The agent repeatedly refreshed the page twice with his mobile phone, and he was sure that he was not dazzled.

Search box search "Shen Li Yang hit people", not even a related entry.

It's like it's directly blocked.

This has happened more than once.

Zhao Xuerou takes her mobile phone and refreshes the page. Sure enough It's gone.

"It's not the top hackers who can do this, or they have strong financial resources and contacts. Shen Liyang, isn't he What kind of gold master is there? "

Zhao Xuerou: "it's not that Jiang Wan is still here. Maybe it's the hot search she's looking for."

Agent: "although Jiang Wan is a gold medal agent, she can only find someone to get rid of the heat at best. Now the relevant entries are blocked. She can't do it."

When Zhao Xuerou hears the words, her eyes twinkle.

So when she went home, on the dinner table, Zhao Xuerou said this thing carelessly.

Zhao Lingfeng heard the name of Shen Li Yang, it seems a little impatient, "this rebellious girl, there is no time to stop."

Zhao Xuerou gave him a dish, "Dad, don't be angry If you get angry, I'm not going to blame myself When I tell you this, I don't want my sister to go astray. There are so many temptations in the entertainment circle. How can powerful men help her without any reason Not yet... "

"But I told her that she must not listen to them. You can only find the opportunity to persuade her well, so as not to get the time and affect the reputation of the company, so the gain is not worth the loss..."

Finish saying, in Zhao Lingfeng's anger, with his mother sun Xiaoyu looked at.

That night, sun Xiaoyu in Zhao Lingfeng's ear blowing pillow side wind.

Zhao Lingfeng couldn't wait to find Shen Liyang in person. He made a phone call directly. He taught Shen Liyang a lesson without even giving him an opportunity to explain.

At that time, Shen Liyang was playing LEGO with Xiao Bao in his room, and Bo Han Sheng also participated in it.

Because the room is very quiet, three people and close, so thin cold voice and Xiaobao also big difference will Zhao Lingfeng's words heard in the ear.

“…… Whether you believe it or not, I haven't done it. Since you are willing to believe Zhao Xuerou, it's up to you. But I hope that in the future, Dong Zhao will not call me again. I have moved out of the Zhao family. "

Shen liyang's smile originally hung on the corner of his lips has disappeared.

After all, no matter who is in a good mood and is scolded by inexplicable people, or his relatives, I'm afraid they can't laugh again.

Zhao Lingfeng: "move out? Do you think that if you make a bad reputation outside, no one will pour this dirty water on the Zhao family? I'm not a good young lady. I have to be a prostitute. How can I have a daughter like you? "

Shen Liyang sneered, "Zhao Dong has time to scold me here. It's better to take care of your well-known playwright's daughter, and don't make fun of me. If Dong Zhao wants to destroy my mood again, I don't mind suing you for harassment, plus Send the recording to the media! "

With that, Shen Liyang hung up the phone directly.

Holding the mobile phone casually left aside, "neuropathy."

When the scolding was over, he realized that there were still people around him. He scratched his hair and said, "I'm sorry Well, that A harassment call. We'll go on. "

President Bo touched her hair gently with his big palm, "I can..."

"Your honor, president." She looked up. "I want to do it myself about the Zhao family."

The implication is that he is not expected to participate.

Bo Han Sheng: "don't be forced. You can tell me anything."

Shen Liyang nodded.


Bo's group.

After getting out of the car, Bo Hansheng was acutely aware of the flash of the lens around him and rubbed his finger belly slightly.

At the moment of stepping into the group building, I saw a woman sitting on the sofa with sunglasses.

Bai Xingwan also saw him, put down the magazine in his hand, took off his glasses and walked slowly towards him.

"Cold voice, long time, no see." She stretched out her arm to hug him, but was blocked by the thin cold voice.

Bai Xingwan stopped and looked at him with some injuries, "I thought Anyway, we are all friends. "

The thin cold voice Mou color of the Mo light of one eye toward her, "here, is not the place that you should come."

Bai Xingwan was dressed in a white lady's suit, and the elite was able to do it. He looked at him sadly and said, "tell me, where should I go? I went to the villa to see you, but you didn't even answer my phone... "

Said, her eyes slightly red, as if to shed tears, the white star night raised her head, the tears in the eyes of the number of swallowing down, so self-made strong appearance, let thin cold voice of the eyes flash down.

With some familiarity from the bottom of my heart, let him Breathing is one of the pain."We Find a place to talk, OK? These years, I I never forget you. " He said, a little bit late with the white of the hand.

Bo Han's voice was stunned and could not say If you refuse.

White star evening see him silent acquiescence, the heart can not help but a sigh of relief, she knows, thin cold voice can not refuse her like tears do not shed the appearance.

She didn't know the specific reason. She used to watch it specially. After she couldn't see why, she could only think that at this time, she was pitifully delicate and wanted to be cared for.

In a cafe near Bo's group.

Bai Xingwan: "I know, you must blame me for leaving without saying goodbye But cold voice, I also have my helplessness You are the president of the group, and I am just a little star Everyone is telling me that I don't deserve you Everyone says I've climbed up to you. What can I do? I just want to prove to everyone that I can be worthy of you... "

"Over the years, I gave up my thriving performing career in China. I went abroad alone and communicated with a group of foreigners in Jiasheng English. I started from Bruce Lee to become an international film star step by step, just to be worthy of you."

Thin cold voice, eyes quiet listening, from the beginning to the end did not say a word.

Bai Xingwan couldn't understand his mind and could only hold his hand tightly Now, we have no feelings for us Let's start over, OK? I really love you, these years These years, you are my driving force to support me to go strong in foreign countries Let's start over, shall we

Thin cold voice Mou color looks at her deeply, after a few seconds, pushed away her hand, "I already have a girlfriend."

Already have a girlfriend?

Bai Xingwan's expression was stunned, and he was severely hit. After a long time, he came back to himself: "no, it's impossible. You're lying to me Are you not willing to forgive me, so That's why I said that? "