Shen Li's head was shaking like a rattle, "no, I don't know anything."

Her head was shaking in a great radian, and her voice was a little suspicious. If she turned two more circles, she would turn herself dizzy. She was really angry and funny. Looking at the girl's frightened eyes, she didn't really get angry with her in the end.

"No hobby." He stroked her eyebrows with his big hand, "it's just I don't want to look too big for you. "

Shen Liyang heard the speech and widened his eyes: "hmm?"

Not too much, she?

Is that what she meant?

"Yangyang, I'm five years older than you." Bo Han Sheng, a man of this kind, has always been reticent and does not like to explain. He has reached the limit here.

Shen liyang's mind was agitated. It was only after half a day that he came back to his mind, "I I, you Not old. "

After that, I almost want to bite off my tongue. What's this The ghost answers?

When President Bo heard the speech, his chest vibrated and gave out a light smile. He rubbed her cheek with his finger belly and bent down to look at her. He seemed to be joking: "well, not old."


The next morning, Shen Liyang woke up under the vibration of the alarm clock.

Sit up, brain emptied for a while, this is to wash, breakfast, go to the company.

Originally, she thought that she came very early because she did not have the habit of waiting, but she did not expect that when she arrived, Feng Xiaoxiao was already waiting for her at the door.

And it seems that I have been waiting for a while.

Shen Liyang stopped the car, "so early?"

Feng Xiaoxiao is a little nervous, and her smile is slightly unnatural. But it can be seen that she is trying to show her best side, "me too Just arrived. "

Shen Liyang looked at the thick black circles under her eyelids: "didn't you sleep well?"

In fact, Feng Xiaoxiao didn't sleep well. She didn't sleep all night.

Throughout the night, her heart was filled with longing, expectation, anxiety, and deep uncertainty.

She was afraid that all these were illusory dreams. Once she closed her eyes and opened them again, there would be nothing left.

So she didn't dare to sleep.

Shen Liyang also roughly guessed her mind, "let's go, the evening elder sister should arrive immediately, we should go to the office to wait for her first."

Feng Xiaoxiao followed her step by step.

It was just a coincidence that when they walked into the new moon, they met Zhao Xuerou and Gao Shanshan, and they were followed by two artists.

"Well, I said how unlucky this morning. It turns out that crows have come here. It's really funny. Now all kinds of cats and dogs can enter here." What she satirizes is Feng Xiaoxiao, but Shen Liyang is the one who accuses mulberry trees.

Zhao Xuerou has learned to be smart now. She has to let the "dog" around her to do whatever she says and what kind of villains. She just needs to carry noble and elegant.

With a cold glance in her eyes and a smile from Feng, she knew that what happened at the press conference was that the two men worked together to plan for her.

Shen Liyang doesn't want to pay attention to Gao Shanshan, who has no brain. After all, you can't argue with a fool.

She wanted to make a detour to leave, but Gao Shanshan stood in front of them: "what are you in such a hurry? Shen Liyang, anyway, we are the same family and the same company. Should you give me an account of my loss of my role? "

When she knew that her role had been deleted, and Shen Liyang changed from a female second to a woman in "beauty is hell", Gao Shanshan was angry.

She had been sleeping with her for so long that she lost her role!

Shen liyang's arms around his chest: "what do you want to explain? If it's about the character, you can go to the director Or do you want me to show evidence and tell everyone, why were you removed? "

What did she do in the crew and what kind of virtue did she have to say?



I'm choked by your neck

Shen Li Yang micro smile: "yes, I don't care, and I don't care about it. But what do you mean by barking at me for no reason?"

"You dare to scold me!" Gao Shanshan has been angry these days. Shen Liyang refutes Gao Shanshan. She raises her hand and wants to slap her in the face.

Feng Xiaoxiao exclaimed, when he wanted to stop him.

I heard a "bang" sound, the sound of heavy objects landing.

Then, the scream sounded "ah"!

A beautiful over the shoulder fall, Gao Shanshan, who was still domineering just now, was thrown to the ground by Shen Liyang. Her movements were crisp and neat and completed in one go.

Gao Shanshan was a fake handle. She was thrown to the ground and couldn't get up for half a day. She kept screaming.

Shen Liyang looked at Zhao Xuerou, who had no change in her face. Originally, she wanted to warn her and tie her dog. But when she got to her mouth, she swallowed again. It was better to have less than one thing.If Jiang's agent knows that she's making a scene in the hall of the company, it's probably not easy to make an assignment.

But she wanted to calm things down and not to stir up trouble, but Fei was always in a hurry to find her.

When she took Feng Xiaoxiao, who was stunned, to go inside, Zhao Xuerou's other two people helped Gao Shanshan up.

Zhao Xuerou took a deep glance at Shen liyang's back, "have you finished?"

"Good, she insulted Shanshan and hit people's movements have been photographed." One of the female artists said.

Zhao Xuerou closed her hair and said, "let's go online. Isn't she going to have a new variety show? Give her some heat. "

Female entertainer flatters a way: "snow Rou elder sister is kind, return her 18 line heat."

Zhao Xuerou put on airs and said: "how to say it's all from a company. As an elder, I always have to take care of her."

Gao Shanshan holds her waist and wails.

Zhao Xuerou raises her hand and asks her assistant to hand her a bag, which is the latest product of a luxury brand. Gao Shanshan can't close her mouth even with a smile.

"By the way, sister Xuerou, have you heard? That White star evening is coming back. "

"White star night?" Zhao Xuerou is stunned for a moment.

White star night, that is the goal and direction of many female stars.

Broker's office.

When Jiang Wan came in, he was surprised to see Shen Liyang. When he wanted to open his mouth, he saw Feng Xiaoxiao beside her. The smile on his face faded and turned into a professional smile. His eyes asked.

When Feng Xiaoxiao saw her come in, he immediately stood up and bowed: "agent Jiang."

Jiang later ordered his head, which was a greeting, and his attitude was not salty.

"Evening sister, I have something I want to tell you..." Shen Liyang said with a smile.

Jiang Wan raised his hand and interrupted her, saying, "just in time, I have something to tell you Do you know about it? "

"The Chinese actress who broke into Hollywood?" Shen Li said

Jiang Wan: "that's her. She will return home this afternoon."

Shen Liyang eyebrows a pick: "this What does it have to do with me? "