When Shen Liyang replied to him, he was absent-minded. Naturally, he didn't notice the strange voice in Bo's cold voice. She said, "well, you can only use real people."

Thin cold voice smell speech, eyes light heavy, "if you don't want to, I can talk to the director."

"Well Yes Shen Liyang suddenly returned to God and quickly opposed: "no way."

President Bo: "do you want to kiss him so much?"

Shen Liyang: What are these and what are they?

"This is the basic quality of an actor." She said, "it's not a question of whether I'd like to or not. The script is written like that. It's not a matter of giving this for the sake of art What's more, if you go, it's too much of a fuss, and it's not good for your reputation. People will say that you take care of the little stars and return you to the same category of men who thank you for being unfaithful. Then I'm too sinful... "

"No three no four men?"

Shen Liyang: It's just that you have some men. Those who are rich and powerful like to keep one or two stars. The more popular the star is, the more famous you are, the more face you will bring out, so as to satisfy your male vanity. "

She mouthed "you" one by one, which made Bo's voice very harsh. He said, "I don't like this."

Shen Liyang: "I know. I have lived in for such a long time, but I haven't seen any women come to visit. This is enough to show that you, the president, are different from them. You are really clean and self-conscious..."

"Brother Han Sheng..." A sweet and greasy voice sounded from the position of the door, planning the words behind Shen Liyang.

Sometimes the face is so fast, and people can't dodge.

Shen liyang's eyes looked in the direction of the visitors. It was a girl in a white dress and a forest braided braid. It seemed that she was about the same age as her, so sticky and sticky on the body of the thin cold sound.

President Bo, who has always been reluctant to get close to her, did not show any displeasure, although he avoided her intimacy

Gao Yao also: "I haven't seen you and Xiaobao for a long time. Of course, I miss you very much."

Thin cold voice of the faint look at her, "not in foreign countries tired of playing?"

Gao Yao, who was exposed, also bit her lower lip. "I'm tired of being bored, but I really miss you. Don't you want me?"

"I don't want to."

Gao Yao also looks at him plaintively, a pair of aggrieved can't be aggrieved any more.

The relationship between them is natural and harmonious. Shen Liyang can see that Bo has extraordinary patience for the girl in front of her.

Obviously, the relationship between them Not so.

Xu is that she has been staring at her for too long. Gao Yao also looks at her and her eyes flash, "are you Shen Liyang, who is entangled with cold voice brother?"

Shen Li Yangdun, just about to speak, President Bo's voice came over, "Yao Ye, pay attention to your discretion."

Gao Yao also disgruntled pursed lower lip, "you for her fierce me?"

How do you think, the interaction between the two people seems to be flirting with each other. Shen liyang's eyebrows twisted off, and he felt strange and uncomfortable, "are you..."

Gao Yao also said: "I am the eldest and youngest grandmother appointed by the Bo family and the fiancee of brother Hansheng."

"Fiancee?" Shen liyang's back was stiff, his throat was choked, his eyes were frozen, and he slowly looked at Bo's cold voice, "Mr. Bo, you Engaged? "

This is Lian President adults do not shout, directly unfamiliar, can not regenerate sparse "thin general manager".

Bo president's eyes light deep, "no matter, only you."

Gao Yao also said: "...???!"

Shen Liyang:

"Brother Hansheng, have you changed your mind? Even if you change your mind, you can at least find someone who can stand on the table. This woman, this woman, besides her long fox face, she is an actor. What else is worthy of you? " Gao Yao was also angry.

Shen Liyang, who was scolded as a worthless person:.... "

Why, does she look like a vase?

Bo Hansheng: "Gao Yao, that's enough. If there's nothing wrong, you'll go back first."

Gao Yao also pinched her waist and glanced at her face: "I'm not going. I haven't seen my little treasure yet. I won't go."

The next second, President Bo suddenly stood up and walked to Shen liyang's side, holding her hand and taking people upstairs.

Before leaving, she threw it to Gao Yao and said, "since you like the sofa here so much, you'd better sit down for a while."

Gao Yao also looked at the movement of two hands holding hands and let out an angry "ah".

Upstairs, study.

Shen Liyang pursed his lower lip. "You seem to be It's very different. "

Bo's voice glanced at her in a low, deep voice

He was patient and didn't say anything. He was waiting. She could recognize her own mind a little bit and not play this game of hiding and hiding with him. However, President Bo, who has always been a good president, must have forgotten a well-known saying in the world - female heart needle.He has set up a good scheme here, and wants Shen liyang to jump in.

However, in Shen liyang's heart, he took his appearance that he wanted to say nothing but stop talking as Default.

By default, he has a fiancee, but he has been hiding from her, let her be a junior.

And Shen Liyang because of the mother's relationship, the most disgusting is the third.

"Nothing, Miss Gao It's lovely, too A joy and anger indulgence in the color of the eldest lady, straightforward, what emotions are written on the face, said to be very lovely.

Clean and pure.

President Bo frowned, and his intuition told him that something didn't seem to go in the direction he had imagined, but he didn't know much about women and had no emotional experience. Naturally, his eyes were black.

I don't know where this weird thing came from.


New moon entertainment.

As soon as Shen Liyang stepped into the company, he obviously felt a lot of different eyes.

"This is who and who?"

"She is the one who has really laid down her blood for the sake of being red You said that even if it's the art of showing up, would you like to find a gold master or something? What's the matter to sleep with a paparazzi... "

"Tut Tut, please don't look down upon the present paparazzi. No matter how small the fly legs are, they are all meat. In the future, they don't need any money to wash and publish notices."

Then they chuckled.

Shen Liyang was not in a clear mood because of Gao Yaoye's affairs. Now when she hears several people talking about her behind her back, she will immediately be unable to restrain the flood power in her body.

"Li Yang, come with me."

Fortunately, the timely appearance of Jiang Wan prevented a tragic tragedy.

In the office, Jiang Wan asked her to sit down opposite her desk and said in a deep voice, "Zhao Xuerou has apologized..."

Shen Li Yang picked eyebrows, slightly surprised, "this time she is fast."

Jiang Wan pauses: "it's not her who apologizes."