, darts don't fly like this. Do you see my posture?"

Bo Er Shao found a sense of existence in his nephew and immediately showed off.

No way, he was crushed by his brother and the little nephew's intelligence quotient. He didn't leave any residue. Today, he finally found a feeling of elation.

Although his second-class dart skills didn't hit the hearts, he still had 789 points to play, which is absolutely impossible for a child of the size of a bean curd.

Xiaobao children's shoes, which have been used in everything for a long time, feel deeply frustrated for the first time. After trying for several times, they have not made any progress at all. Sometimes they still miss the target. They can't help but feel frustrated.

"Keep your eyes on the target, lift your elbow joint, keep your upper arm parallel to the ground, pull the dart back a little, use your forearm to swing forward, release your fingers, and send the dart out."

Shen Liyang leaned against the door and looked at the dejected Xiaobao. The clear and simple voice overflowed from his lips and teeth.

Hearing her voice, little Burton gave a moment, and then according to her, "whoosh" will dart out, seven points.

Although there is still a distance from the heart, but enough Xiaobao excited.

Bo Xichen saw this and touched the back of his head, so He taught it. What's wrong?

"Come on, practice later, and see what I have brought you?"

Shen Li Yang raised the small cake in his hand, and sure enough, he saw the little guy's eyes brighten.

Bo has strict control over children's diet, especially for sweets.

But which child does not like to eat sweet things, so every time Shen Liyang secretly bought them for him to eat raw with a thin cold on his back.

Of course, Shen Liyang will not be too much, just buy him once in a while. After all, too much sweet food is not healthy for children who are growing up.

While wiping the lip corner with cream for the little guy, Shen Liyang asked curiously: "how do you suddenly think of learning darts?"

Bo Xichen, who had never kept the door open, immediately said, "it's not because I know you...""Second uncle." Xiao Bao suddenly raised his head and looked at Bo Xichen and interrupted him, "Dad has something to look for you."

Bo Xi had a morning meal: "when did it happen?"

Xiaobao: "it's In five minutes. "

Bo Xichen: Ha ha ha, that's funny.

His family treasure, really follow his father, born, no, joking cells.

Bo Hansheng came back a little late today. When Shen Liyang went downstairs to drink water, he just hit him.

I don't know whether it's the night or the light. Shen Liyang feels that the man in front of him seems to have some Not quite the same.

But what was different, she was not clear for a moment.

Before she came up with an idea, she saw president Bo casually and lazily pulled off his tie and slowly unbuttoned his shirt.

Shen Liyang glared: "chief executive officer, here, here is The living room. "

It's not your bedroom.

When she was speechless, he approached her step by step, raised his tie in his hand, and then

With a long arm, she was pressed to the side of the sofa. With a tie, she gave her hand to Tied up???

Shen liyang's thoughts were stunned by the strong smell of wine coming from her face. In her shaking of spirits, she had succeeded in her cold voice.

"Did you drink? Drunk? "

Otherwise, she really can't think of it. How could the abstinence CEO do such evil things and bind play?

In the deep eyes of the thin cold voice, there is no wave, but the bottom of the eyes seems to be surging with intense dark tide.

"I'm not drunk."

Shen Liyang confirmed: This is really drunk.

"How to drink Wait, where do you feel? "

"Thin cold voice!"