Jiang Wan pursed his lower lip: "look for it again, no matter what method you use, you should find the person for me."

Reporters have arrived, this time Feng Xiaoxiao disappeared, this is not playing with them?!

Looking at Jiang Wan, Shen Liyang knew that his guess was right.

"What press conference is sister Shen holding with agent Jiang? I happen to be here. After hearing this, I want to come to see and see. I hope you don't dislike it. " Zhao Xuerou smiles and walks towards them.

Shen Liyang looked at her schadenfreude face and murmured in a low voice: "a knife is hidden in a smile, and the face is abominable."

Jiang Wan pressed his brow and said, "do you still have leisure to watch her smile? Feng Xiaoxiao ran away. We can't use the words we set up in advance and the flow we have arranged In this way, you can see the random form of my eyes later. Don't be impulsive

Shen Liyang: "don't worry, I won't make trouble."

Jiang Wan may have believed this from other people's mouth, but she said it from her mouth

This level of trust needs to be discounted.

Although the cooperation between the two is not long, Jiang Wan's work style, which is typical of his courage to poke a hole in the sky, is a man of Qing Dynasty.

Jiang night secretly sighed, "forget it, you'll still talk less later."

Shen Li Yang touched his nose. Is she so untrustworthy?

When they were whispering, Zhao Xuerou had already stepped up. Even for the sake of superficial peace, Jiang Wan and Shen Liyang also stood up to express welcome.

"Xuerou, why are you here today? Do you want to give the newlyweds a bad hand or are you ready to shake hands

"Today's festival between the two has been on the hot search, and every time it seems that Xuerou is the underdog. What do you want to say about this?"

"Shen Liyang, how do you define the relationship between yourself and your sister Zhao Xuerou?"


The questions of these reporters are sharper than ever.

Zhao Xuerou faced more, she seemed to be at ease, and directly kicked the ball to Shen Liyang: "everyone, today is my junior sister, Shen liyang's home. If you have any questions, you'd better ask her. If you don't have time to say I'm bullying new people on the Internet, it's quite unjust for me to see such news every time."

Facing the accurate scanning lens, Shen Liyang laughed, "I know you have many questions, so you can discuss them, focus on the main questions you want to ask, and send a representative to ask."

After hearing the speech, the reporters naturally reached an agreement and began to whisper.

Shen Liyang said it was to give them time to discuss. In fact I'm trying to buy time for myself.

Jiang Wan looks at her in surprise and admiration. Obviously, he didn't expect She could have reacted so quickly.

"It can't solve any problems. Jiang Wan, there are so many excellent artists in the company. You have to bring a troublemaker if you don't bring them. You have such a good eye for people, you are really Not so good. "

Zhao Xuerou while playing with her nails, while mocking.

Jiang Wan didn't care about her ridicule. He turned to Shen Liyang and said, "wait a moment..."

"Don't waste your efforts. I'm not afraid to tell you that Feng Xiaoxiao will not come. On the one hand, she will be her own mother, on the other hand What do you think she would choose? " Zhao Xuerou cool road.

Shen Liyang heard the speech, his eyes narrowed slightly, and said in a soft voice: "I can't see many people who drink green tea and wear watches. It's the first time I've seen you so much."

Zhao Xuerou on her line of sight, a sneer, obviously not on the heart.

Jiang evening gently patted the back of Shen liyang's hand: "now that the situation has been like this, you can't be disturbed by her any more."

Because without Feng Xiaoxiao, the witness, most of the prepared speeches are useless.

Therefore, in the face of reporters' questions, even if Shen Liyang was quick in thinking, the situation gradually began to move in the direction most unfavorable to them.

Jiang Wan looks more and more serious, thinking about how to minimize the impact.

"Jiang Wan, is this the artist you want to cultivate?" Zhao Xuerou sneered, "after tonight, I'm afraid it's even hard to turn over?"

Zhao Xuerou has a deep hatred. Jiang Wan refused to be her agent. She still remembers it. Now that she finally gets the chance, she has to make a mockery.

In the middle of the press conference, the assistant came forward and pasted it in Jiang Wan's ear and said in a low voice, "evening sister, the person has been found."

Jiang Wan suddenly raised his head, "where is it?"

The assistant glanced at the position nearby: "there it is."

Along with the assistant's eyes, Jiang evening saw Feng Xiaoxiao hiding in the inconspicuous corner.

Zhao Xuerou has been paying attention to her behavior. Naturally, she also saw Feng Xiaoxiao and bit her back teeth: useless waste, can't you even hide?!But it doesn't matter.

Zhao Xuerou's face soon recovered as usual, as long as people are still in their own hands, even if Feng Xiaoxiao is found back, what?

Feng Xiaoxiao is what can not swallow the temperament of the table, she can not understand.

And the fact is exactly the same as Zhao Xuerou thought. Even if Feng Xiaoxiao was put on the stage, facing the camera, facing so many microphones below, and facing the reporters' successive questions, Feng Xiaoxiao's brain was blank.

"Smile, you have been with me for some time. If you have anything to say to everyone directly, you can rest assured that if someone is forcing you, I will make the decision for you." Zhao Xuerou said meaningfully.

Feng Xiaoxiao pursed his lower lip, "I, I..."

She stammered the word "I" for a long time, but didn't say a key word.

Shen Liyang: "it's OK. Don't be nervous."

Feng Xiaoxiao took a look at her and thought of her mother, who was still sick in bed and had to be tossed over and over again, slowly turned red in her eyes. She said, "I'm sorry, I I'm really sorry. "

Hearing her apology, Shen Liyang was slightly depressed. However, when she thought of Zhao Xuerou's saying that she had pinned down Feng's mother, she could not say anything to blame for Feng Xiaoxiao's choice.

Zhao Xuerou arranged her clothes and said with a smile: "smile, what do you mean by apologizing to younger martial sister Shen? Is it She didn't meet any of her requirements, so she said that? "

She was leading all the people present to think that Feng Xiaoxiao was threatened by Shen Liyang before he came here.

Feng Xiaoxiao closed her eyes and said, "I It's really a threat that makes it here. "

A word startles the thousand layer waves, all people almost subconsciously focus their eyes on Shen liyang's body.

"Someone threatened you to testify for her, didn't you?"

"The man in your mouth is Shen Liyang, isn't he?"

"What did Shen Liyang do to you? You don't have to be afraid. We will make public the threats you are facing

It seems that Shen Liyang has been convicted.

Zhao Xuerou's smile could not be covered, but still managed to maintain, for such a bad event, sad appearance.

Jiang Wan stood up and was ready to take the lead in ending the press conference. He could not let the incident go on like this.

However, at this time, Feng Xiaoxiao opened her mouth again and said, "I was really threatened, but not Shen Liyang. She threatened me. The person who threatened me was Zhao Xuerou. "