"Yangyang, I will miss you when I go out for so many days..."

Shen Liyang thinks that he is using male sex to give her infatuation. Although they will not go to the last step every time, he respects her and wants to leave the most holy moment on the wedding night, but

Respect is respect. Other times, it's not honest at all.

"You Don't mess around. " She murmured.

Shen Liyang doubted whether he was possessed by someone. Otherwise, how could the contrast between before and after, the contrast between day and night, would So big?

When he took her hand and was familiar with it, Shen liyang's Blush would drip out of the water, "you used to, not like this."

The man's hoarse voice rang in her ear, "Yang Yang, you are wrong, I am like this..."

He said: "I've always been like this. From the first time I saw you, I wanted to be like this. I really want to I really want to I'll peel you in

This is an indescribable feeling, Rao is Bo cold voice, conceited and wise, and can't understand why he has such an impulse and thought.

It's like an instinct in the blood.

Even when we meet for the first time, even if we don't know each other, even if we don't know the details, we have this instinct.

There is no reason and no trace to be found.

That is, at the first sight, he knew that he wanted her.

This is the first time that Shen Liyang heard him disclose his thoughts when they met for the first time.

"But I How do you feel, at that time, you were so lofty and like a saint. " She whispered.


President Bo seems to have some helpless emotion, he said: "meet you, down the altar."

Although his wrists are sour and numb, there are still some It was hot, but Shen Liyang had to admit that she was coaxed by the sweet words of the president I'm very happy.

President Bo wiped her hands carefully, looked at her smile and bent her eyes, and fondly scraped the bridge of her nose, "what are you laughing at, huh?"

She was holding the quilt, "well I won't tell you. "

Thin cold voice long arm opens quilt, "really don't say?"

In the face of his threat, Shen Li Yang was arrogant and spoiled. He said angrily, "if you move again, if you make a fire, you can take a cold bath yourself."

She is going to record a variety show tomorrow, but she has no strength to accompany him again. She can think of her hands and be seen.

"Cruel girl."

In the night of colored glaze, warmth flows slowly between two people.

With him at his side, Shen Liyang had a good sleep and had no dream all night.

Just when the day was about to light up, she vaguely heard the dull voice of pain around her.

Although the brain is still sleeping, but she is in an instant thought of thin cold voice has nightmares, suddenly opened her eyes.

Thin cold voice, eyebrows locked, thin lips are abnormal white, look like The pain was to the extreme.

Seeing his appearance, Shen Liyang was anxious to wake him up.

But I don't know why, as if her voice did not play any auxiliary role, but aggravated his pain.

Shen Liyang didn't notice at first, but when she called his name for the third time, a cold sweat had already appeared on his forehead.

The thin cold sound in my sleep is really in great pain.

he saw two as like as two peas, and he was fighting all the time. One of them stabbed the dagger into Shen Li's hand bone.


A man was crawling on the ground in pain and yelling.

One is bloodthirsty to lick the taste of blood, obsessive and nostalgic eyes.

And Shen Liyang, pale as paper, fell to the ground.

Her hand was stabbed on the ground by a dagger, and the whip was severely whipped on her body. She was crying and crying for help.

But he couldn't save her.

He failed and was tied up by the iron chain. Even though he tried hard to get rid of it, the chain would make a loud noise, but

He can't get rid of it. He can't do anything about it.

Can only so helplessly watch her sad appearance.

His wrist was bleeding from the chain, and the blood seemed to break, but he didn't care about anything. Only her pale face was in his scarlet eyes.

"I'm sorry..."

"I'm sorry..."

He apologized, apologized to her, apologized to him, couldn't save her.

Another "thin cold sound" with a whip, with the winner's posture, looked at their painful appearance. For a long time, she grinned bitterly and pulled Shen liyang's hair. She raised her head, clasped her cheek, and gnawed hard on her lips.

"Let her go! Let her go

Yelling and anger, however, did not help."Cold voice Mr. President... "

"Chill, wake up."

Shen Liyang was frightened by his appearance, and his voice unconsciously took some choking and shaking.

This scene, let wake up the thin cold sound, the reality and the dream picture, confused, he sat up, suddenly in front of the girl tightly in his arms, tight, tight, as if to embed her in the bone marrow.

Shen Liyang was held too tightly by him, and some of them couldn't breathe. He stretched out his arm and patted him gently on his shoulder: "cold voice, you hold me, some pain."

She was only wearing pajamas. His chest was so hard that her chest hurt badly.

Calm down the thin cold voice, this just hindsight of the release of some strength, dumb voice to her apology: "sorry."

Shen Liyang shook his head. "I'm fine You Have you had a nightmare? "

He nodded, but still repeatedly apologized to her.

I don't know whether to apologize to her or to Shen Liyang in my dream.

Thin cold voice put her slowly on the bed, thin lips pitifully kiss her eyebrows and lips, "rippling, if one day, I can't protect you, how to do?"

Shen Liyang did not know what dream he had, so that his eyes were tired and depressed.

All she could do was put her arm around his neck. "I can protect myself, or I can protect you."

This, she said very seriously, like The promise of this life.

Thin cold voice eyes color deep look at her between the saplings, and then He laughed.

"Silly girl."

"I'm serious," she said

He just laughs.

In the early morning, when the first ray of sunshine outside the window came in, Shen liyang's alarm clock also rang. She turned off the alarm clock vaguely and opened her eyes sleepily.

Then, at a glance, he bumped into his dark pupil, and the tender feeling under his eyes could melt the ice.

Thin cold sound is supporting the arm, saw her wake up, in her eyes fell a kiss, "good morning, my girl."

"Good morning." She frowned and laughed.

It was obviously a warm morning.

However, after the warmth, there will be another three days not to see each other.

After breakfast, father and son, one big and one small, watched her leave, reluctant to give up, let Shen liyang's heart a soft.