Fu Chaolang was closest to her, and the arm poked her: "why don't you talk?"

Shen Liyang looked at the corpses on the ground and said, "I just feel that there is something wrong..."

Liu haole: "Sister Li Yang, have you found anything?"

Other people's eyes also fell on Shen Liyang. Unconsciously, Shen Liyang became their mainstay like existence.

“…… At the moment, I'm not sure, maybe we need more clues. " She just vaguely felt as if something had been ignored.

“…… Otherwise, let's go to the room upstairs again? " Pan Yunan suggested.

Room upstairs?

Shen Liyang immediately shivered.

People can't help but smile when they see her like this. Who could have thought that Shen Liyang, who can even examine the corpse without changing his face, is afraid of some gods and ghosts.

"I'm not It's better to study these corpses here. Go and have a look first. " Shen Yang continued to study.

Fu Chaolang saw this and winked with Liu haole. Liu haole hesitated, but in the end, he could only compromise.

"One, two, three, go."

Fu Chaolang suddenly grasped one of Shen liyang's arms. Liu haole slowed down a step, but also kept up with his movements. They then carried Shen Liyang up the stairs.

"Fu Chaolang, your uncle, let me go!"

"Liu haole, you want to be in the same boat with the goods, aren't you? I'm still not your sister Li Yang? "

In Shen liyang's angry voice, a group of people went upstairs.

"Bang --"

Fu Chaolang kicked the door of the new house upstairs with one foot, and said, "come on, look for clues. It's up to you whether we can finish the task or not."

Shen Li Yang fiercely horizontal his one eye, "calculate you cruel!"

Fu Chaolang smile: "each other, close to the dark."

Shen Liyang molar teeth: I want to hit people.

The director group behind the camera.

"If this episode is broadcast, I'm afraid there will be a lot less comments on the Internet that Shen Liyang pastes Fu Chaolang and rubs heat."

"Not only will there be a lot less, I think, it will be a large-scale face fight scene."

Only the chief director did not express any opinions. According to his years of experience, Fu Chaolang was obviously more active this time than the last time Take the initiative to interact with Shen Liyang. If he didn't receive news from the man, he would even feel that he had come to wash the white for Shen Liyang.

With their own initiative, to break the online attacks on Shen Li Yang's comments.

"Director Do you want to increase the difficulty? Shen Liyang seems to have found something... "

This is the first day. If the answer is given so quickly, will their plan of three days and two nights be in vain?

Hearing the speech, the director took back his mind and looked at the camera.

On the screen at this time, Shen Liyang did not know where to find a small ruler, is measuring the shape of the wound on the neck of the bridegroom and the bride.

If it is an experienced forensic medicine, can identify, to a certain extent, the neck wound is suicide or homicide.

Because the wounds of suicide and homicide are slightly different at the beginning and end of the knife edge.

Suicide, because the suicide is afraid of pain, will unconsciously slow down some strength in the end, so the wound will be shallower than at the beginning.

In most cases, from the beginning to the end, the force of the blade should be more uniform.

When Shen Liyang was about to find something, the light in the room was turned off.

Then, a burst of commotion came, Liu haole first "ah" a scream, "someone! There are people in this room! "

With his words, the hairs of the other people in the room stood up.

In the dark environment, Shen liyang's fingers trembled and took out copper coins and charms from his private bag.

Then there was a sound of moving coffins in the room.

Fu Chaolang: "it can't be It's a fake corpse. "

Shen liyang's voice trembled: "don't talk, uncle! Hurry up, turn on the light quickly... "

Jiang Youjin is close to the coffin. She feels that someone has walked past behind her. Her voice is so loud that she wants to overturn the roof. "Yes, there is a ghost."

Xu Tongxu is also afraid, but still trying to pacify them, "no, it's OK, don't Don't scare yourself... "

Pan yun'an echoed: "yes, yes Don't be afraid. Now, look for the switch first... "

"How can I hear that? Over the coffin Is there any movement? " Liu haole is the youngest inside, and his voice is full of crying.

Jiang Youjin was so scared that he didn't dare to move. "I also feel it..."At this time, Shen Liyang was slapped on the shoulder.

She was so frightened that she suddenly yelled: "prosperity, democracy, civilization, harmony, freedom, equality, justice, rule of law, patriotism, dedication, honesty, friendliness!"

The sound is so loud and powerful that the director who is drinking water "poops" and sprays out all the water that hasn't come and swallows.

"Cough, cough This is, is this a mantra? "

The other members of the director group also couldn't help laughing. The girl, too funny.


The light in the room was turned on and the light was restored.

Shen Liyang suddenly turned his head. When he saw Fu Chaolang, who put his arm on his shoulder, he repeatedly showed what it was called unilateral, "enemies meet with envy.".

"Fu, Chao, Lang!! I'll fight with you

To tell you the truth, she will be scared like this, which is really not in Fu Chaolang's expectation.

And, this time, he meant it all.

I didn't want her to be afraid, so I put my arm on her shoulder to reassure her. Who knows

Self defeating.

She was so scared that she even recited the core socialist values.

"Stop! If I don't teach you a lesson today, you won't know how many eyes Lord Ma has!" Shen Liyang pointed to the fleeing Fu Chaolang and roared.

Standing still is a fool.

Fu Chaolang knew her skill and had experienced it for many times. How could he stand still.

"Don't bite me, lvdongbin. I don't know good people. It's your own advice. What's it to do with me? "

"Nothing to do with you? It's okay. What are you scaring me for? What are you doing with your hands on my shoulders Let's settle the old and new accounts together today! "

The rest of the people in the shock, this leg is a little soft, want to persuade, but also powerless, can only temporarily become a spectator.

Suddenly, in Shen Liyang and Fu Chaolang, a gecko on the wall fell into the bride's coffin.