Of course, the most important thing is that one word is lazy.

Shen Liyang was concerned about the country when he suddenly fell in love with traditional Chinese painting, and then casually made up a stage name and started his career.

She was supposed to be a gangster in the literary and artistic circles. Who would have thought that after hearing about the serpentine disease, people would spend money on her and become a master without saying a word.

When Shen Liyang knew about it, he almost vomited blood.

"Big brother, do you understand what playing with tickets is? I was on the spur of the moment, you know

But for your own stupidity, I would have given you time? Do you know how much I charge per minute? "

Shen Liyang: Hehe, thank you very much, old man. Dogs take mice for their own business.

In this way, Shen Liyang, who originally just wanted to mix up casually, became a master somehow.

Although she has a lot of artistic cells, but the word "master" is really a bit of a shame.

In addition, she was a little hot for three minutes, and soon disappeared from the art circle. One day, when she went to the auction house and saw people from the bottom bidding for master Cang Jieqiong's paintings, and the price was tens of millions.

Shen Liyang almost shocked his chin. This is a What happened?

Later, she learned that, because of the seal of "master Cang Jie Qiong", his paintings had already been branded as extinct by those who had the intention to stir up the sky high price.

Shen Liyang was really a mouthful of old blood at that time.

Shen Liyang can't remember exactly what happened to the director's birthday party. The only thing that resonates in her ears is the unremitting efforts of the two presidents to dig into the wall.

Shen Liyang was filled with a few glasses of wine. After the birthday party was over, he stood in front of the hotel door. When the wind blew, he had a headache.

Because she was so robbed of the limelight, Gao Shanshan and Zhao Xuerou's mood are not clear where to go.

Several people wave goodbye one after another, get on the car and leave.

Shen Liyang can't ride a motorcycle after drinking wine, and Jiang Wan can't let her drive with wine and make fun of her life.

So when Wen Yu Nian came to inquire, Jiang Wan said directly, "I'll send her back. When Wen goes back, pay attention to safety."

When Shen Liyang heard that Jiang Wan wanted to send him back, he quickly retreated. If Jiang Wan knew that he was living in a villa with a bleak voice, would he run away?

Jiang night looked at her suspiciously, "what are you doing standing so far away? Get in the car

Shen Liyang swallowed his saliva: "I think I'd better take a taxi to go back. You can go first, sister. Don't worry about me. "

It's too late for you to drink. It's too late for you to drink

Shen Liyang wants to struggle again, but

It didn't work.

When she sat in the car that moment, is really felt, what is the legend - like a needle.

"Where do you live?" Jiang Wan asked.

Shen Liyang hesitated for a few seconds, stammered and didn't say why. When Jiang Wan asked the second question, Shen liyang's brain flashed an address: "782 Xincheng Road."

Words fall, Shen Li Yang then in the heart silently began to pray, Amen.

Half an hour later, after Jiang Wan stopped his car, Shen Liyang said thanks and got off the bus in a hurry. Then he began to stand outside the car and say goodbye to Jiang Wan with a smile and a wave.

Jiang Wan had some things to tell her, but now she can't wait to catch up with others. She has to give up because she is too tired today, and it's the same if she thinks about these words for tomorrow.

However -

just as Jiang evening was preparing to leave, she heard the door of Shen liyang's house open and a male voice came: "Shen Liyang?"

Su Yi comes out to throw a piece of rubbish. Leng Bu Ding sees Shen Liyang standing at the door and thinks that he has lost sight.

Shen Liyang heard his voice, the brain melon seeds then "buzz" for a while.

Big brother, do you have to come out in time?

A few seconds later!! Can't you??!

Jiang evening looked at the man at the door, and then looked at Shen Liyang. His eyebrows were wrung, "Li Yang, this is, what's going on?"

Don't you say you don't have a boyfriend?

Who is the man who can walk in and out of her house freely?

Before Su Yi opened his mouth, Shen Liyang immediately grasped his arm and said with a smile, "he is my little sister-in-law, my brother's boyfriend, come Come and help me clean up the house. "

Jiang Wan: Your brother's boyfriend? "

Shen Liyang nodded like garlic, "yes, yes."

At the same time, Jiang Wan gave Jiang Wan an expression that could only be meaningful and unspeakable. There were not a few such things in the circle. Jiang Wan was relieved when she saw the situation. She was not her artist's boyfriend.After leaving at night, Shen Liyang could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Su Yi was also immersed in the joy of his identity after being officially certified, "can I be regarded as having been recognized by Li Shu's family?"

Shen liyang's answer to the disaster is rather perfunctory: "you say it is."

Finish saying, again since the familiar, walked in.

After seeing the sofa, he laid down directly, and his sleepiness hit him. He said vaguely, "I'll stay with you for one night today. Just get me a bed quilt. Don't worry about me."

Before getting the master's permission, Shen Liyang closed his eyes directly and began to sleep.

After drinking wine and experiencing such a battle of wits and courage, she almost fell asleep in minutes.

Su Yi looked at the girl who occupied his sofa without saying a word. After staring at her for dozens of seconds, she went to fetch her a bed quilt.

Su Yi bent over to cover her with a quilt. Her feet were unstable and tripped by something he had thrown on the ground.

Straight fell to Shen Liyang.

Fortunately, in the most critical moment, he put his arm on the sofa in time, and at this time, the lips between the two people were very close.

Su Yi looked at her eyes. Her face was exquisite and picturesque, and her breath suddenly stopped.

His heart began to beat irregularly again.

Su Yi seems to have been bewitched in general, head slowly, slowly on the low down.

The breath between two people seems to have been indistinguishable from each other.

"Buzz --"

SHEN liyang's mobile phone on the edge of the table suddenly rings.

Su Yi was shocked and got up in a hurry and looked at the position of the window as if nothing had happened.

Shen Li Yang turned over. It seemed that he was afraid of the noise, so he covered his head with a quilt.

Su Yi saw this and knew that she was not awake. She looked at the mobile phone which was shaking constantly. After hesitating for a while, she glanced at it. Seeing that it was a thin cold sound, she picked it up.

However, he didn't know whether it was brain cramps or how, when Bo asked in a cold voice, "where is she?"

He replied directly, "she's asleep.