When President Bo took him to the bathroom to wash his hands for the second time, Shen Liyang didn't want to say anything.

Last time, the man in front of him would be afraid of her anger and coax her in a low voice.

Now it is true that the old saying First time raw, second time cooked.

Hold her, press the jaw on her shoulder, and shout her name "Yangyang" and "Yangyang" again and again with the unique hoarse and sexy voice afterwards.

Shen Liyang didn't even have an angry heart.

"It's not right for us to do this." She pushed him away very seriously and said in a deep voice.

Bo president Mou color deep low eyes leer at her: "is not right."

Seeing that he had a good attitude, Shen Liyang continued: "so we can't..."

"So, it's been twice. When are you going to straighten me up?" The president asked in a deep voice.

Shen Liyang:

Bo cold voice: "you touched me twice, I am not innocent, shouldn't Yangyang be responsible?"

"Shen Li Yang silly eyes," you hit a rake

Mingming, Mingming, it was him twice He took her hand So what

"Shen Liyang." Since he knew her, he rarely called her name so seriously that Shen liyang's heart and liver trembled.

"I need you to give me a place."

The leader of Bo's group, the famous flower of kaolin in Sifang City, contemporary monk of Tang Dynasty, give her I want a place.

After saying this, Shen Liyang felt that he might be struck by thunder.

Shen Liyang swallowed his saliva, "I I'm an artist. I can't, I can't have a boyfriend

This is her last straw, otherwise She really couldn't think of any serious reasons to refuse.

Bo Hansheng thought that the time she gave her was too broad, so that she did not really think about the relationship between them.

"Yangyang, the contract you signed is for me to draw up again. I have done it myself. I know every word on it clearly. Are you sure you want to use the contract to prevaricate me?"

Under this, Shen Liyang is even more stupid: "what is the contract that you let people redraw Wait... "

At the beginning, something strange began to flash in my mind.

She suddenly changed the treaty, replaced the gold medal agent, and began to get out of the snowy state

"You Don't tell me, you bought new moon entertainment. "

If so, how could she not hear a sound from the beginning to the end?

"It's not a takeover." President Bo said.

Shen Liyang was relieved a little when he heard the speech. He thought too much.

But the next second I hear

"Just become the largest shareholder of new moon entertainment."

Shen Liyang:

It's just???

Sure enough, rich people's life is so simple, boring and boring.

"What are you doing in new moon entertainment?" This is what she wants to say to herself.

"I can't look at my beloved girl and be bullied by others."

Only by protecting her under his own wings can he be at ease.

Sometimes he even has a radical idea, if It would be nice if she could stay with him all the time, in his sight, and never leave.

He even thought about breaking her wings by some means, but then he realized how dangerous his idea was.

His girl would not want to be a pampered Canary trapped in a cage.

What she wants is to grow a pair of wings and roam in the sky.

Shen Liyang was silent for a few seconds. After a long time, she said, "I'm not as good as you think. You don't even know what I used to be."

If he had known her past, he would not have said that again, perhaps he would have avoided her.

However, thin cold voice just fingers gently stroking her cheek, "I don't need to know what you used to be like, I just care about you in front of me."

Shen Liyang looked at the elegant man in front of him, "even if I've killed people and set fire before? "

Thin cold voice Mou color deep with her, he has no gorgeous sweet words, but with the most sincere words, gave her a response: "even if you kill people and set fire to them."

Shen Liyang wrung his brow and said I've had a lot of boyfriends

Although They're all boyfriends who bend as men.

If Bo Han Sheng doesn't care about this, it must be false. He cares about it, but

"After that, you are all mine."

Shen Liyang smelled speech and blinked his eyes, "do you mind?"President Bo thin lips pursed into a set of straight lines, took a deep breath, but in the end did not lie to her: "care."

Shen Liyang just raised his eyebrows and eyes, and the next second he was buttoned with his back neck and fiercely kissed him.

This kiss, there is no tenderness, no tenderness, just simple plunder, and a small punishment.

Punish her Knowing that he cares, he has to ask to annoy him.

Shen Liyang is a fake. He has a lot of boyfriends, but they are all on the skin of his mouth. There is nothing too intimate about him. He kisses him so rudely that he soon faints.

He was obsessed with her taste. Originally, he wanted to teach her a lesson, but in the end, it was a cold voice.

He was in the age of strong demand for men. He was like a Tang Monk all the time, and he never had any ideas between men and women. But all these were completely defeated because of Shen liyang's appearance.

As soon as the long arm was extended, the girl's slender waist was buckled, and she was picked up by a single arm and put on the washstand.

The cold tabletop, let the flushed Shen Liyang sober up some.

"Yangyang, you haven't answered me yet."

Shen liyang's brain was blank by his successive actions, and he was immediately knocked down. Where can he react? What answer he said? His eyes were confused like a deer.

"Thin cold sound." Her cheek is as if dyed with rouge, clearly without any lethality, but thought that his momentum full threat him: "you quickly let me go, I tell you, I hit people very painful."

It really hurts.