She looked up and said, "I dumped my bank card yesterday."

As far as he knew, her eyes were dark.

"But the bank card is only five dollars and twenty-six cents."

Hearing her solemnly report the number of his bank card, thin cold voice, thin lip corner can not stop lifting, "not to give you a card, Sifang city on this one, you can take out to enjoy the brush."

He gave her unlimited money. How could she make herself so miserable?

Shen Liyang rubbed his hands, "but it's not my money after all..."

If she brush casually, she really can't get over this.

"Mine is yours." He bowed down and said.

Shen Li Yang blinked his eyes, "huh?"

"Yangyang, have you ever said that you change the topic rigidly, eh? Don't like me so much? I'm not good enough? Why don't you tell me what I should do to like me Even a little bit. "

Let a noble man say such low spirited words, Shen Liyang suddenly felt that he was a bit ungrateful, sinful, but the game of life habits, you let her suddenly want to seriously accept a relationship, she is really afraid that she can not afford.

Especially good.

Under his burning eyes, Shen Liyang opened his mouth and wanted to say, "Bo Han Sheng, in fact, I..."

"Are you still here, sister-in-law? You're all in the dark. Zhao Xuerou's fans say they want to block you. Do you want to make it Before Bo Xichen arrived, the voice came one step at a time.

Shen Liyang heard his voice, side face, avoid thin cold voice ambiguous provocative action.

When Bo Xichen came in, he was acutely aware that something was wrong

Why does he have a sharp look in his eyes?

Little sister-in-law's face is also a little abnormal red

Bo Er Shao could not help but ask: "I Did you come at the wrong time? Or I Go out first? "

Shen Liyang coughed gently, breaking the strange atmosphere, "that What did you say, er Shao? "

Bo Xichen was blind and looked at his brother: do I mean or not?

President Bo squeezed out a sentence from the throat bone: "say it."

When Bo Xichen received the signal, he quickly spewed quickly and rubbed in front of Shen Liyang and chattered: "sister-in-law, I'll tell you, that Zhao Xuerou has sold you miserably on the Internet. You are almost black now. People abandon people, but dogs hate dogs If you don't take any action, you'll have to go all the way to the end. When you go out, you still take some bodyguards. I see those black powder on the Internet saying that they want to stop you and pour your dog blood... "

Shen Liyang was described by him, the corners of his mouth straight pumping.

People see people abandon, dogs see dogs, these are some of the damned adjectives.

Bo Xichen saw that she said something. She didn't have any movement here. She couldn't help wringing her eyebrows suspiciously: "how come you are not in a hurry?"

However, he looked at Bo's cold voice and found that one of them was more calm than the other.

Bo Xichen:

"I think you have something to hide from me."

Shen Liyang confirmed his conjecture, "however, it's not a big deal. It's just that I've got the witness testimony and I'm waiting for Zhao Xuerou to jump."

Cold water to jump up and down in the other party's most excited time, cold not Ding pour down, this taste will be enough sour.

Bo Xichen understood the meaning of her words, "tut tut" two times, a step back timidly: "Huang Fengwei needle, not as good as a woman's heart."

Everything is ready. No wonder To be so calm.

Shen Li rippling lip corner tiny hook: "how, you want to have a try?"

Bo Xichen quickly shook his head: "no, no need."

At this time, Jiang Wan also called over, "Zhao Xuerou opened a live broadcast, and now the interest of netizens and fans has been raised to the highest point. You should seize the opportunity and put the things in your hands. I'll find someone to control the comment area, so as not to be taken out of the rhythm."

Shen Liyang: "good."

After hanging up the phone, Shen Liyang wanted to go directly to his room. But after climbing the stairs, he stopped for a moment and turned back: "Mr President, if I transfer things from the villa to the Internet, will it bring you any trouble?"

For example By netizens or hackers along with the ID to find the address of what.

Bo Hansheng: "no, the security system in the villa is the most advanced, and ordinary hackers can't break it."

"Brother, you are modest. It's not a simple thing to break through the firewall here, not just ordinary hackers, but also the top ones in the world." Bo Xichen and you Rong Yan added.

Shen Liyang shocked: the president deserves to be the president. The coefficient of this firewall is comparable to ZF department.In the room, Shen Liyang imported the video into the computer, anonymously sent several Weibo big V from the PC, and then opened Zhao Xuerou's live room.

Zhao Xuerou in the live broadcasting room is painted with fake plain makeup. She coughs twice on her haggard face. She says something to let everyone not worry, and begins to connote Shen Liyang, the perpetrator. Up to now, she has not made a positive apology to her.

“…… She is also my younger martial sister. Although we are of the same age, I started my career earlier than her anyway. It's proper to take care of her. We should stop scolding her online. I think She must be busy recently, and when she makes time, she will give me an explanation. "

Half of the barrage was praising Zhao Xuerou's beauty and kindness, while the other half was swearing at Shen Liyang.

“…… My injury is no big deal. I'm going to be in the group again these two days. I can't delay the progress of the whole crew because of my own reason. Do you want to visit? Of course, I welcome it. Just don't cause unnecessary trouble to the rest of the crew In addition... "

Zhao Xuerou pauses, "Shen liyang's crew is next door to us. You must not have any conflict with her, otherwise It's easy to ruin the popularity of the road... "

Barrage: "absolutely not to snow Rou add trouble."

"Yes, yes, we just want to see what this woman looks like. We will never do anything about it."

"Xuerou, you are so kind that you will suffer losses again and again. The woman obviously wants to step on you..."

The barrage area was full of complaints.

Shen Liyang is sitting in front of the computer. He looks at it with folded legs, but he is also interested in seeing it.

I took time to look at the time, roughly estimated it, and began to count down silently in my heart: ten, nine, eight, seven 2、 One!

"Wait, I want to see something..." The bullet screen in the live broadcast room suddenly pops up.

Shen Liyang pulled the corner of his lip and sent a voice to Jiang Wan: "you can start to control and comment."