The director took a sip of tea: "strike recording is also a good point, when the cut out, but also increase the exposure."

Deputy director: "in case It's a big deal? "

The director saw clearly, "that's not, there is Shen Liyang."

Some of them couldn't keep up with the director's ideas. "Shen Liyang has high plasticity, and his future development is unlimited, but now It's an 18 line, can you afford to watch? In the early stage of our program, more than half of the traffic was contributed by Fu Chaolang's fans. "

Director: "when did I say that, I mean With Shen Li Yang, Fu Chaolang will not stop recording. "

Staff: "does Shen Liyang have this ability?"

Director: "have this ability, continue to see not to know."

Off screen.

Shen Liyang was speechless and rolled his eyes. "Big brother, this is a variety show. It's a show. Calm down. Hello."

What do you want to look like "you've been wronged as a murderer"?

Show! Show! Show!! eldest brother!!

Fu Aojiao Chaolang's arrogant Yang Qi and his fluent mandible, "it's not on the program. You can't doubt me. Do you hear me?"

Even the Self Justification of this paragraph to jump directly over, straightforward to Shen Liyang issued instructions, that tall appearance with open screen peacock like.

Shen Liyang: "yes, my Highness Princess."

Fu Chaolang: "what's your name?"

Shen Liyang raised his eyes Your highness? "

Fu Chaolang snorted coldly, "not rare."

Shen Li Yang rolled his eyes heavily and slapped him on the shoulder: "you almost got it. It's endless."

Jiang Youjin is deeply shocked when he is watching.

Many people know about the hot fried chicken in the circle, but the proud man with a peacock in front of him

Subverting cognition and three outlooks, it is.

"Cut it out, cut it out. This paragraph must be kept, and the ratings and topics will be available." The director's rapturous expression.

As long as Shen Liyang and Fu Chaolang interact in the same frame, each frame is a treasure of topic.

"My goddess is going to announce it to the official soon Don't

A staff member who was resting, after seeing a group of photos exposed on the Internet, did not care about recording the program, and directly exclaimed that he was hard to accept.

"What's your name?"

"No That, that white goddess, she She was photographed with a man wait! Some people say that this man is Bo Hansheng, the president of Bo's group

The man quickly took the mobile phone over, "director, you have not seen the thin cold voice, you quickly have a look, this is not him in the end."

The director originally wanted to scold him, but smelling speech connived at his action and looked at the mobile phone screen handed over to him.

The man in the photo has a very high recognition of his face. Even if he has been looking for entertainment circles, there will not be such a strong and handsome man at the same time.

Only a glance at the director can confirm that this man is Bo Han Sheng.

Thinking that Bai shirou said that he came back to start with a person again, the director's eyes immediately thought about it.

Although he did not say the answer directly, but his silence, enough to show everything.

The staff who came over with their mobile phones were hit hard and said they were hard to accept.

"How can the goddess be so upset that she wants to marry into a powerful family? How can she be so upset that not most of the female stars marry into the rich and powerful families in the end?"

"What do you know You also said that it was a big family, especially like the Bo family. It was a fighter plane in a big family. There was a top class. Which woman could withstand such temptation. "

"My goddess herself is a powerful family. She is an international film queen. Even a prince can match her."

As iron powder, it is naturally provided with filter.

No one argued with him.

Nanshan No.1 Hospital.

"Brother Something's going on. " Bo Xichen rushed over with his mobile phone to report the urgent military situation.

President Bo is studying the report, "what does it look like to be flustered?"

Bo Xichen suddenly stopped his pace, then calmed down his breath, so that he looked calm and self-sustaining. His voice was very weak and said to him: "that Brother, look at this. "

What he shows Bo Han Sheng is that Bai shirou is about to marry into Bo's family.

Thin cold voice, sword eyebrow suddenly twisted up, "immediately withdraw."

"This I'm afraid it's not easy. " Bo Xichen finally found the opportunity to teach his brother a lesson with his experience. He cleared his throat and said, "according to Bai shirou's current fame, not everyone is willing to give up this hot spot. As soon as she comes forward, this matter will become more and more intense My sister-in-law I'm afraid so. I'll know sooner or later. "Of course, Bo Xichen knew that his elder brother didn't care about anything, but he was deeply in love with his sister-in-law. He refused to accept any grievance. Bai shirou came back and made such a scene. It's really Wonderful.

"Let the official website of the Ministry of public relations issue an official article to clarify this incident immediately." Thin cold voice deep voice.

Bo Xichen took the order and didn't dare to do it immediately.

However, none of them thought that the official blog post was directly held down by the thin father and didn't let it go.

Seeing this, she worried a little: "if you say so, if the cold voice knows..."

"I'm his father. Can he eat me? Now I'm fighting poison with poison. Since Bai shirou wants to join our Bo family, he must first drive Shen Liyang away from Han Sheng's side. " Said Bo Fu.

Bo mother: "but Han Sheng obviously doesn't have that meaning to Bai shirou now. Aren't you ordering mandarin duck spectrum? What's more, in my opinion, Bai shirou has a lot of heart and mind, which is even more unsuitable for our thin family. "

"The mantis catches the cicada and the Yellow finch is behind. Let her get rid of the people first. What is the direction of the rest of the things, she can't control."

Bo mother heard the words and understood the meaning of Bo Fu.

Bo father quickly let people find Bai shirou's phone call, and then called in the past.

If you want a horse to run, you always have to give it some grass first.

Don't give Bai shirou some sweet, let her know, she has a support behind her, how can she act so fast

At this time, Shen Liyang didn't know anything, and was still actively cooperating with the recording program. However, during the shooting process, his eyelid jumped twice in a row, "achiao" and "achiao" sneezed twice in succession.

"What's wrong with you? Have you got a cold Fu Aojiao Chao Lang, even when he showed concern, was arrogant and arrogant, "let you try your best. If you have a plan, don't tell me to do it directly. You can hop around at night."

This is still for the footprints, dissatisfaction.

Shen Liyang felt that coaxing the goods was more tiring than coaxing children.