When the light in the bedroom is on.

Shen Liyang looked at the things in his hand and was a little stunned.

After finishing his clothes, Bo Han Sheng bent down to pick up the man and went to the bathroom.

He stood in front of the washing table with her arms around her, slowly cleaning her fingers. He looked serious but focused, just like talking about hundreds of millions of capital flow.

"Sorry." He said, "don't be angry with me."

You can never imagine that a beautiful and pure man, after doing something like that, while washing your hands, he showed the appearance of fear that you would be angry.

The impact of contrast sprouting can be imagined.

Shen Liyang never felt that he would be a person obsessed with color, but

After encountering the cold voice of Bo, she was proud of her self-reliance and her ability to deal with beauty. She did not know where she had been lost.

See her all the time do not speak, the heart of thin cold voice more uneasy a few minutes, "rippling?"

Shen Li Yang turned his head and looked at him. It was rare for him to have a straight face: "thin cold voice."

Her appearance made her more uncertain in her heart, and her whole nerves were tense. Her eyes were staring at her for a moment, as if she were afraid to hear some terrible news from her mouth.

Shen Liyang looked at his deep eyes and stopped. The pretence that had been hard to drum up was extinguished. When the solemn warning came to his mouth, there was only one sentence left: "you It's not to be done again. "

She is not that cup, the palm of her hand still has a kind of hot feeling now.

Although she has dated so many boyfriends, to be exact, she has never done such a shameful thing.

Xu felt that his voice was a little too weak, rather than a warning, but the soft voice felt like being coquettish. So Shen Liyang added: "next time, even if you look good-looking, I will really do it. I'll tell you, not for example."

Thin cold voice smell speech, do not know whether to laugh or sigh.

She just because he looks good, just forget it?

What if someone more handsome than he looks like?

President Bo's heart quietly set off a lot of waves, "Yang Yang, if there is a better than me, you also Will you be so tolerant? "

When Shen Liyang heard the speech, he frowned. If it was another man?

Shen Liyang thinks that no matter how she looks, she will probably

"Hit him on the head."

For her reply, the mood of Bo's cold voice was very happy.

Hold the person tightly in your arms, as if you want to embed the person into the bone marrow.

"Thin cold voice, you hold me in pain." She muttered discontentedly.

Jiang Wan's office.

Jiang Da's agent looked at sitting on the sofa, staring at his own hands, sometimes frowning, sometimes the corners of his mouth curled up, revealing the thoughtful eyes of the people who came over: "Shen Liyang!"

Sitting on the sofa, Shen Liyang is still as stable as Mount Tai, motionless.

Jiang evening raised a few tones: "Shen Li Yang, come back to God!"

"Well? Evening sister, when did you come back? " Shen Liyang surprised way.

Jiang Wan leaned against the table in front of her and asked in a deep voice, "what was thinking just now? I called you so many times that I didn't respond. "

Shen Liyang smell speech appears more surprised: "called me a lot of voices?"

No, her insight is always sharp. If Jiang Wan really calls her a lot, how can she Didn't you hear a word?

However, Jiang Wan did not seem to take such things to deceive her.

So Shen Liyang found a reason that was not the reason: "maybe I didn't sleep well last night, but I was empty..."

Didn't you sleep well last night?

What's wrong with her resilience?

Think of her frown and smile just now

Obviously, Shen liyang's explanation didn't make Jiang Wan feel at ease. On the contrary, he held his heart more tightly. "Li Yang, you know, I'm going to join the group."

Shen Li Yang raised his eyes, some doubts: "tomorrow into the group, I remember."

Jiang Wan said earnestly: "you're going to be in the group right now. The crew has many eyes. You'll offend Zhao Xuerou. You're still a newcomer. Once you're caught, you probably won't have a chance to turn over again. Do you understand?"

Shen Liyang nodded: "don't worry, I'll be careful."

Shen Liyang only thought that she told herself to be careful.

He didn't understand Jiang Wan's real intention at all This play is very important to you. I have decided that I will follow you into the group throughout the whole process. You have a good performance. "

Shen Liyang doubted: "but night sister, you don't have to talk to other artists?"

Jiang Wan sighed with a sigh: "those several have set up their own doors, and their studios have opened. Do you think they are like you and need me to worry?"Shen Li Yang touched her nose, as if unconsciously, she became a drag.

Jiang Wan didn't want to attack her: "you're still a newcomer. Playing steadily is more important than anything..." After a pause, she still said, "as for your relationship between men and women, you'd better stop it first. If it's true love, it's no less than one or two years..."

In the end, Jiang Wan is still afraid that she will be cheated. After all, her artist's face is too good.

If you want to cheat money and sex, a year or two is enough to cool down until he gives up.

Jiang Wan's abacus is very loud.

Shen Li Yang is a Leng, "what is the relationship between men and women?"

Jiang Wan looked like a man who came over: "OK, don't pretend to be here. Just like you just had a spring heart sprouting, do you still want to cheat me?

It's not that I don't want you to fall in love, but it's not right now. When you have a firm foothold, who do you want to fall in love with and when you want to make it public, it's not a matter of your word. At that time, you can stir up a person with more love than Jinjian, but you are really not suitable now. "

A young newcomer just out of love, this is not purely direct to their own way to block it.

Jiang Wan has high hopes for her and doesn't want to see her trying to die like this.

But Shen Liyang was stunned and said, "evening sister, are you sure you didn't read it wrong?" She pointed to her nose. "You're talking about me?"

Jiang Wan was also confused by her appearance. How could she seem to be the one who just found out the signs?

It doesn't look like a fool.

Jiang Wan:

Shen Liyang wanted to ask the truth: "I was really like In love? "

Jiang Wan reached out and touched her forehead and murmured, "no fever."

How did this start to talk nonsense?

Is she in love? Ask her this outsider?

Shen Liyang back to the sofa back, slowly began to digest this fact.

Is she I really like Thin cold sound?