Gao Shanshan slapped the table heavily.

Shen Liyang was startled by the news, which drew his attention back from his mobile phone.

"I don't even have the least respect for my predecessors. I don't have any education." Said Gao Shanshan.

Shen Li yangrao doesn't want to argue with her any more. Now she's bothered by her argument, "elder, are you tired?"

"Do you know how to flatter me now? Come and rub it for me... "

"Since you are tired, put your mouth to have a good rest, and don't be hard for it any more." Shen Liyang said.

Gao Shanshan's face turned blue at once. "You..."

"All right, the director's ready. Shanshan, you go first." The deputy director pushed the door in and said.

Gao Shanshan snorted coldly at Shen Li Yang and went to her arm.

Wen yunian looks at Gao Shanshan, who is the first in the class. He just glances at her. She has moved her whole face all over again and again. He doesn't mention much interest. However, in order to make a appearance, he can only bear to see it.

The clip selected by the director is very simple, and it is also a famous scene that needs to appear many times in the play The scalpel cuts and kills.

"When you're ready, go straight ahead."

Gao Shanshan took off her coat and revealed her tight white shirt, flaming red lips, fat and thin. She was full of beauty in her figure.

She stepped onto the stage step by step, holding the scalpel provided. Her face was ferocious and her eyes were ferocious. She began to dissect herself, "look, this is your heart How beautiful it is. Don't worry. I will clean your internal organs one by one, and then drain the blood all over your body and put it into the ventilation hole to dry it. In this way You will be the most beautiful doll... "

At the moment, the staff who played the victim of her dissection began to struggle, shaking their arms.

Hesitant, this is just an audition, the staff's hand was not tied to death, in her struggle, she even directly hit the scalpel in Gao Shanshan's hand.

Gao Shanshan was not happy about her mistake. After staring at her, she bent down to pick up the scalpel. When she was ready to continue, the director already said, "ha, OK, you go out first, let the Shen A little girl named Shen comes in. "

Gao Shanshan: "but my best part is not yet..."

She hasn't finished her performance. If she goes out at this time, it's just a failure?

Wen yunian sniffed the speech and mocked the corner of her lip. The next second she returned to her usual mouth and asked, "Gao Shanshan, what do you think the scalpel represents for your character?"

Gao Shanshan thought, "killing tools."

Wen Yu Nian smiles: "you go out first."

After she left, the director took a look at Wen Yu Nian and said, "Yu Nian, your requirements should be lowered a little bit. Not everyone can understand the ideas of the characters you write. As long as you pass the acting skills, emotional things can be made up for."

Wen Yu Nian smell speech, did not refute what, just some perfunctory said: "maybe."

Only the person who created it will know that every character has life.

It may exist in some corner of the world, so how can you say, lower requirements?

When Gao Shanshan went out, Shen Liyang was already waiting outside. She was still in her casual clothes. When she came out, she put her mobile phone away and put it in her pocket.

Two people wipe shoulder to walk past, Shen Li Yang pushed open the door.

When Shen Liyang enters the door and bows first, Wen Yu Nian sees that the moment she bows and then raises her head, her feeling changes.

However, there is no requirement for her to wear the dress on or off the screen.

After the director said, "start.".

Shen Liyang picked up the scalpel on the table. The sharp scalpel rotated flexibly at the fingertips. At the moment when she threw the scalpel high, the scalpel flashed cold light under the light above her head.

The director, Wen Yu Nian and other people were attracted by the sight, and some even took a breath.

She won't be You want to reach for it?

If you're not careful, you'll be killed.

However, facts have proved that Shen Liyang has no other advantages, that is, he is very bold.

The cold light of the scalpel in the high point, began to fall rapidly, a pair of white, thin, no other color of hands.

Firmly, holding the scalpel in the palm.

Her step clear, step by step to the victim in the middle, with a little knife in her area above the scratch, the voice gently: "relax You will be a doll of my skill

Obviously, the scalpel in her hand is the air on the staff's face, which is at least four or five centimeters away from her skin, but The staff just have a sense of oppression as death approaches, and the whole person can't help shaking.Wen Yu Nian was the first to discover this situation, followed by the director.

They looked at the girl on the stage in shock.

Her lips with clean but also killing smile: "look, this is your heart How beautiful it is. Don't worry. I will clean your internal organs one by one, and then drain the blood all over your body and put it into the ventilation hole to dry it. In this way You will be the most beautiful doll... "

's lines as like as two peas Gao Shanshan did, they were all very different.

"Help, help No, don't kill me. "

Originally, the staff didn't have any words. They just had to lie there and watch the actors perform.

But she is now completely brought into the scene and becomes a fish to be slaughtered. She wants to cry for help out of control.

Shen Liyang pressed his finger on her lips. Her fingertips were cold, just like a dead man: "Shhh My toy, be good... "

"No, no!" The staff suddenly pushed her away and fled in panic.

At this point, it should be the end of the audition.

But the director didn't shout "Ka", so Shen Liyang slowly stood up straight, still holding the scalpel in his hand, lifted it up and put it under his nose and sniffed it gently.

She is enjoying The smell of blood.

Delicate eyebrows and eyes half squint, coldly watching the direction of the staff running away, as if staring Can't escape Prey.

Wenyunian stood up. In this moment, she seemed to see Sheng Yao in the book has been revived.

The director also looked at Shen Liyang thoughtfully. Undoubtedly, the new man's plasticity is so high that people can't stand it.

"Sheng Yao, please tell me what the scalpel means to you?" Wen Yu Nian suddenly asked in a voice.

Shen Li Yang pulled the lower lip corner: "redemption."