President Bo's memory was excellent, and he recognized the man in the video at a glance.

Two people in the video stage wet body temptation, entangled picture deeply stings thin cold sound eyes.

Especially As soon as the picture turns, Shen Liyang rides on him

President Bo has always been reserved and steady.

But at the moment, only heard a "bang" sound, the mobile phone out of the palm, hit the wall.

In an instant, the screen becomes a spider web.

Rao is the sound insulation effect of the room no matter how good, such a big movement, but also enough for people outside the face to hear.

Bo Er Shao was the one who happened to pass by. He knocked and pushed the door together: "brother?"

"Get out of here!" President Bo said sharply.

One meal less for Bo Er, it seems that this state is a bit It's not quite right.

In the room quickly swept a glance, then saw that was scrapped in the corner of the mobile phone, thin two less hesitated, or walked in.


Is it a nightmare again?

Thin cold voice sharp eyebrows swept to him, "go out, don't let me say the third time."

Bo Xichen swallowed his saliva, did not dare to challenge his brother's endurance limit, only quietly closed the door.

And the thin cold sound in the room, after the breath has sunk for a long time, the violent mood in the heart has not improved at all. Instead, the swelling pain on the forehead is more severe, as if something wants to break out of the ground uncontrollably.

Even if is extremely can endure the thin president, at this moment, the thin lip angle also cannot restrain to send out the stuffy speech.

It's like a man falling off his hands.

Bo Xi morning closed the door, but did not leave, heard the sound of falling inside, quickly pushed the door and entered.

Seeing the thin cold sound on the ground, Bo Xichen's face immediately changed greatly.

"Brother? What's the matter with you? "

"Brother? Don't scare me

Thin cold voice dead clenched the palm of the hand, the real person is bearing the great pain.

After the family doctor came, the cold voice was gone.

"What's the matter?" Bo asked in a deep voice? What's the matter with my brother

"Mr. bo Mr. bo There's nothing wrong with his health. " The family doctor examined both sides and found nothing unusual. He also felt a little strange.

Bo Xichen: "he fainted. You told me that there was no problem?"

When he was a three-year-old??

The family doctor hesitated Thin is always not What kind of stimulation? When Wasn't there a car accident? Xu was stimulated by something... "

Bo Xichen was silent for a moment, his eyes fell on the mobile phone in the corner.

He went over and picked it up.

President Bo's mobile phone is a high-end business machine customized by himself. With such a big impact, the screen is just broken, and there is no big damage to the others.

Bo Xi turned on his mobile phone in the morning, saw the video above, and opened it.

After seeing the above picture clearly, Bo Xichen's eyes sank and asked the family doctor to go back first.

He sent the video to his mobile phone and watched it from the beginning to the end. He knew why his brother suddenly changed his mood.

Bo Xichen's face is a little complicated.

Are they wrong about people?

Sister in law Is Shen Liyang a man with two feet?

This idea in the mind of the moment, Bo Xichen shivered.

At this time, Shen Liyang, who did not know anything, was sleeping sweetly.

The next morning, when the warm sunshine came in, Shen Liyang stretched himself.

Is it her delusion?

Why did she feel that the air in the villa had changed after a sleep?

Xiaobao is still as close to her as ever, but President Bo was unexpectedly surprised Not downstairs?

"Er Shao, on my face Is there something? Why do you think so of me

Bo Xichen did not have the smile in the past, but the whole person seemed a little serious, "don't you ask my brother?"

Shen Liyang: "what's wrong with the president?"

Bo Xichen: "little sister-in-law Shen Liyang, my brother is ill. "

Shen Li Yang is holding the little guy in his arms. Xiaobao is also a Leng. He looks at him for a few seconds, and then goes upstairs.

Bo Xichen thought about it and followed him.

Just when Shen Liyang and Xiao Bao are halfway up the stairs, the cold sound of thin It appears at the entrance of the stairs.

Shen Liyang stepped up the steps and stood on tiptoe to touch his forehead Well? "

Her hand did not touch him, but he covered it.

Looking at the complicated Western scene.

"Your honor, President?" Shen Liyang raised his head and looked at him.The voice of thin cold voice some dumb: "I'm ok, eat first."

Then she released her hand and went downstairs.

Shen Liyang looked at his hand and frowned.

She seemed to feel He treats her Exclusion?

This kind of perception makes Shen liyang's heart a little sour and uncomfortable.

The atmosphere on the dining table is not as relaxed as before.

Shen Liyang looked at Bo's voice several times, but President Bo never gave her a look.

The food that always suits her appetite has become dull and tasteless at the moment. After taking two mouthfuls, she put down her chopsticks and said, "I'm full. You can eat slowly."

Bo Hansheng looks at the breakfast she hasn't touched. Her deep eyebrows twinkle, but also It's just a flicker.

A child's mind is always sensitive, "Dad, you've changed."

When Shen Liyang heard the speech, his back stiffened, pursed his lips and raised his feet to go upstairs.

And thin cold voice?

He held the chopsticks hand, suddenly tightened, looking at the girl's back, in the end or opened his mouth: "Yangyang, let's talk."

The little guy puffed his cheek and his mouth was open. Obviously, he wanted to say something, but Bo Xichen held his little hand and gently shook his head at him.

Xiaobao: "it's just

Thin cold sound pushed aside the chair, long legs two or three steps to Shen liyang's side, and then He took her hand and pulled the man upstairs.

He had long legs and walked fast. Shen Liyang could only keep up with him by trotting.

Thin cold voice took her to the study, suddenly let go of her hand.

It was the second time this morning that he had let go of her hand.

Shen Liyang thought that he was still angry because of his late return yesterday, so he took the initiative to say, "didn't we all reconcile yesterday?"

President Bo turned around and his eyes were deep as night: "tell me, whose clothes were you yesterday? What is the relationship between you and Yun Yixian? Yangyang, you should know that I can't rub sand in my eyes. "

Although his voice was not elevated and had the same tone as usual, Shen Liyang still felt a little cold.

"You I've been investigated, haven't you? "

When Yun Yixian's name came out, Shen Liyang knew that he had checked himself.

Bo cold voice did not answer, but looked at her with heavy eyes. He was trying to restrain his emotions.

In fact, he was never the kind with a good temper, just afraid to frighten her.